The F-35 in Gaming

Published 2024-07-19

All Comments (21)
  • @Mimiaga0
    Hi everyone, I was not expecting this kind of reaction to the video, so thank you everyone who watched it. I will definitely be making more in this series. I have a few addendums to add, as I've learned some things from the comment section. First of, I was being hyperbolic when talking about DCS players. I am, in fact, one of those losers with no life other than flying fake cartoon planes who thinks they're better than anyone else. The joke wasn't my best writing, but hey, it is what it is. Also I show the F15E when refencing the mod dependencies, and its actually the F15C, which is much cheaper and much lower fidelity. I didn't do my homework well enough, I'll be sure to next time. The screen isn't called an MFCTD, its a PCD, or Panoramic Cockpit Display. It's also 2 monitors side by side with no visible seam to the user, so it looks like one big one. The EOTS is usually pronounced E-aughts, which in my opinion sounds dumb as fuck. I'm gonna make the A-T-A-T and at-at argument on that one. Also it's thermal only, no color vision. If I have any other corrections to make they're be in a reply to this comment. Again, thank you for all the support guys.
  • @FatherExo
    35 mech here; The display is called the PCD (Panoramic Cockpit Display) it is actually 2 screens with no bezel in the center dividing it The EOTS, to make things short because everyone including the engineers at LM like to use acronyms that can be announced, is pronounced “E-AUGHTS” We cant see color out of the EOTS or DAS since its only black hot or white hot thermal And yes it can dogfight, the B is not the best option for this however
  • @jmh1189
    former Spy-1 Radar tech here. Phased array Radar as far as my understanding goes, is a bunch of tiny radars in an array that uses phase shifts to steer the wave front to wherever the radar wants to look. Each array element phase is slightly shifted to create constructive and destructive interference in a certain direction. Thus, there is no need for the antenna to physically move. Some advantages over standard radar other than no moving parts is the ability to simultaneously track multiple targets at once without having to wait for a radar sweep. It can track different targets and search with different waveforms and search patterns depending on the environment, and it's essentially looking everywhere all at once sort of. Still has a duty cycle but doesn't have to wait a few seconds for an antenna to spin around. Also very redundant. You can loose a few antenna elements and still operate with only a slight degradation in performance.
  • @wizardemrys
    You must have found the wrong side of DCS. Maybe just stay away from the popular communities like Growling Sidewinder. I am part of the DCS dogfighters community. It is group where people specialize in guns only 1v1 dogfights. Very welcoming and friendly. All the best pilots(even a real F-22 pilot) there take time to teach you how to improve in a non-hostile environment. They host a dogfight server where I fly on. Best community I have ever been a part of. Edit: YT has been shadow deleting every comment I made responding to which server. It is called "DCS Dogfighters" in both discord server and DCS server
  • @spartan-1210
    F-45 is honestly scary to fight in VTOL, I’ve had moments where I didn’t know that the Ghost was there until I could literally see the pilot waving at me
  • @dcspilotjeff
    Keep in mind the F-45 in VTOL VR has a F-35 look alike mod that moves the canards back. If you want to fly a F-35 simulator, VTOL VR and this mod is it!
    "And thankfully, Spray died a few years ago." Merciless 💀
  • How the fuck was Ace Combat able to spit out lots of Sukhoi Flanker variants but they couldn't even push the A and B variants of the F-35?
  • @cylerner
    Man, could've done the battlefield 4 F-35
  • The F 35 in AC 7 Has a fully modeled internal weapons bay you just have to equip the right missiles
  • For the DCS one, I don't think it uses the F-15E module (which was review bombed as a result of a pay dispute between the devs and publishers) there's a low fidelity F-15C module with Flaming Cliffs 3, I recommend the bundle.
  • I'm assuming that your just making a guess as to what the DCS community is like because it's actually extremely non-toxic community. I know it might seem toxic based on the nature of the game, but you'd be surprised. I recommend Enigma's Cold War (ECW). Also, if you do decide to give it a try, play standalone and not steam. And, for older aircraft (older in the context of DCS release date, not IRL) there is a 2 week free trial for each aircraft, map, bundle, etc. No credit card required Edit: ECW runs off of Syria and Caucuses (which is a default free map) so I recommend you rent the F-5E, F-86F (f youre into early cold war) and the Syria map. The Modern DCS aircraft like the F-16/18/14 are very high quality and detailed.
  • @gibbo_303
    the DCS mod aint really supposed to be flown by humans, its made for the "AI" in the simulator
  • I always rooted for the F - 35 since I was 12; I genuinely never understood why people hated it.
  • The F-45 looks like a cursed mix of J-20 and F-35 and I can't unsee it
  • DCS is one of the most chill and nice gaming communities I’ve ever seen. There’s 0 “elitism” whatsoever.
  • @theak1910
    As for why only the C appears in Ace Combat 7, It was the first F-35 to debut in an AC game, in 5. I believe they chose the C model as 5 has some missions which force you to use a carrier based aircraft, so they chose the C to give the player more options during those missions. From there, it's just the variant of choice to depict, more out of tradition than anything. Spinoff games have included the A and B, Assault Horizon and Infinity, but the mainline games have never featured other variants; Also a funny oversight with 7's depiction is it still has some of it's Luneberg reflectors attached, which artificially increases it's radar return for peacetime flight. It's also equipped with the Block 4 Sidekick bays that increases the A2A missile internal capacity to 6, but it only has the 4AAM spw rather than 6AAM.
  • @deca0
    You don’t know how many memories poured in from the arma 3 footage with Casin playing over 🥲
  • @skiboi
    To give a example of how much of a change AESA is, a regular radar scans like a lighthouse and a AESA scans like a those concert lights that cause seizures Edit: also for most mods in dcs all you need is the F15c which is $15 dollars right now or lower because of the summer sale (idk, I dont use the steam version of dcs)