Malaysia's $350 Billion Debt Crisis, Explained

Publicado 2023-10-10
Is Malaysia's escalating national debt a ticking time bomb or a misunderstood tool for economic growth and stability? Explore contrasting perspectives, from Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim's debt-reduction approach to insights from Modern Monetary Theory.

Narrated by Tom McKay
Video Edited by iyanbriandi

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Brought to you by the Behind Asian Team.

Todos los comentarios (21)
  • @BehindAsia
    Should Malaysia focus on reducing debt or managing it wisely? Let us know down below!
  • @songyong2395
    To quote from S'pore's late founding father, Lee Kuan Yew(19-01-1994)," If you want a good government, you need good leaders . Even in the best of systems, if the leaders in charge are bad, the government will be bad !"
  • @fauziomar8200
    Sy kesian dgn Anwar....kerja keras kurang kan utang. Nanti kemudian klu org lain yg ganti, itu org enjoy berbelanja sakan (tambah hutang) utk kekal popular
  • problem is the debt is not productive. In 2021, Auditor General highlighted that half new debt is to pay off old debt.
  • @eibenstr3
    1) i wud mention that the amount of foreign currency debt as % of total debt is much lower than many other countries (tho increase in USD interest rate and weakening MYR is causing some stress), 2) the govt 'wastes' a lot of money with blanket subsidies which end up being enjoyed by the rich (eg, the bmw owners get more benefit on cheap petrol (USD0.43/l!!) than those who take the bus or ride small cars), 3) leakages through corruption is still rampant and 4) the current coalition govt is much weaker than previous to proceed full steam ahead with necessary reforms in many areas
  • @rockychong4299
    No problem lah. Stop the corruption and pay off the debts
  • @nareshsingh2006
    Malaysia should stop all high rise building projects.stop all unnecessary waste money projects. Stop all China project.Choose Ministers by their qualifications.Example, Finance minister must and should have finance background and other post as well based on the actual qualifications.
  • @keewng
    Is it a Joke $350Bn, UK is £3 Trillions public debt, £1=MR5.9!
  • @maverickjohn2526
    Who created those depths ,if is not politicians and former governments who else
  • @leealex24
    Malaysia debt to gdp is not that high at 61% and this is expected to reduce in coming years as deficit will be cut to just 3%. Problem is too much money spend on the high number of govt servant salaries/pension.
  • @songyong2395
    The wide differential in interest rates between the USD n RM widens sharply thr exchsnge rate of USD vs RM that created capital flight from M''sia to where interrest rate is sharply higher, so causing RM to depreciate further.
  • @kahhowong3417
    Theory and Practice. Malaysia's National debts was the money making machine for previous government politicians and debts which was a credit to their personal off-shore accounts
  • @theresayongly
    If Malaysian government can collect back from ALL those who stole the Tax Payers' money, won't we be able to solve our debt?
  • @colombard140
    ❤❤You are perfectly correct. Malaysia's debt is 97.5% denominated in Ringgit and only a tiny 2.5% in foreign currencies. And since Malaysia is the only entity that can legally print (creating money out of thin air) the Ringgit, there is no problem. If you owe money which you can create out of thin air, what's the problem? But this must be done surreptitiously otherwise foreign countries will devalue the ringgit. That's why 'E'CON'omy is 'E'ssentially a CON game and really good economists like those in the USA are ethical people who use the tools of the conmen for the good of the people.😂😂
  • @detox78
    You are only in the debt crisis of you are unable to pay your debt.
  • 😮 Malaysia with many Natural Resources incurred a RM$1.5Trillion Ringgit of National Debt as of 2023 ... While Singapore has very little Natural Resources managed to accumulate SGD$1Trillion Dollars plus of National Reserves as of 2022 ... Just to see how badly managed Malaysian National Finance being managed by previous governments of the last 60 years ... Singapore's Meritocracy based Democracy tested to govern more Fairly , Transparently & more Manageable & Accountable than Malaysia's Ethnicity & Religion based governance produced many Unfairness , Groups of the Elites & the Marginalized & within the Elites they factioned into various Cronyism based Sub-groups that mismanaged various National Projects that lacked Professional Supervision & Auditing that lead to this accumulated RM$1.5Trillion Ringgit of National Debt! Bank Negara needed to be under independent & Professional Supervising & Auditing to manage the Malaysia National Finance more Accountable to save guard Malaysia National Reserves from being misused! 🙏🕯🌏🇲🇾
  • @ahamadhamidi6048
    Malaysia should do both reducing debt and as well managing inhouse economy growth
  • the PM should appoint a finance minister to replace himself. Malaysia need a full time 24/7 finance minister to sort out its economic issues. Plus, it doesn't look good for the PM to be the finance minister at the same time - judging from Malaysia's previous experience with Najib Razak.