This is a real issue for PC enthusiasts...

Published 2023-04-06
This is causing serious confusion for gamers...

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All Comments (21)
  • @mr2gti
    Never EVER apologise for personal reasons Jay. It happens and it's no business of anyone but you and your family. Hope all is well.
  • @zoedawn7032
    Sorry to hear of health issues. Hope all gets resolved for you and your wife.
  • @ApBrown1298
    Hey man "health reasons" aren't an excuse, life happens and you don't need to feel bad about it. Hope you and your wife get through whatever is going on and come out better on the other side. Also, always love a rant on the industry and a nice explanation of what the CPU names all mean! Thanks for all you and your team do to cover the tech space.
  • @hellangel2604
    Always appreciate your "rants" definitely makes it feel like a closer more realistic connection with your audience as consumers. The whole tech industry is absolutely insane right now and this is a great video that showcases it. The amount of available products is absolutely insane and when you factor in the cost of everything it's mind blowing. I'm in the predicament of wanting to upgrade, but the whole cpu/mobo/ram issues make me worry, I just want to wait it out a bit longer until more of these odd issues are straightened out. Also factor in a new gen GPU costs slightly less than what I built my entire PC for.....
  • Glad to hear the nod to motherboards as the other half of the "paralysis by indecision" issue. I personally find pairing a good MB with my choice of CPU and GPU far more challenging than picking out the CPU and GPU in the first place.
  • I simply wanted to add that these videos are extremely appreciated to help clear up potential confusion! Hoping that the whole team and your loved ones stay healthy.
  • @Capta1nAsh
    I think another issue not addressed in the video (at least up to 20:20) is that modern games seem to be so terribly optimised that going overkill on specs is a way to try and counter it
  • @DBofficial125
    I can totally relate to this. I was running a Ryzen 3600, 16gb DDR4, X570 motherboard and had a temp 1660 Super while I waited for the GPU chaos to end. The new lines dropped and just added so many new lines for seemingly no real reason, so I just upgraded to a 5800X3D, 6800XT and doubled my ram all on sale or in auctions. Suits all my 1440p needs, saved a ton of money and beyond 4K absolute peak specs, I'm not sure who needs all the confusing latest stuff lol
  • @olandersnake
    Thank you Jay! I run a local computer business. I have been feeling the same frustrations as you. Trying to communicate all of these things quickly and easily to a customer can be frustrating. Developing new ways of approaching build philosophy has been my goal. I finally found my way of doing it. By figuring out what monitor they have and budget. If they are aiming for 1080p 144Hz, then it isn't difficult. If they want to run something with higher resolution or refresh rate, then I adjust my target accordingly. It simplifies it for them but still complicates it for me. Finding the right balance. Keep up the "boomer rants" because it makes me not feel alone in this.
  • @GeminionRay
    The only reason I haven't lost my mind among the myriad SKUs we have right now is because I've been watching tech channels for years, otherwise it'd confuse me way more than it did when I built my first PC. And then every time people ask me about PC building and I gave them some recommendations, they would be back with more questions I wouldn't expect at all. I can't even imagine being in Jayz's position and reading a bunch of emails about that every day lol
  • On one hand Jay amazing talker knows his stuff scriped well segways are perfect and on the other hand Phil with his amazing editing knowing exactly were to cut stuff keeps the video moving. Both together makes an incredible team! Keep it up!
  • @Ytinasniiable
    The good news is all these variations provide mountains of content for creators like you guys I also like how your advice boils down to "pick a reasonable budget and buy whatever's in stock and you're gonna have a good CPU"
  • @FatherManus
    This is why I'm in favor of future proofing. I got a 5900x and I have no plans to upgrade for the next 5 years at least. I might even skip the entire AM5 platform.
  • Hi Jay, hope you are all doing well. Have been a long time viewer and have built 5 systems since watching one of your earlier pc build vids. I have 3 of them currently, my latest is an intel 12900K on a Z690 platform, I undervolted both cpu and my 3080 12gig based on your earlier vids. I guess what I am saying here is that we rely on your reviews and honest output so we don't have to stand in front of a shelf full of parts to see what buy, we generally have it boiled down due to watching countless comparisons and reviews. BTW I am from Australia and live 180 klms from the nearest city, all of my parts are purchased online so your reviews etc are most appreciated. Cejay
  • @naboo_za9373
    intro couldn't have put it more clear - I felt that
  • This video adds so much needed perspective on not only all the CPUs but all the different versatility in the market which can definitely create confusion for people who want to learn about computers. I hope your family is doing well Jay!
  • @nig87101
    Thanks Jay. Stuff like this is really helpful for us not plugged directly into the tech Matrix. Hope you and yours health is sorted soon. Take care.
  • @iamme659
    I finally upgraded my fx8350 and rx480 at the end of last year when prices for the "old" stuff was low to a 5700x and a 6700xt. It's an unfathomable difference and even seeing the the performance gains of the newest gens of cpus and gpus I don't see any reason I will need to get anything new in the next 3-5 years. I'm happy playing games at relatively high settings and fps with my midrange stuff. I don't need a video card and cpu that makes me need to buy a whole new monitor to keep up, 1440p at 144 is good enough for me.
  • your rant is my rant. i've been too confused about it all to even think of building a pc for the last 23 years.