Film Theory: The 3 BIG Twists Of Falcon and The Winter Soldier! (Captain America)

Published 2021-03-25
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There is a lot to unpack in the first episode of The Falcon and The Winter Soldier, but why stop at that? You see, Theorists, all this setup is leading to some BIG reveals and I think I've figured it out. Today, we are not only covering what all of the clues in episode one mean for the future. I am going to predict the 3 BIG TWISTS coming up in the series and how the end will change the face of the MCU moving forward. Let's go!

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#TheFalconAndTheWinterSoldier #FalconAndWinterSoldier #Falcon #WinterSoldier #Marvel #CaptainAmerica #MarvelTheory #Theory #FilmTheory #Matpat #Trailer

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Writers: Matthew Patrick and Bob Chipman
Editors: Koen Verhagen and Forrest Lee
'Assistant Editor: AlyssaBeCrazy
Sound Editor: Yosi Berman

All Comments (21)
  • The way Mat called out Sharon Carter being a secret bad guy and then adding a "Nah, probably not" is hilarious to me now
  • @M0no
    I actually like Bucky now he has depth and a good character. I’m glad he and Sam are getting the attention they deserve.
  • @nancynieto3102
    “What if carter was a villain this whole time ok probably not" How do u do this
  • @joetaylor8602
    The fact that his most outlandish theory of Sharon being evil turned out to be true
  • @biscuitchan5067
    "He comes to realize that there are some things that not even superheroes can overcome, like the bank." Batman: "I bought the bank"
  • @AaronBurr04
    Biggest plothole: Falcon could get that loan on gofundme like instantly.
  • @logananglin451
    Watching this after the series ended and it’s hilarious to see the “just throw this out there” theory of Sharon Carter being bad is the only theory in this video that was true
  • @amazedbrick72
    I'm surprised he predicted the Sharon carter is power broker and how he predicted that she was kinda the villian
  • @KwansimaJ
    Falcon: “Is that a new thing? Bad guys give themselves bad names?” Taserface has entered the chat
  • @kevoelevo88
    Falcon: Doesn’t say, “Falcon Kick” or “Falcon punch” Everyone: “The worlds more complicated now”
  • @manlikemean8173
    He CALLED it with Sharon being the Power Broker... this really is the smartest man on YouTube
  • @SeanA099
    When MatPat accidentally predicts Sharon being the big bad behind the Flag Smashers
  • Imagine if the replacement Captain America turns out to be like the nicest person ever
  • I appreciate Russells effort into John Walker, irrespective of the character's ending, really like his acting.
  • It sucks that Bucky is the only Avenger being made to make up for his past, when he's the only one who's past wasn't his fault.
  • @hooman2459
    Dude Bucky making amends with the guy who was the father of someone he killed. That hit me hard.
  • As an avid fan of Quicksilver in the X-men movies, the "Big Bohner Energy" makes me wanna both laugh and cry.