Kim Mathers talks about Eminem


コメント (21)
  • When your ex wife says you're an excellent father, you're a damn good father.
  • Props to Kim. She loved Marshal before he was famous, and didn’t retaliate after all the abuse and humiliation. Simply came out to defend herself.
  • @jay.2417
    they may have not be made for each other but truth is, she was a real one! she was with him before fame, and when he reached stardom she still saw him as marshall, not Eminem. she wanted his presence, to spend more time with him, she didn’t want him for his money, and also when she said that she didn’t say anything against him for years with fear that if she did they wouldn’t come back together anymore is so relatable. she’s really beautiful and very well spoken.
  • @allieren
    I think people forget that these two grew up together--she moved into his house when she was 13, and they've been romantic since 15. They've been through a lot of trauma with each other, and a lot of good things as well. I feel like it's just more complicated than anyone can really speculate or comment on. They're the only ones who really know what's up in their relationship.
  • I wouldn’t be embarrassed by that song. I’d be completely terrified.
  • Notice how she does not once speak bad on him. She does not insult him or talk about him in a bad light. She's just telling a story, very simply, minimally. She's just reciting the memories. Meanwhile Mathers didn't tell a story, he told his emotions. Which are completely different than reality.
  • as an eminem fan, i got huge respect for this woman.
  • Fair play to her. She is literally the one human who won’t act like he’s famous
  • She’s not crazy at all... she’s hurt. Wow. I thought when I clicked on this I’d hear her bashing him & saying how horrible of a person she is.
  • She was completely honest through this. She didn't lie at all. I have a lot of respect for her. But what he did to her at the performance by playing that song is straight up cruel. I couldn't even imagine that happening to me. Poor girl. It must really suck to be her I position, basically being left behind while her husbands famous and then everyone is praising him and she's left behind. I believe e put her through a lot more than she did, personally.
  • She comes across as a smart, intelligent, beautiful woman.
  • "He was supposed to be the man that loves me and protects me from getting hurt but there he was completely and totally disrespecting me in the worst way possible in front of millions of ppl...and in front of our kids and our family and friends....." that hit me hard
  • @sirbrad4
    Kim is like "That Eminem/Slim Shady shit does not work in this house Marshall." Lol.
  • I love Eminem so much and I’ve been here since the beginning, decades ago.

    BUT, I had to roll my eyes a little bit when he released that statement saying he won’t participate in things like this for the sake of their children, after releasing song after song about their mother, all of which made this minor interview compared to his songs, look like Sesame Street compared to Sons of Anarchy.

    Again, I love and will always love Eminem - but man, the guy is definitely one of those “when I do it, it’s fine, when you do it, you’re awful” type of guys.
  • I used to not like Kim cause of what I heard on Eminem's side. But goddamn I want to give this woman a hug she should have never gone through that, and I hope Eminem apologized for everything he did to her /: #JusticeforKim
  • Interviewer - "What made you cry?"
    Lmao did she not hear the song
  • This is rough. Kim and Marshall both had rough childhoods, and grew up as foster siblings together. He adopted her daughter. He has also bought her a huge house where she still lives. I think Eminem today, and Eminem then are actually two different people, and the man he's become speaks for itself now. I hope they have a friendly relationship now.
  • @J.M..
    I can definitely see why Eminem loved her so much. She seems like the whole package. Unfortunately like many famous people, he lost touch with reality and let a good woman slip away.