People Judge What They Can't Understand

Published 2024-05-07

All Comments (19)
  • Hi Sadie, it’s Diane in Fort Worth, Texas. I just wanted to say I’m sending you hugs and totally understand how you feel and you’re so right on about knowing to really understand the path that someone else’s walked and their experiences and the outcomes of what results from that. I think you are so authentically beautiful inside and out you have a huge heart and that allows a lot of pain to happen when others aren’t kind. I think some people just like making others not feel good because it props them up so I want to just remind you that for everyone person out there that is judgmental or mean there are 100’s … 1000’s of us that love and support you even though we’ve never met. You let us into your’s and P’s life and I love finding out about other peoples lives from other parts of the world. When you open up your life and share yourself sone people take advantage of that and is just not right! I have a very small YouTube channel and I haven’t posted in probably a month or two…. I have had friends say Diane you’re really brave because of everything that I share on my channel mskes me very vulnerable. Not everyone’s going to understand me or like me and that’s why I probably only have a litte over 300 subscribers but for any one person that follows me or leaves me a nice comment or is quick to watch a video that makes me happy . Just remember there are hundred .. thousands of people across this entire world that think you’re awesome and think P is awesome! I like your mantra! I sm wishing you only the best this week! I encourage you to continue to be authentically your wonderful self. ❤
  • @machfrju
    Dear Sadie, you are the shining light, keep on shining.
  • @thepragmatist
    I haven't watched the whole video yet, but yes, I agree with you. Most people will not take the time to be empathetic and to put themselves in your position. They will not understand where you're coming from or see your POV. It takes a lot of energy to truly listen and hold space for another person...the people who are able to do this are few and far between. I wish you all the best.
  • @derzerstorer4281
    Hey Sadie, i can relate to the people-judging-you part, it is also for me most hurtful. I would also consider myself neurodivergent, since i'm a highly sensitive person, probably autistic. Thing is, there are always gonna be as much mean peolpe as there are nice volks, so for me i've learned it is the best way (and the only way) to piece by piece, surround myself with the nice ones, and build my environment so that it is suitable for me. you still have that power, even in a world which is not built suitable for you. I live not the mainstream way of life, not working full time, practising to boundries, taking time off when i need it, listen to body etc. It is possible to not feel thrown around by other peoples opinions or overwhelmed all the time <3 lots of love
  • @AskDrJana
    You are fine the Way You Are I hope you will feel better about yourself and know that you have how much to contribute I think you are really great
  • Sadie I am a day late wishing you.Happy Birthday. Hope your day was filled with alot of positive stuff. Not one of us can control what other people think of us. Just live the best life and know that you r loved.
  • Hi, I just wanted to say you express yourself beautifully and you’re a beautiful person. ♥️
  • @byebye5174
    i know it's been extremely lonely sadie. i still feel like a little girl left alone in the world. i ve struggled with mental health and self sabotaged my whole life. i came into the same conclusion as you. the only people who can actually understand us "troubled folk" falls into 2 types. either someone who is going trough the same shit as you 100% (which is virtually impossible), or someone who's completely open to listen to you. coming into this conclusion helped me a little bcuz i knew that "my people" were ready to listen& understand me on a deeper level. and that's how i fight with feelings of loneliness and helplessnes. i think you just have to pay attention to the last part of the argument; there ARE people for us. it s a cruel and judgemental world but it doesnt have to be this painful and lonely.
  • @sam_savige
    You couldn't have said this better, I feel you, yet, I have the same internal angst but for different body reasons, and I don't know if I'm allowed to have these thoughts because I fear people will tell me I'm arrogant for this but.. I'm autistic in a favourable face and body, people assume stuff about me just by looking at me and then when I talk, being awkward and over explaining and nervous, it makes it even more easy for them to confirm that they don't like me. And to say awfully mean things. If I let people know I'm autistic, they don't believe me even though they can tell, when I talk, that Im very different, but I "don't look autistic". The shame these judgements makes me have this existential depression. I shaved my head and kept it like that for years and people treated me better. And were also more willing to accept (even therapists) that I was "different". As a woman who was late diagnosed as neurodivergent, I have had this experience, though I'm not allowed to say it. I'm 38 and have never had a boyfriend because they just want the body. I'm actually scared to type this on here, but I just wanted someone to know, what I can't say but now just have. I'm sorry. Thank you for this video x
  • Hi,Sadei iwould like to greet you belated happy birthday i'm so sad to see in your vedio that you are sad i hate people who judge you because you are a good person
  • @eserima
    have you ever used antideprassants? i would be really happy if u make a video about your antideprassant journey and ypue feelings bc i started using them a month ago and im going through really heavy depression 💖
  • @Ahsovy
    I don’t think people don’t understand, they just don’t respect it hun and if they’re not engaging you, they’re not openly judging you, you just can’t control people’s thoughts just saying
  • @dianakonwin8770
    Obviously you’re not in a “healthy “ state when you made this video. Why allow people to get to you? Stop feeling sorry for yourself. You need to learn to love yourself more! A strangers opinion of you is not something you should concentrate on my dear. You do this to yourself by allowing others to get to you. Get a healthier outlook on life, and yourself. There are plenty of people who like you as you are!
  • @sedatbayrak1598
    Selam Sedef, Ben Türkiye'den yazıyorum. Sevgiler, sen harika bir insansın.