Dr Pepper Enthusiast John Green Taste Tests Dr Pepper and Its Misbegotten Pretenders

Publicado 2022-11-08
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In which John tries to guess which Dr Pepper is actually Dr Pepper, and along the way shares some ideas about what makes Dr Pepper so deeply and truly extraordinary.

Yes, this video is over 4 minutes long. Is it educational? Probably not. Does this mean that I technically owe nerdfighteria a punishment? Probably so.

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Todos los comentarios (21)
  • @vlogbrothers
    Sign up for the awesome socks club: awesomesocks.club/johntw Also, big thanks to @thecalucita for giving me this idea in a Dear Hank and John patreon livestream! For those who are new: Vlogbrothers videos over 4:00 long are genuinely deemed to violate "the rules" (which we made up in 2007) and therefore result in some kind of punishment. The only exceptions are if the video contains a montage or if it's educational. Is this an educational video? I mean, probably not. So I probably owe you a punishment. But I will listen to your comments in case you would like to argue that maybe it IS educational, because it contains vital information about the illustrious taste and history of Dr Pepper. -John
  • @UnkillableJay
    "2 doctor have told me that if I drink it I'll die, but they died first" she's an absolute legend
  • @T1J
    i love this because this is the type of video that could go viral but john insists on making perhaps the least clickable title possible
  • @MadiEvett
    the amount of stress john has while being completely correct really speaks to me lmao
  • @ingesexton811
    I almost felt like I should look away and give John a private moment, when he was tasting the diet Dr Pepper.
  • @spacey-sam
    I love how John went on a legit full minute rant about how bad the Zevia is only to immediately taste it again after tasting the real deal to confirm how bad it is
  • @bekah9344
    It's so emotional to watch someone do something they're truly good at. And John is good at two things: drinking Dr Pepper and shameless self promotion
  • @schec1015
    The best line, in this whole video, is "that's worse than water." I burst out laughing at that. Because it implies that water is bad. But really, it just tells me that this man doesn't drink water.
  • @light-master
    Blind taste tests should definitely be done with identical straws. If McDonald's really wide straws have taught me anything, it's that the flow rate of a drink hitting your tongue can absolutely change how that drink tastes.
  • @DoodleChaos
    This is more impressive than any wine connoisseur’s palette
  • @thicknavyrain
    That first "Oh..." of recognition at 0:45, that's when I truly felt John's sommelier-like talent for Dr Pepper-esque drinks.
  • The Dr. Pepper/Leaves of Grass analogy was maybe the most John Green thing John Green ever said. I loved it. 💀 ❤
  • @galacticboy2009
    I feel like I'm seeing John Green as the person he truly is, for the first time. Like this is how he acts in everyday life with his friends. This is charming.
  • I’m not even halfway through and the level of joy this video has brought me is indescribable
  • @buffienguyen
    I think John's willingness to take a punishment just to make a longer Dr Pepper video is enough to spare him
  • @noam3561
    I always mix all the sodas in a soda fountain and I'm always surprised how much it tastes like dr pepper, so that origin story makes so much sense
  • This is the John Greenest video I have ever seen, and the sheer poetic quality with which he describes the differences between the beverages has me in stitches.
  • @michellemah2674
    "This tastes like it is going for a taste, which is all wrong!" "You want to go for the way the human heart wants a soda to taste!" John is great 😆