How effective is spaced armor?


コメント (21)
  • I don't know whenever this proves that "spaced armor works" or "Sprocket doesn't work"
  • months ago i made "stalinium", a mesh that's hundreds of 1mm plates spammed at +/-5° angles, since sprocket makes any shot ricochet at >85°, regardless of thickness, inside of a 25° elevation to target, it makes it so you always have a plate that's at least at this angle of incidence, making it completely unpenetrable. all while being about as light as a 35mm plate
  • Hamish feeling a little silly when deciding that fuel tanks are more lethal than ammo racks
  • I have a idea, after they fix the bugs and make the update. They should make it to where the armor can wear out after getting shot at a couple of times in the same spot.
  • Finally! Like a year ago I made spaced "composite" armour on many "MBTs" for historical snd style reasons. It's super cool that they will finally have an actual functional advantage! Hopefully this gets refined to be more accurate.
  • would be even more fun when the shell designer is added
  • @gp8666
    aww i wanted to see how spaced angled armor performs
  • I've made a merkava inspired tank with interal compartments divided by 30mm armor plating, safe to say it's very well protected while staying lightweight, because it allowed me to reduce the thickness of the UFP and LFP
  • Working freeform spaced armor is a really nice change, since we previously had to use the restrictive singular armor plates. I made a cool leclerc this way, but now you get much more possibilities.
  • I feel like at the moment velocity makes shells do weird stuff as well. I have a vehicle that has a total of 4 plates at different angles, total direct thickness of about 120mm, effective thickness of about 300mm and a 30mm shell with 130mm of pen, going about 1000m/s went through it like butter. It only stopped penetrating when the actual thickness of the plates (not counting angles thickness) exceeded the penetration of the shell.
  • In my opinion, all it does is counter sub caliber shells by destabilizing them and catch a majority of the stalling, I would use it a a primary tool to stop rounds, just reduce their effectiveness such as heat and apcr.
  • Type 4 Chi-To was clearly your inspiration for this though weirs that the MG is on the right rather than the left but shrug great video.
  • Man I should start playing sprocket again, last time I played there wasn't even any crew or interior....Like two years?
  • So far, drive shafts do not take damage, so it might be the reason they eat all shells. As for spaced armor plating, well, it is really weird...