Time Stops at the Speed of Light. What Does that Mean?

Published 2024-04-21
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You might have heard that according to Einstein's theories of special and general relativity time doesn't pass for light, or that time actually stops for light. Can this possibly be correct? In this video, I will look at what the maths says and discuss what it means.

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All Comments (21)
  • Light: "I'd like to respond to your question, but I simply don't have the time!"
  • @phuzed37
    "I have always been everywhere I am." - Light
  • @mp-kq3vc
    Light here: I'm not moving, you are.
  • @0cellusDS
    A photon checks into a hotel and is asked if it needs help with its luggage. It responds: "No thanks, I am travelling light.".
  • @roger7341
    Speaking of Time stopping for a Light, I once travelled with my boss to a small town in northern Michigan, which had only a single stoplight at the corner of Walk and Don't Walk. He was driving the rental car to the only restaurant in town and accidentally ran through the only red light in town and was immediately pulled over by the only Sheriff in town and handed a ticket.
  • @dadamson
    I would love to see a follow-up video to explain how photons can have a frequency (cycles/T) given that T = 0 from the perspective of the photon.
  • @hexagram531
    She had me within a minute, with "and who is not looking for a way to get off the planet at this point..."
  • Time slows down when at work and speeds up when you are not!!!! Time also speeds up after 50 years of age!!!!!!
  • @dec081
    Time typically just about stops M-F at about 8am-12pm and again at 1pm-5pm.
  • I love Sabine. She is the irrefutable manifestation of the differences between levels of intelligence. I click on her presentations several times a month, intrigued by the possibility that I might actually understand one of them from beginning to end... against the accumulating evidence of my experience. I follow her as far as I can, then come to the separation point where, like a rocket's booster dropping off to oblivion as the rocket soars toward space, I disengage and fall back to my accustomed level. Nevertheless, I love the ride, however brief, and return for more, grateful and perhaps a micro measure more enlightened than before. Danke, Sabine!
  • @Matelight_IT
    "last time I checked YouTube didn't support 4-dimentional graphic" - this is gold
  • There's a bunch of problems that come from accepting a rest frame moving at the speed of light. The first problem is that light moves at c in all rest frames and thus the rest frame of light is one in which light is both at rest and moving at c, somehow. The second problem is that we observe light having a time varying behavior called "frequency." If light existed in an infinitely time dilated reference frame then we could only observe it as frozen - there would be no frequency. Another problem is that we observe light to have an extent in the direction of motion called wavelength. Again, if light existed in an infinitely time dilated rest frame then we shouldn't observe it to have a wavelength because there would be infinite length contraction, yet, it does have wavelength. These problems come from arguments where we let velocity approach c and jump to conclusions about what happens in the limit when v=c. This results in expressions of the form of one divided by zero, which, mathematically is not infinity but, instead, is UNDEFINED. If you allow division by zero you can prove anything. Now, light travels at exactly c in vacuum and not a smidgin less, so applying time dilation to light becomes undefined. We need to accept that light simply plays by different rules, which is what physics does because its job is to predict what is observable in the real world.
  • @Mortac
    Hi. Light here. I can tell you that the future is bright.
  • @wootcrisp
    I don't think I've ever heard this particular relationship between light and time worded so well. Thank you.
  • @Philrc
    One of the problems I have with Sabine saying clever things is just when I think I'm going to get my head around it, i don't 🤣
  • The way I think about time "stopping" at the speed of light is this: it isn't that time has stopped, it's that local events have slowed to stagnation relative to an observer moving at subliminal speeds. Think of all the events that make up your conscious experience. Your cells divide. Your heart beats. Oxygen and carbon dioxide are exchanged in your lungs. Electrons are moved across the mitochondrial inner membrane. Your synapses send and receive trillions of neurochemical signals. All of that slows to a crawl. You become frozen, right down to the electrons in your atoms, while the universe around you zips by. If you, at any point, stop moving at light speed, you will notice that you're in a different location, but it will appear to you as if you instantaneously teleported there because you will have essentially been in stasis for the trip. However, you haven't actually teleported, because quite a bit of time will have actually passed outside of your immediate locality.