Why Cocaine Is So Incredibly Dangerous

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Why Cocaine Is So Incredibly Dangerous


In this video, Justin from the Institute of Human Anatomy discusses the devastating toll cocaine consumption has on the body.


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Video Timeline

00:00 - 00:34 Intro
00:35 - 01:14 Different Forms of Cocaine
01:15 - 03:30 The Nasal Cavity
03:31 - 06:32 The Destruction of the Nasal Cavity
06:33 - 07:17 The Blood-Brain Barrier
07:18 - 09:41 Cocaine & the Nervous System
09:42 - 10:34 Cocaine Addiction/Dependance
10:35 - 12:28 Overdose
12:29 - 13:26 Summary


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コメント (21)
  • Go to athleticgreens.com/humananatomy to get started on your first purchase and receive a FREE 1-year supply of Vitamin D3+K2 and 5 travel packs. Thanks to Athletic Greens for sponsoring today's video! AG1 by Athletic Greens is a comprehensive, nutrition drink engineered to fill the nutritional gaps in your diet and support your body’s nutritional needs across four pillars of health: Gut health, Immune support, Energy and Recovery! It’s packed with 75 vitamins minerals, whole-food sourced ingredients and combines the perfect amount of micronutrients, absorption and taste to jumpstart your daily routine. AG1 is available in the US, Canada, UK and Europe.
  • I was addicted to cocaine since I was 14 years old. I have been clean for 2 years now(also quit fentanyl) and I have never been happier. I always thought being sober would be miserable, but it is the complete opposite. I work out every day, I feel energetic and confident, I sleep 8 hours a night, and my severe anxiety is completely gone. To anyone struggling with addiction I promise you the hell of withdrawal is a microscopic inconvenience compared the reward you get at the other end. Just know the pain ends and happiness begins.
  • @pastapete9095
    The worst feeling in the world is when you hear the first birds start singing at 4:30 and know you have to be at work in a couple hours.
  • @steph_zee
    Man it’s all fun & games at first. But when it’s 930am & people are on their way to work while you’re on your way home shìt is not fun at all. When u get home & u have to tie a shirt around your head to cover your eyes because it’s broad daylight outside & you want darkness. When it’s bright as shit & everybody is awake & moving & you’re “sleeping” but your still hearing every single noise around you. Nah man. That shìt ain’t fun. & it’s not worth it. Once the suicidal thoughts start creeping in while your laying there trying to sleep that’s when you know it’s time to stop. I pray that anyone still hooked on this gets the help they need. IT GETS BETTER I PROMISE. DONT EVER GIVE UP ❤
  • I started doing drugs 23 years ago as a teenage, got addicted to cocaine. Spent my whole life fighting cocaine addiction. I suffered severe depression and mental disorder. Cocaine addiction actually destroyed my life. Not until my son recommended me to psilocybin mushrooms treatment. Psilocybin treatment saved my life honestly. 8 years totally clean. Never thought I would be saying this about mushrooms.
  • Hm, I was an extreme addict for 4 years in my early 20’s, luckily I never had permanent damage to my nose or facial bones. Of course, I don’t know what it did to the rest of me! Good riddance to that lifestyle
  • @marisasob
    For anyone struggling with alcohol AND cocaine addiction, i can tell you from my personal experience that quitting alcohol is an important step to quit (or reduce) cocaine usage.
  • I was on cocaine on and off, more on, from 13 to 38. I also was on meth, heroine, and methadone for years. I've been clean since 2012. I love being sober and can't believe I survived all those years of drug use. My nose seems to be ok,unbelievably! I use to fall asleep behind the wheel on heroine and methadone. I crashed 8 cars into trees. Thank God I never had passengers or ever ran anybody over! Man, for anybody still fighting the addiction battle, NEVER STOP TRYING ! We have so much power to help so many people once we get sober!
  • I’ve been around cocaine since my early twenties. Seemed like it was everywhere all the time and it was normal. In my early 30’s now, and clean from alcohol and cocaine. I have watched this destroy so many lives and I decided I wasn’t going to be one of them. Working out, staying sober, and trying my best to be a good dad! It feels great to be free from this shit.
  • This crap caused me to have kidney failure back in 2015 when I was still struggling with drug addiction. I almost freaking died and had to be on dialysis for 3 months, and I was one lucky SOB that my kidneys bounced back and recovered. It's memories like this that remind me why being addicted to drugs is no life to live.
  • An old friend of mine has been coked up for over 30 years. He’s got a hole burned through the roof of his mouth. He got extremely violent, mean, belligerent, just miserable to be around. I haven’t seen him in almost 17 years as his outbursts and chronic lies almost got us killed one night. I had to walk away and turn my back on him for mine and my family’s safety. Sad that such a gifted and talented man completely destroyed himself and ruined every relationship he had with family and friends.
  • Psychedelics are just an exceptional mental health breakthrough. It's quite fascinating how effective they are against depression and anxiety. Saved my life.
  • I was 20 years old when my friends introduced cocaine to me. We were in a hotel room excited for our first rave. I was hooked on it for 8 years since then. I moved out of state last October and I’ve been clean ever since. 7 months sober and I’ve lost 55 pounds and look a few years younger now! I’ve never been so healthy as an adult and I appreciate life so much more.
  • My brother was a cocaine addict. His personality changed totally. He became paranoid and caused irreparable damage to the family. It was as if he revelled in chaos and friction. Deeply unhealthy, it killed him in the end. Yet he was a man who had everything, the world at his feet - it was painful and sad to watch his self destruction.
  • Watching this high cause you havent sleep in 3 days and dont know how to stop is something else
  • I'm in my 20s and I've been a moderate coke user for about a year now. When i say moderate, I mean I do it 2-3 nights a week. Even at that pace, I've started noticing some adverse effects. Doing a bump used to bring me from baseline to having higher energy. Now, I feel like a walking zombie most of the time, and "need" a bump to feel a normal baseline level of energy for someone my age. Also, whatever energy coke gives me in the moment, I end up needing to pay back two-fold. I'll sleep up to 16 hours some days. My eating and sleeping habits are totally out of whack. As a result, I'm weaker and have a harder time exercising, which is something that's important to me and my mental health. It also really alters my perception of reality. It'll make me more confident but also terrified to be alone, and makes me feel disproportionately depressed if I end the night earlier than the coke makes me want to. I was home for the holidays and had 5 days where I had no access to it. I didn't crave it that whole time, but I'm scared to think what it would be like if I let my usage get to that point. That, and this video, made me realize now is probably the best time to stop, before it gets any worse. Thank u for putting this out there!
  • As an older teenager, I discovered cocaine and quickly became highly addicted. I have been clean since 1994, but the damage to my body had already been done and is permanent. I have Chronic Migraines (15+ headache days oer month), anxiey disorders including panic disorder, nerve damage, and damage to my septum. It was definitely not worth it and if you're an addict, please get help. My life is forever changed as a result of my addiction, even after being clean for so many years.
  • @_P0tat07_
    I really enjoy the drug topics. I think it further helps peoples choices to actually avoid, or at least limit consumption of dangerous narcotics. I also just find it fascinating how the body responds to different chemicals. Please do more of these.
  • I had a long year of being hooked on coke from 2000-2001. I honestly have no idea how it spun out of control so far. The worst was when I would come down after a day long binge I would crash so hard, feel like complete garbage and have depressing suicidal thoughts. I woke up one morning and said "That's it.. Im done" I not going to live long like this. I'm glad i made the best choice of my life that day.
  • i just need to say, as a 16 year old girl about to struggle with this addiction, this video helped me SO much. nobody has ever talked to me about the effects of doing it and i wouldn't have known if it weren't for this video. so thank u so much im really really grateful for this channel and everything i learn from it. i just really need advice and finding people who are going through the same things as me in the comments makes me feel so much better. thank you!!!!!