hacker:HUNTER - Wannacry: The Marcus Hutchins Story - All 3 Chapters

Published 2019-10-25
One day in May 2017, computers all around the world suddenly shut down. A malware called WannaCry asks for a ransom. The epidemic suddenly stops, because a young, British researcher finds a killswitch, by accident.

An exclusive Tomorrow Unlocked documentary. #hackerhunterseries

Watch all episodes of the hacker:HUNTER series here: www.tomorrowunlocked.com/guardians/hacker_HUNTER/

All Comments (21)
  • @doms6741
    Media should be banned from publishing someone's address.
  • @j.b.708
    the idea that dude just registered a domain and accidentally disabled this attack kinda glosses over that marcus had been a very talented and busy counter-malware researcher already by that point.
  • @mizuhonova
    Write code that enables stealing of banking info, you're looking at 10 years in prison. Actually stealing money as a Wells Fargo executive, not even a slap on the wrist.
  • @homes24
    3:52 Director: "Make it look as hacky as possible" Guy behind computer, runs 100 instances of "tree" and "htop" and a 2nd screen with a world map.....
  • @wackyking464
    FBI: couldn't catch the wannacry bandit, nah what the hell lets arrest the one who save the world from wannacry malware......
  • @FreshJ1v3
    "It's only when you get older that you really learn what's right and wrong" Priceless.
  • @heyitsnayaa6736
    Hacker community really stands behind their own! It’s amazing.
  • @ZodMagus
    This was an excellent documentary. I'm glad there's some good judges out there
  • @Jone952
    Long story short, government thought they could screw him cuz he's poor but they didn't expect people online donating to his cause so he can defend himself in court
  • @mesmith2526
    As the saying goes, “No good deed goes unpunished.”
  • @Janzer_
    $1-1.2 million dollars just to defend yourself. That's the real crime.
  • @jh-lp7cg
    "In outdated versions of windows.." You mean in versions of Windows that didn't have the patch the NSA told Microsoft to patch to cover the Vault 7 leaks.
  • @pimpshiza
    Excellent presentation of the story, the overview of how important white hats are for future security, and in a nice digestible piece. Thanks to those who made this!
  • @j5jackson878
    The rare occasion when true justice actually prevails in America
  • "All the computers have been stopped" - LOL classic line from that generation.
  • @AowchMyFoot
    this really is a feel good story. makes me wannacry I'll see myself out
  • It seems that society hardly allows stories of redemption anymore but this just so happens to be that rare exception. I hope one day his story will be turned into a movie, one the likes of 'the social network'