What Low Testosterone Does to the Body

Published 2023-05-21
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What Low Testosterone Does to the Body


In this video, Jonathan from the Institute of Human Anatomy discusses where testosterone is produced, what the normal levels are, and who might be candidates for testosterone replacement therapy (TRT).


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Video Timeline

00:00 - 00:58 Intro
00:59 - 02:20 Where Testosterone is Produced in Males & Females
02:21 - 03:22 What Are Normal Testosterone Level?
03:23 - 04:39 Proper Way to Test Testosterone Levels
04:40 - 05:31 Diagnosing Low Testosterone
05:32 - 06:50 Testosterone Replacement Therapy - Not For Everyone
06:51 - 08:35 Goals of Testosterone Replacement Therapy
08:36 - 09:25 Importance of Follow-Up & Further Testing
09:26 - 11:20 Can You Answer This Random Question...?


-Evaluation and Management of Testosterone Deficiency: AUA Guideline: John P. Mulhall, Landon W. Trost, Robert E. Brannigan, Emily G. Kurtz, J. Bruce Redmon, Kelly A. Chiles, Deborah J. Lightner, Martin M. Miner, M. Hassan Murad, Christian J. Nelson, Elizabeth A. Platz, Lakshmi V. Ramanathan and Ronald W. Lewis - From the American Urological Association Education and Research, Inc., Linthicum, Maryland
-Approach to older men with low testosterone: www.uptodate.com/contents/approach-to-older-men-wi…



Music I use: Bensound.com
License code: 9OFBS65EUWPNMP9U


#anatomy #testosterone #trt

All Comments (21)
  • @x-man5056
    I am testicular cancer survivor. Lost one of my boys in that process. For TRT, I found that I didn't like to go above 300. 250-300 was my sweet spot. I started getting jittery above that. But I'm in my late 60's.
  • @chriseaton7887
    I was 42 and was feeling horrible gaining weight at a crazy rate had no energy really thought i had something serious wrong finally went to the doctor and my testosterone was 78 got on trt finally got my number elevated and leveled out feel a lot better lost 30 pounds strength has came back i recommend getting yours checked if youre having symptoms
  • @BazzaRho
    TRT has been a total life changer for me and my PTSD. Went from a handful of different meds to one in a month. I feel great with a good solid clear mind
    52 year old male here who has thankfully been on TRT for two years - and considering how I started to feel like dog shit at age 40 - was at least 10 years too late. The symptoms I started to experience a decade or two ago (and suffered tremendously from) included sleeplessness, attendant daytime fatigue, anxiety, and severe depression. Physical manifestation was increased body fat around the waistline and for someone who had always been a lean, mean, gym-going, fighting machine came as a shock to me. It was a gradual process. One day I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror and the "skinny fat" reflection shook me to my core. In hindsight, I had become stuck in a nasty, negative feedback loop. The shittier I felt, the less motivated I became, making it tougher for me to attend to basic self care (proper diet & exercise.) The multiple doctors I consulted with at the time said that while my levels (400ish) might be considered "low," that it didn't meet the criteria for TRT. I was finally referred to a urologist who said he treated the patient, not the number. As the video states, 2 out of 3 of my labs registered in the low to mid 300s (the 3rd was 400) which was enough to get me started on a trial dose of testosterone cypionate. 200 mg every two weeks via intramuscular injection. It took 6 months for me to feel better. Upon retesting and a total testosterone of 1000, my urologist said I was too high and scaled my dosage down until my levels dropped to the (600-700) range. The positive effects I had begun to experience at 1000 (better sleep, reduced daytime fatigue, less anxiety & depression) were diminished. The abdominal fat, which had been melting off, also started to accumulate again, albeit reduced than before TRT, and this is with hitting the gym consistently again. I should add that I had concurrently been seeing a therapist to address my depression & anxiety, and he was the person who urged me to also explore TRT (he had been receiving it himself.) Due to high turnover at the urology practice (two new doctors in the space of 18 months) I subsequently found a specialty clinic and formed a relationship with a doctor who is now my primary care physician. She retested me and did a deep dive on my blood panels, deeper than anyone had done before. Her recommendation was to get my levels up to a minimum of (1000) and to inject myself twice weekly vs once every two weeks. She also gave me further guidance on diet & exercise (namely less sugar, red meat, processed foods, and more strength training - all of which I've adhered to.) Total testosterone now peaks at (1300) and with the increased frequency of IM injections, never falls below (1000.) I donate blood to keep my hematocrit levels in the acceptable range. While it hasn't been a cure-all, I've never felt better and am experiencing muscle gains. I will also mention that I suffered a TBI (traumatic brain injury) in my late teens. There's a subset of research among veterans with PTSD (I have PTSD but am not a veteran myself) that demonstrates the efficacy of testosterone. By the time I was 40, my depression & anxiety had become so bad that I was having suicidal ideation. To come full circle, I feel like I should've started TRT ten years ago, if not sooner. All these white coats ever wanted to do was prescribe anti-depressants which had horrible side effects and didn't work. I refused to continue to take them as soon as I figured this much out. Here's the ugly truth... most medical providers can't and/or won't think outside the box. Add to that the influence of big pharma and the insurance companies, and the end result is a lot of needless suffering, chemical dependency, and self-harm. The irony is that Blue Cross will pay for the bullshit drugs, but won't cover TRT. What it costs me in dollars - which is nominal - pales in comparison to the benefit this essential hormone provides. Blue Cross can fuck right off. With regard to lab values, my advice is the same as the first urologist I saw gave me, "Don't treat the number treat the patient." Inform yourself, advocate for yourself, and find an MD who doesn't suck.
  • @Greenpigeon52
    27 here been on trt for 2 years. Took 3 initial tests 180,210,190 It has changed my life getting treatment. If you have symptoms get checked
  • I had cancer twice when I was 29 & 30 and it messed me up bad. No one helped me until I decide to go on TEST by myself. I started to feel amazing. I feel the best when my TEST is at 800-900. I feel so normal like I did before I got cancer. It saved me.
  • I have stage IV prostate cancer. The cancer feeds on testosterone so my treatment is androgen deprivation therapy (hormone therapy) which removes the testosterone from my body. And although the side affects are brutal at times, the alternative is far worse. I started out with a PSA of 47. It has been at .02 for the last 3 years. I find this video to be highly informative. Thank you for taking the time to put it together.
  • @dnserror89
    Male, 28 years old here. Diagnosed with secondary hypogonadism (low testosterone) after messing around with steroids between ages 19-24. Never fully recovered from using them. I also didn't know anything back then regarding safe use. Didn't do any bloodwork before/after steroid cycles. Now on TRT (125mg per week) and starting to feel better after a few weeks. Suffered massively from depression, low motivation, no libido whatsoever, erectile dysfunction, and struggling to put on muscle mass no matter how in check both my training and diet were.
  • @lizorand1
    My husband began testosterone replacement because his level was very low, below 300. We’re both 64, healthy, and have an active lifestyle. We both receive continuous HRT (estrogen and testosterone for me) by pellets inserted under the skin every four months. His libido is what it was several years ago, more energy, improved mood and outlook, and increased muscle growth and definition.
  • 59 year old male here and been on TRT since 30. If I knew back then what I know now, I would have done many things differently.. 1) Quit BOOZE 2) Get AM Sunshine 3) Reduce stress as much as possible, cut out the bad habits and replace with good habits 4) Exercise routinely but not excessively 5) Start my day with filtered water and some mineral salts 6) Include a T boosting shake daily with Naked WHEY, Thorne Collagen scoop, 3-4 egg yolks and RAW Milk with ice 6) Multi vitamin 7) Limit blue light after 7p and be in bed by 10p. Some supplements as well.
  • @user-gy7wr6mb8s
    i lifted and trained all my life. at 55 I was still jacked swimming a mile a day, biking 15 miles per day and lifting x4 week. then covid lockdowns. after 3 yrs of being locked up and pushed around and unable to keep my routine, things turned south. at 58 I was wasted. couldn't walk to my mailbox. turned grey. put on 40 lbs. started back on a routine exercise and slowly slowly improved. dropped 15 lbs over 3 months, but was still unable to get up enough to even lift a few weights. at 59 and started TRT IM at 250mg per week. after 1 month, back swimming, push ups, dropped 20 lbs. tanned rested and ready. sometimes you need a boost. with proper training, food, supps and test, I'll be jacked at 60. and I don't give a S.... what people say. u got a few years left, wanna be like the walking dead? not me man.
  • @Random_Videos_011
    I'm 32 and I was diagnosed with low test when I was 28 and my test was 50ng on every test, after I started receiving testosterone, my energy, strength, stamina, among other things ;) sky rocketed. I'm starting to work out, boy I feel like I'm 10 years younger. I love it
  • @SneakerGeek77
    I recommend everyone to find the forbidden book titled Testo 100; it goes deep into all of this, and it changed my life
  • @Getwelllivehealthy
    I get my level checked every year around the same month and always in the morning fasted for at least 12hrs. My levels are always in the upper 600ng/ml range and the free test is around 80pg/ml. I exercise 4-5 times per week and sleep at least 7hrs per night. I am a 45 year old male.
  • @Nethezbet
    Told my doc I thought I was low-T and when he asked why I gave him symptoms and explained I had been shift work in a high stress career for like 15 years. Test came back at 111 in my 40s, so yeah... TRT was life changing.
  • @WillF1980
    I'm 43 and my first test was 205 second was 330. I just started weekly injections and I'm on my second week and it's already making a massive difference
  • @silverfox4296
    I’m 58 my levels are 600 by the afternoon, which is most likely 900 in the morning. I take lowest dose doctor is amazed how lucky I am. I do lift weights 5 days a week which helps keep my levels. I still have the muscle tone as I was in my 20s I’m blessed
  • @bmxdad8
    I have never been depressed, always a happy go lucky kind of person then I hit 55 and I became depressed, got so bad I had a hard time going to work. Had my t levels checked and I was down to 125. Started doing TRT shots and the depression went away. Started at a shot every 3 weeks but was having mood swings by the middle of the 3rd week. Now taken every 2 and feeling much better, levels are in the 800’s.
  • Started TRT 4 weeks ago. Levels were 319 with a free of 6. No bueno....get retested at week 10....I feel amazing and already see a physical difference. 16 years hard in the gym and noticed it was impossible for me to keep waist line fat away. Eating clean, cardio, lifting...was super hard to remove weight. See a huge change in that already.
  • @Mounty621
    I’m a semenoma survivor and lost a nut at age 27. I was a cop for 30 years and, like most cops, firemen, and military combat folks, burned up my adrenal glands on the job. I’m 55 now and have been doing bio-identical subcutaneous pellet TRT for almost six years. I started this journey at an overall 215, being tired, overweight, and feeling like crap. My “free” testosterone now runs around 250-300 while overall testosterone runs between 850-1000. I do weight and cardio workouts six days a week, have great musculature, and feel great all around. Do not follow or listen to the average chart levels adhered to by urologists because they want you to be at the average levels for a man your age. You will feel like crap being at the average level for your age. Go to a hormone specific doctor and they will get you to a level where you will be better than average to help you keep your youth and vitality for years to come.