Magic Mushrooms, Autism, Depression & PTSD (soft spoken ASMR)

Published 2024-05-24

All Comments (6)
  • Pleased to see a video update and its always fascinating when you talk about mushrooms. Sending much love & i have such a strong urge to try and shield you from anything unhelpful, iritating or jarring that you may encounter as a result of sharing your life and mental health online. I know some of its inevitable and youre more than capable of standing up for yourself, but wanted to add that anyway. Best wishes to P as well (i always imagine her surrounder by piles of great big, dusty books wearing half moon spectacles and deep in thought, with her hair tyed up with a pencil or chopstick ! ❤
  • @ana1977x
    This is off topic but your voice is literally just made for ASMR🥰
  • I feel similar to you as of day to day - the struggle to deal with simple things in life (I’m CPTSD) and sounds like these mushrooms really help you and I was wondering if it can help me too.. would you be able to share with me what kind of mushrooms you use? So I can see if I can find them in my country and use them too, hopefully for my own benefit 🙏🏻 Thank you for sharing your experience. It helps ❤
  • @theblacksworde
    The *Sadie & P YouTube channel* is known for its colorful and whimsical content, featuring a girl and her pet pig exploring nature, playing games, and having fun together⁴. It's also recognized for discussing the unique dynamics of an age-gap lesbian couple¹. Here's a description for an image that could sum up the Sadie & P YouTube channel: Picture a vibrant and playful scene where Sadie, a young woman with a bright smile, is sitting in a lush green meadow under a clear blue sky. She's accompanied by P, an adorable pig with a curious expression. They're surrounded by a picnic setup with a checkered blanket, healthy snacks, and musical instruments like a guitar and ukulele. In the background, there's a banner that reads "Love Knows No Age," celebrating their relationship. The whole image exudes joy, acceptance, and the beauty of shared adventures in the great outdoors. This image would encapsulate the essence of the Sadie & P channel, highlighting their joyful spirit, the bond between human and animal, and the celebration of their unique relationship.
  • @emmo2850
    Suramin is a cure for autism right now