FFX References Black History in the Philippines

I'm starting to wonder, "Is Spira the Philippines." By much of the history, Sin is like America and Spain. The country of Spira is like the Island country of the Philippines. They both perform what looks like Catholicism.

So, let's look at the history and see if there are more similarities between Final Fantasy X and the Philippines.

Oh, yes. Here are the references I used for this video:
The History of the Philippines in 12 Minutes -    • THE HISTORY OF THE PHILIPPINES in 12 ...  
Filipino American History of Vallejo (1857 to Present) -    • Filipino American History of Vallejo ...  
Human Zoos: America's Forgotten History of Scientific Racism -    • Human Zoos: America's Forgotten Histo...  
The End of Poverty? -    • The End of Poverty? (2008)  
Shocking - This is Why the West Wants Africa to Remain Poor -    • Shocking - This is Why the West Wants...  

Mining 2024 - Philippines - practiceguides.chambers.com/practice-guides/mining….

00:00 - Welcome to Lamech's Effects
03:53 - Someday, the Dream Will End (The American Nightmare)
14:17 - The Religion of Sin (The Spread of Christianity)
18:17 - The Politics of Sin (Secret Plots)
27:39 - The Dark Soul (The Hymn of the Fayth)

#ffx #finalfantasy #finalfantasyx #squareenix #filipino #philippines #history #colonization #theory #lore #gaming #gametheory #games #bibleexplained #bible #truth #Israel #israelites #deuteronomy28 #christian #gospel #videogames #movies

コメント (4)
  • @shadedusk7831
    This entire essay is built around the basis that the story of FFX can be related to specific real world events and forces the story of FFX to fit a very specific hate fueled narrative which misses the whole point of what FFX is. Yuna's journey isn't about "going to schools controlled by the church", it's a reflection of the buddhist journey of attaining nirvana, which is referenced by her ultimate weapon, called nirvana. She visits 6 cloisters of trial which reflect the first 6 stages of awakening in buddhism, with the 7th and last being the struggle against sin itself. It's a battle against despair and the inevitability of death, of attaining inner peace, not some metaphor about revolution. The eternal calm is nirvana, while the temporary calm is the temporary bliss of this world which inevitably ends. The returning of sin is the returning of life's struggle. The rebirth in buddhism. The cycle, or spiral (hence Spira) of life and death. "The dream" refers to escapism. It refers to clinging to the past despite it having passed. Yevon clings on to Zanarkand and dreams sin into existence. Sin is an embodiment of conservatism and escapism. Of denying reality and dreaming, which is the last thing you have to get rid of to achieve nirvana. Sin didn't destroy Zanarkand. Bevelle did. Sin is essentially the vengeful spirit of Zanarkand that haunts Bevelle for it's sins. To connect sin to America is ridiculous. Sin destroying the cities is a reference to how conservatives, especially in religions, prevent the progress of civilization. It's also a reference to how escapism harms progress. It's a general case metaphor, not specific to any one historical event. The reason why sin doesn't attack bevelle is because it's purpose isn't to destroy. It's purpose is to punish. To torture. To avenge the pain of the past, which is the key message of FFX. Revenge is bad. It's also a metaphor for having a sinful past. It won't destroy you outright, but it will cause you harm at every corner and weaken you. The church of Yevon was developed as a resort to find a way to stop sin. The leaders of Yevon themselves have no idea how to stop sin nor how to control it. They represent the ignorance of religions. They only really know what works and what doesn't, but don't understand why things work and why they don't. When they found out that the only method they had to temporarily stop it was gone, they disbanded completely. They weren't necessarily oppressive, they simply didn't know any better ultimately. All they knew was that Yevon is very vengeful and that the people of Spira might someday repents for their sins to stop that vengence. The hymn of faith represents them coming to terms with those sins and allowing life to move on. By collectively singing the song of the people they wronged. Ultimately they did repent, not by sending a summoner to kill sin, but by admitting, thought the hymn, that they're wrong (even if they may not have been aware of that) which was enough to calm Yevon enough to be slain, for vengence to be calmed. Don't get me wrong, stories can be interpreted in many different ways, but what you're doing here is seeing what you want to see in order to spread your own narrative, which, may I say, is rather hate fueled and racist. You are taking parts of the story completely out of context to make them fit something that it doesn't. FFX is a general case story about the human condition, a multi-perspective tale with noone being clearly right or wrong. A story about struggle and wishing to find peace. Not a reference to any specific events and certainly not a connection to "America baaaaadddd" and "Caucasians eviiilllll"
  • I realize I should note a few things. 1. Yes, I did get the date wrong. I think. 2. The connection between "being a summoner" and "going to school" may not be that clear. Allow me to explain. Since the schools were controlled by the church, the temples in Spira would be different schools in the Philippines. And going to the different temples to acquire aeons would be like going to different schools to learn ideas and gain support of the church. The aeons are different revolutionaries and thinkers who came before you. Who gave their lives to give you the rights you have now. When you go to the temples, you are learning from them. And just as these aeons are different gods, these revolutionaires adopted different religious ideas to support their cause. Just like Martin Luther King followed Ghandi. When a summoner battles Sin, that would be presenting a political debate, based on the person's studies, to a country like America. To "defeat Sin" is to present a reasoning strong enough that America goes to counsel with its government. That time America leaves you alone during their counseling is the Calm. When Sin returns, that is America taking the idea you had and spreading it through politics and media. Using it to destroy you. By that time, you are dead. And so you are not there to tell the people that the ideas being spread are not what you intended. Your vision, your dream, is now controlled by America. And it becomes harder to overturn the ideas America had corrupted, because your people want to believe the idea that America is spreading. They want to believe the lie that, if you plead hard enough and appeal to their humanity, someday America won't return to harm you. But, as Yunalesca said, can your race, your humanity, ever achieve such piety that countries with histories of racism will leave you alone? Will they ever think you're equal? Hope is comforting. It allows people to accept their fate, no matter how tragic it may be.