My Bible Collection!! & A Testimony Time About Overconsumption As A Christian!

Publicado 2024-01-30

Todos los comentarios (21)
  • @rebeccaly
    As someone who has a lot of Bibles, I agree sooo much with what you said. It’s so easy to get caught up in overconsumption! I know I definitely have to watch myself with this sometimes. But, I’m happy to say that I’ve given away more bibles than I own. It’s so fun for me because I love playing “Bible matchmaker” and seeing people start to be more on fire for God’s word. It warms my heart when people start carrying their physical Bibles to church instead of using their phone (nothing against Bibles apps…I just find that it’s easier to revere God’s words when I carry a physical Bible). Now, I basically never buy anything for myself because I have more than enough but I like shopping for other people. It’s so much more fulfilling to give than to receive. The Word of God is THE BEST gift you could ever give or receive ❤
  • I just came across your video for some reason and you have definitely given good advice. I am a Bible Collector. I've also been gifted with Bibles, and I've also given many Bibles away as gifts to family and friends. What I've found with collecting Bibles is that so many people are inspired to actually either buy a Bible, read a Bible, or learn more about what the specific Bible is about -- since there are sooo many various Translations and beautiful Bibles out now. How can one go into a Library and not want to read a book? It is the same when people see a collection of Bibles. They want to know more about why so many? What are they about? What is so fascinating about them? Jesus is what is so fascinating about them! You are right, the Holy Spirit will teach you through just one Bible, you don't have to have over 100. But, I will say this -- it is amazing how many people have been drawn to Christ through having a Bible Collection. I've had mainly people track me down to find out about the Bibles so I could order them one (mainly men) to my surprise. I've thought about it, because one day I just had this drive to start collecting Bibles, and saw so many other people doing the same thing. Just look at how many videos there are on Bible Collections over the last few years. Some people collect food, some people collect sneakers, some people collect jewelry, some people collect ink pens.... different strokes for different folks. I believe in my heart that the reason people are collecting Bibles is because we are coming into a time when you may not be able to afford one or get one. Just something to think about. 🤔 Many Christian stores are disappearing. I thank the Lord for my Bible Collection most humbly. Just maybe I'm being led to open a Bible Book Store ~ who knows? Loved your video ~ New Subscriber!
  • @natishanloves
    I agree, blessing someone with a Bible is so amazing 💖
  • @rebeccaly
    I loveee this video so much. Thanks for sharing your collection and your message about overconsumption. God bless you sis! 🥺❣️❣️
  • What a wonderful message. The Bible you need is the one you read! I love your message about being careful about where we place our value. I also love the idea about gifting Bibles. I am going to do that this year. Thank you so much.
  • @melodysjourney_
    I honestly needed to watch this and hear everything you said! Thank you for sharing this video with us! 😊
  • @raphael71848
    Wow this a good advice don’t over consume stuff because it can be come an idol and you’ll get distracted.
  • Thank you sister for this message. I needed to hear it and I know it will help many! Praise be to God!
  • @ShanicexLola
    Okay, wait. Because now I just watched until the end and wow! What a msg!
  • Good! Good Good I started purchasing various translations for teaching purposes, however, I do give some of the former of the ones I've had away. This is really good teaching for anything that we overindulge in purchasing (shoes, clothes, purses) etc.
  • Hello. When I was a student studying Biblical Studies I had to buy various study Bibles. They were great for study. I do own quite a bit. I never thought of over consumption but your point is extremely valid. I needed to hear that but I needed that regarding other areas of my life. Thank you❤
  • Thank you so much for your boldness and encouragement to know that what we have is enough. 🙏🏾✨💕
  • @thesamonte
    SHE HAS POSTED! ✨🫶🏼 i don’t have a bible collection. i currently only have a NLT study bible, it’s just easier for me to understand for now but i really want to get myself a NKJV study bible 🤍 i had a similar story except it was clothes – i had 3 luggage’s (1 medium size and 2 small size) of clothes when we’re about to move, someone stole the 2 small size luggage’s. i was so upset but i learned that it’s just clothes which i could always get new ones, i didn’t need to stress about having so much clothes and hoped that whoever got my clothes would fit them & need them. (i’m a size xs/s) also, i’m really excited about the Bible series! 🙌🏼
  • @jalynnhughes1964
    This is a beautiful message and Video.. thank u for this!!! ❤ I needed to hear this today!!!
  • @Junebug-73
    Thank you so much for your advice. The Lord has been dealing with me through my consumption of my bibles right now. I have splurge on bibles that i don't even need. I don't have a lot of bibles now sonce i got rid of some but God has placed it on my heart to give bibles to those who can't even afford it. This has been an amazing message. One i needed to hear.
  • @coryk1592
    Thank you for this message! What an important reminder to bless others and not to hoard God's blessings and gifts!
  • @ShanicexLola
    This just made me want another bible, and I already have two omg. I need the link to the beautiful devotional bible.
  • @TayStayPink
    Thank you for sharing your collection😊. You're so right, it's best to channel our desires for excessively buying cute Bibles that we dont really need, to gift to others who do. I really love the floral NKJV Bible that you said you use the most. It's beautiful when we focus on one particular Bible, & we can see the wear, notes, & highlights accumulated throughout our lifetime spiritual journey. God bless you💗