Trump Delivers Two Speeches in One: RNC Analysis, Night 4 | WSJ News

On the final night of the Republican National Convention, former President Donald Trump dramatically described the attempted assassination, but then veered off script. WSJ’s Damian Paletta explains.

#wsj #trump #rnc

コメント (21)
  • @usmc19761980
    If Trump wrote, and delivered the Gettysburg Address, the establishment media wouldn't give him credit.
  • @ronlowery5633
    So to focus on the problems of our country is divisive? "rants & tirades & false information" - if only everyone was as intelligent as this journalists want us to think he is!!! I'm tired of these talking heads, who think they are smarter than everyone else, spewing their garbage.
    How could he not speak on the incidents he’s been subjected to these past few years????? It’s crazy to believe he shouldn’t bring it up. I’m sure most of America got his message. Trump is on his own field and will speak what he feels
  • His speech was not “ anti immigrant “. It was against ILLEGAL immigration. Listen with attention
  • On mortgage rates WSJ, we got one at 3% the lowest recent numbers I have heard are 9%, with an average that used to Credit card rates, and credit card rates are abut 30%. Please remember that just because the DNC lawyers say it, does not make it true.
  • @ratpyan
    Not anti-immigrant. Anti illegal immigrants.
  • @bellesong
    I can see this reporter never actually listened to Trump’s speech last night. Trump was great and he resonated with the American people.
  • @edabreu7871
    When accountability comes, the msm is at the top of the list.
  • One again, this is all speculative. It’s HIS opinion. Regardless if the numbers are “inflated” or not (and I’m sorry, I don’t think they are, I’m not sure where he’s checking the “numbers”), but immigration, inflation and crime ARE a big problem right now to most people and most everyone level headed agrees. Trump is saying he’ll change that. Biden is saying everything is “hunky dory” straight up gaslighting the American people as if we don’t see and experience what we see and experience in these areas. “C’mon man!” I don’t see the Dems rallying anyone in time to beat Trump on this momentum.
  • Out of his entire two hour speech, that's what you took from it?
  • @mestengo22
    That's because WSJ prefers the Democrat slow-growth just print money philosophy oh so divisive indeed
  • @GunShark0
    Biden can't even complete a full sentence.
  • I've personally been to Eagle Pass, right on the Texas / Mexico border... and I walked through a gate, secured with a loose wire, and down to the Rio Grande river that was no more than ankle deep. It's all on my YouTube channel. The people in that town told me the cartels own all the properties on the USA side of the border. We have a problem, it's very easy to cross that river and come here.
  • How could it be see the same thing and hear the same thing but think totally something different even CNN said it was unbelievably great the whole thing but you who seems like would have similar thoughts to me well you see something different
  • Something is wrong with you what a shame!! It was one of the best & honest speech he has ever deliver!! Trump 2024!! Your ignorance & jealousy is showing!!