First Ever Double Slit Experiment In Time Not Just in Space

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Hello and welcome! My name is Anton and in this video, we will talk about an exciting new study that recreates dual slit experiment in time and not just in space
#physics #doubleslit #quantumphysics

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コメント (21)
  • @ticthak
    Just as a materials geek, the implications of this are staggering. This IS one of those transformative, critical point type, discoveries.
  • I don't understand what happened, but it sure sounds interesting.
  • @tayzonday
    Isn’t it impossible to create a variation in time without there also being a variation in mass? Since mass curves time/distance (by altering the density of the Higgs ether which causes objects to rest at the lowest energy state of their boson’s/quark’s interaction with the Higgs field [what we see as gravity]) . . . Maybe they need to re-do this experiment in zero gravity to be sensitive to changes in mass. I know that photons are massless, but we should see if creating variation in their time has any proximate causal effect.
  • Human being: "I finally understand." Universe: "Lol, lmao."
  • I read about this the other day and immediately began hoping you'd cover it. Thank you my good man.
  • They've discovered a new way to achieve frequency modulation. I think the light is being absorbed and re-emmited at different frequncies because of the rapidly changing electrical properties of the "shutter" material.
  • @_kopcsi_
    this is a similar (but opposite) revelation to the realisation that the Fourier transform can be performed in space, not just time (which actually forms the essence of optics since every imaging device based on lenses that do nothing but Fourier transform is space). but there is another analogy: electromagnetic cloaking (which is invisibility in optical range). there is also temporal (or more precisely spacetime) cloaking, not only spatial. in the latter case we need spatial variation of the refractive index (which is needed to be inhomogeneous and anisotropic, so a tensor function in space) in order to make OBJECTS invisible, while in the former case we need spatial AND temporal variation of the refractive index (which is needed to be a function in space and time as well) in order to make EVENTS invisible. with spatial cloaking we can cloak e.g. a safe (deposit box with money), while with spacetime cloaking we can cloak e.g. the event that we go there, open the safe and take out the money (and an outside observer sees nothing but the seemingly untouched safe). so knowing these it should not be surprising that every spatial phenomenon has its own temporal analogy. for me the interesting part is the fact that spatial frequency is related to the brightness of light, while the temporal frequency is related to the colour of light. it is interesting because when we deal with the energy of light there are two contributing factors: the number of photons and the wavelength/frequency of photons (wavelength and frequency, i.e. the spatial and temporal aspects of a photon mutually define each other due to the fact that photons always travel with a constant speed, even in mediums). in a sense the former is an "external aspect" of photons, while the latter is an "internal aspect". and the double slit experiment, that demonstrates the wave nature of light manifesting the interference phenomenon, just shows us that the spatial interference spatially modulates light resulting in a variation in brightness (in function of space) which is related to the external aspect of light (number of photons), while the temporal interference temporally modulates light resulting in a variation in colour (in function of time) which is related to the internal aspect of light (wavelength/frequency of photons).
  • @Judoka008
    I'm just an idiot who understands about 10% of want you say. But I love to watch these videos daily, and gain a grain of understanding.
  • IIRC there is something very similar that has to be accounted for in by LIGO: basically there is a time/energy (or time/frequency) uncertainty limit. If this is the same thing, then there should be a limit to how accurately you can know when a photon was passed and simultaneously what it's frequency is. The time-slits constrain the time component to a pair of times so the frequency ends up unknowable with some distribution of possibilities.
  • @Pengochan
    When considering the double slit experiment using Feynman path integrals it is clear, that such an effect should exist, but the times necessary to make it happen are just so short. It'd be real interesting if we could do this with electrons, not just light, but the switching times would need to be even shorter by several orders of magnitude.
  • I have the feeling that those time phenomena, like this one and the time crystals, will eventually lead us to some profound realization about the nature of time/spacetime...
  • Well done explaining this, Anton! This is a hard concept to grasp for many but an absolute fascinating one!
  • I'm just amazed on how quick these findings are taking place, now I'm sure someone is going to start combining these experiments and find more crazy things no one ever knew existed.
  • Extremely interesting. Great video Anton, & you do such a great job making things easy to understand. This is really intriguing.Once again, thank you for the knowledge🙂
  • @Tore_Lund
    Interesting! Could this mean the traditional single electron double slit experiment could be interpreted as a time interference as well? The conventional interpretation is that the electron passes both slits simultaneously and interfere with itself, but if time is also somewhat diffuse (or discrete) at this scale, there might be a time component to the single electron double slit experiment too? So Heisenberg's uncertainty principle might not be an uncertainty of position and momentum, but an uncertainty of space and time? Edit: so many competent suggestions and mention of other effects to consider in the comments! Truly the prime of Youtube watching Anton's videos.
  • Holy moly, Wonderful Person Anton, I do not understand this. The closest I was to visualizing the disturbance occurring in time, was when you explained it as a reflection but instead it’s off by a femtosecond, you said it way better than I can attempt to parrot it lol... but nonetheless, thank you for the episode. I hope you’re well.
  • @pfzht
    Excellent explanation! I feel like I understand the concept and mechanisms used in the experiment. Thank you!
  • I really am grateful to have the opportunity to learn such amazing new things about life, sciences, and reality, whenever I want. Thank you, Anton.