The Vanguard Incident

Published 2024-05-14

All Comments (21)
  • @wigmanmania259
    Simply put, people don't really trust Riot enough to give them kernel level access
  • @Valhryn
    "Fuck off champion mastery." 😂
  • @b4rqe586
    my pc exploding after I say something inconvenient about ccp:
  • @Rivalrvn
    I couldn’t play league for 3 days :) (not a bad thing thanks vanguard)
  • @Yasukeh
    The primary difference between Vanguard and any other anticheat is not that it runs 24/7, but that it can stop any other driver on a whim, functionally acting like an antivirus software. Every other AC will simply not let you get into a match if you have vulnerable drivers. Vanguard decides that it's more important than everything else, so it takes precedence over anything else. The majority of the tech issues people face is related to this fact. There is no reason why Vanguard can't shut itself down instead of shutting everything it doesn't like down.
  • Vanguard not transmitting any data until a game starts does not mean shit since it can just save it temporarily and then transmit whatever it wants when your log into your session. Not saying it does but its not really an argument for Vanguard being safe.
  • @tantailofski2247
    End of the day, Vanguard stil packs Riot/League spaghetti code, and Riot recently fell "victim to a social engineering hacking attack". Even taking all the concerns about invasive software out of the way, the company is simply not reliable enough for anything kernel level 0. What's more, one of the main appeals, was that you could easily run the game, even on a potato, so everyone played it. It was popular because it was free and demanded very little from the players. The game thrived because of ease of use, and denying it will irreparably carve out a large amount of its support
  • @PS3PCDJ
    It's not necessarily about sending data, but about the fact that it has FULL access to your PC and your private data.
  • "my lively hood is impacted by the popularity of a game that requires spyware to be installed, so I'm going to downplay the existence of that cancer" Fkubuddy
  • @tycarlock9690
    I tried out Vanguard, and I've already been running into scripters. They literally talk on forums about how Vanguard did basically nothing to stop them. And that was the whole point.
  • @GuikofMikumo
    "FPS drops from 1000 to 900" "That's nothing" Bro forgot that there is people that play league on PC's that can't even reach 60 FPS.
  • For Tft player, you can use Emulator to play TFT mobile if you Anti-Vanguard
  • @Reac2
    Kernel level Anti Cheat is intolerable. Like ,you cannot tolerate it. The fact it has no network activity while you're not playing league is irrelevant, it's sitting in the back, can mess with your stuff and collect whatever it wants and then send any information it garnered when it's supposed to "legitimately" ping the server or when it finds something it wants, such as vulnerable data you don't want ANYONE knowing. And that's not even considering that even at best ,its still a sleeper agent. They can update it at any time or instruct it at any time to purposefully or accidentally brick your sh*t
  • @Ubspy
    Hey man, this is a great video. I just thought you should know that software running at the kernel level can hide internet traffic. It would be difficult to implement, but its entirely possible. The scary part about it is since its running at kernel level, there's no way we can know without monitoring internet traffic network wide on a completely separate device. The part where you show wireshark can be severely misleading without this information.
  • @randomaccount559
    So your "fix" to vanguard bricking someone's pc is "oh if you don't want that to happen just close vanguard". Okay then how will i play the game, my pc has literally started crashing randomly ever since i installed vanguard. When i boot into my linux OS everything works as intended. But in windows OS when i have vanguard running the system is very unpredictable. Sometimes it crashes my pc and completely locks down my motherboard, forcing me to turn off the pc from the power supply switch. Sometimes it just kicks me out of the game because of "vanguard error" and then i get a timer because "oh you dodged the lobby, you shouldn't do that"
  • @lanceroygames
    The fact that I have to restart my PC anytime I close Vanguard outside of a League of Legends environment is pretty unreasonable. You shouldn't have to have an anti cheat for a video game run on your computer at all times.
  • @MystraDemon
    A friend showed me how easy it is to surpass vanguard by starting scrips over powerpoint. 👍
  • >Still no report cases There WERE, but Riot blocks any reddit post about them, and are creating eho-room
  • I got the same problem as LS the problem is the PC will black screen BEFORE the bios start so you can't even format the PC is literally bricked. I was able to save mine by installing the HD in another pc and removing vanguard from it but I doubt anyone who isn't tecnically savy would be able to do it