The Muslims of O Block

Publicado 2024-04-30

Todos los comentarios (21)
  • @DeeTofa
    Just want to make something clear... "Nation of Islam" is not Islam. Nation of Islam has VERY different beliefs to what 99.9% of Muslims believe. Malcom X was first a member of the Nation of Islam but then converted to actual Islam after his pilgrimage to Mecca. The brothers in this video are Muslims who follow Islam and not the Nation of Islam.
  • @dimplax5973
    Nation of Islam is not Islam. It is a seperate religion. Malcolm X later on converts to Islam, after leaving Nation of Islam.
  • @NZyoutube
  • @ricanlozada3872
    I'm P.R. from Chicago. I took shahadah at the age of 15. From the west side and from Masjid Dawah. Back in the early 2000's we used to give Dawah in the Cabrini Green Projects. I'm 38 now living abroad. Beautiful to see the effort continuing. Ma'Salam.
  • @NZyoutube
    25:28 His growing popularity is NOT why Elijah felt threatened. He felt threatened because Malcolm X started propogating true Islam and exposed Elijah as a false prophet and the nation of Islam as FALSE ISLAM.
  • @abu_g
    "my great love for jesus led me to Islam"
  • @kdot1087
    I’m Muslim Bangladeshi from NYC, and for those who are saying this brothers are fake Muslims. May Allah guide you. This are our brothers in Islam. Let Allah decide what’s in their heart.
  • @Messicanbatman
    "always gotta tie your camel up" love the reference to the hadith 😊
  • Ain't nothing tough being a Muslim at all. It teaches you discipline and ethics of Life & how to live in this world above all, It makes you humble and know this world means nothing.
  • @bababooey4227
    i just want to make it clear that in 36:31 that picture is of "abu bakr al baghdadi" who was the leader of the terrorist organization isis wich has nothing to do with prophet Muhammad's friend "abu bakr al siddiq" and there's no picture of him available anywhere because he was alive 2 thousand years ago, the guy in the picture doesn't represent real islam, instead an extremist group who understood islam the wrong way and understood verses from the quran in their own extremist ways
    A bit suprised by the hate comments. Imagine hating on people who've gave up being killers and gangsters, helping their community and doing their best in life.
  • @noorahnn376
    11:00 as a Muslim woman, NO Islam is not hard for me or on me! Islam gives me my liberty and dignity and everything that evolves me as a human being!
  • @wiseknowin777
    As a muslim who watches your channel, this was the best one yet. I'm biased. May Allah preserve all those brothers in O Block and the entire City of Chicago. May Allah guide them all to the straigh path of Islam because I truly believe that this deen can change the whole world for the better. Many of the companions of Prophet Muhammad (saw) were in today's terms "gangsters". They were killers and some of them wanted to kill Prophet Muhammad (saw). When they found the beauty of this way of life, they became humble and ended up being some of the greatest defenders of the religion. Alhamdulillah rabil alameeen!
  • @Nattie_4
    As a Muslim of west Indian descent living in NYC, I can tell you from personal experience, the influx of Muslim immigrants moving in has changed our worst neighborhoods into the most peaceful and people have noticed. Subhanallah for Islam and how it could transform O block for the better, Islam is the only cure.
  • @ahmadruzaini4646
    i pray for my brothers in O block to stay healthy physical and mentally..and i pray that Allah might ease your journey in life.. Ameen .. From Malaysia.
  • @Adnan.siddiq
    Make a life changing interview with Sheikh Uthman Ibn Farooq trust me you will not regret.
  • @arbimalana
    Greetings from Indonesia to all my fella in O Blocks, Salam❤
  • @mustymancha3131
    Love and respect to my brothers on O block. May Allah bless you all. Your brother from Libya
  • @Zizoosworld
    This was great to see. Islam really changes lives. I agree that some of these brothers may not articulate the benefits to their lives but i could tell they've come from dark places and have found peace.