Trump Call With RFK LEAKS, Trump Asks For Endorsement Sparking SCANDAL w/TheQuartering | Timcast IRL


コメント (21)
  • As a European, "Asks For Endorsement Sparking SCANDAL " should be no issue. You guys are nuts...
  • @jcjp2209
    Trump don't need his endorsement.
  • @jaykekeola
    Kind of a bitch move of the Kennedy's to expose their private phone call.
  • @wearechange
    Things are only going to get waaaay crazier from here! Good to be back on the show hope you enjoyed it!!!
  • @DonaldDeCicco
    A phone call does not "leak" unless someone records it. And I doubt it gets recorded accidentally but posted intentionally
  • Nope. Tenacious d has zero integrity behind that apology. They only did it because of the backlash. They don’t mean it one bit
  • My son got his shots(13 yrs ago) and that night was in the hospital with crazy fever and seizures .By the time he was ready to leave the hospital,my son no longer LOOKED AT YOU,SPOKE,ATE REGULAR FOOD, NO LONGER COULD HANDLE CERTAIN COLORS OR SOUNDS. They say its autism....BUT i think its brain damage from the high fevers which brought on seizures. Just a few short hours after his dr visit....i lost the bright,bubbly ,adventurous boy....
  • Why a scandal? How is it scandalous to ask for an endorsement or make promises in exchange? Isn't this the way politics is done?
  • @YoungDoug13
    Elaad with a terrible take every time he opens his mouth
  • @brina815
    That doesn’t mean Trump wants to mandate anything. He knows his base
  • I find it funny that the hardest thing for some people to do is just be silent and hold their opinion to themselves or at the very least don't release it online.
  • @UmbraBree
    Damn i actually got a superchat read for once! Thanks for reading it out Tim!
  • @RedPillDosage
    Oh gawd. Not Jeremy.. "I helped Tim Pool, but whatever" "I helped Steven Crowder but whatever" "I'm a big deal, but whatever"
  • @chris20874
    Tim, Destiny was on Peirs Morgans show and doubled down on everything he's been saying. And as far as I know the show is still up
  • @ChiefCrewin
    Tim, I completely understand where you're coming from and you're right to say that forgiveness is built into Christianity especially. However, as you also mentioned, true forgiveness requires true repentance and I seriously doubt most of what we've been seeing over the last few days will come with any kind of repentance. These people are recoiling in the face of backlash they don't actually want to reconcile.
  • @jimboramba
    When I heard Tim say "the quartering" I almost jumped out my seat! Awesome show!
  • The male SCNR writer is outrageously naive and has a blatant selective memory regarding violence twd the right. When BAD or EVIL people say they want to hurt you BELIEVE THEM. How many times must this song be sung BEFORE you know the chorus by heart. Willfully ignorant but too afraid to make the statement. Acknowledge the cowardice. Growkowski (bad spelling, apologies) is SPOT ON CORRECT!!!!