my modesty journey & why i started veiling (well trying!)

Published 2024-03-07

All Comments (17)
  • @RaeNova
    My girl is just speaking straight facts! Thank you for speaking on this so whole heartedly in a way that many unfortunately do not.
  • So proud of you! Been on the same journey of modesty and covering my crown. I feel so much closer to the most high, praise Adonai for calling his daughters. It doesn’t matter if someone covers or not, if it’s something GD is calling u to do, do it.
  • @Faithtalk7
    God. Bless you for sharing this. I see the love of the Lord in you. 🙏🏼❤️
  • @Sundaysluv
    Beautiful video. Thanks I cried ☺️
  • Oh my.. I just chopped off all my hair about 3 months ago. And I never understood it could be due to not having control 🤯
  • @pringl3112
    I'm a veiling Christian too 💗 I pray that God helps you
  • @SheldonSC2
    Man in the the journey...just came across the subject sub
  • @TayStayPink
    You're beautiful & your veil definitely compliments you well sister. Thank you for sharing this💗. I'm curious, where did you get the veil you're wearing in this video?
  • I cut my hair (that I grew for YEARS) when it fell out from medicstion I took. Now I am regrowing it for the 4th (?) Time. I hope the Lord helps me never do that again to "gain control"
  • @bluezy710
    Please study this topic deep and hard before following any trends under the appearance of being led by God. First and foremost, ask the Holy Spirit to guide you in studying this topic and teaching you the concept of modesty in God's eyes. Don't assume that because everyone is doing it, it must be God. The devil uses that technique a lot, feeding into our desire of fitting in when the Lord tells us to be separated. Then start your study by looking to understand why the Apostle Paul said this to the church of Corinth in 1 Corinthians 11:13-16. It says, "Judge for yourselves: Is it proper for a woman to pray to God with her head uncovered? Does not the very nature of things teach you that if a man has long hair, it is a disgrace to him, but that if a woman has long hair, it is her glory? FOR HER LONG HAIR IS GIVEN TO HER AS A COVERING. If anyone wants to be contentious about this, we have no other practice—nor do the churches of God." Notice that the long hair is the covering itself. There is no veil. He's talking about women going bald or cutting their hair very short in defiance of the rules of the time, a sign of rebellion (if you study the history of the region of Corinth, you'll know). This verse also tells us that there's no way Jesus' hair was long back then. As you study, you'll find out that the concept of modesty in God's eyes is very specific but the application of it varies based on the place you are in. A certain way of dressing is considered sensual in one country by its people but not considered sensual at all in another country, for example. The answer to modesty is so simple. Why do we complicate it? Let's not end up going back to the places of bondage we came out of, like the Apostle Paul says in Galatian 5:1. All of a sudden, half the women doing this will be living in all the customs of the Old Testament thinking that's what pleases the Lord. The answer to modesty is simply to dress in a way that you do NOT enhance the parts of your body that you know catch the most attention from men in an enticing way because when doing so, you are knowingly provoking them to the sin of lust. THAT'S IT. If your breasts tend to catch attention to the eye, wear shirts that do not give them prominence. You don't need to look like a 80-year old grandmother to look modest in the eyes of God or men and remember that men with perversion in their heart will still desire you sexually even with a covering (I've seen a man hit on a woman wearing a whole burka once!!!). If you want to avoid the attention of men, then stop wearing makeup too. After all, makeup enhances beauty, right? Imagine telling Queen Esther to show up before the king to be selected by him with no ornamentation at all? There's only so much you can do and should take responsibility for in this matter of modesty. Every time I dressed as a teen, I'd go to my dad and ask if I look decent. He never required me to do that, I just wanted to look dignified and his opinion mattered as he was a man of God. I'd wear the same items as my sister, from shirts to shorts to pants to skirts) and dad would always say I look beautiful but dad rarely approved my sister's simply because of the principle I shared above. It's not what you wear but HOW you wear it! You have zero need to cover your entire self or your head to look any more dignified. When a man is sexually perverse, they will see sex in you regardless. If you dress in a way that your own loving earthly father can say, "you look beautiful", then you ARE being modest because you know your own dad would never want to put his daughter out there dressed undignified. You will also see a pattern of men who encourage veiling to be very controlling husbands so please keep your eyes wide open about that.
  • @mogami4869
    Look, what I'm confused about regarding modesty because of faith... Would a benevolent God really judge you for how you dress, of all things. It sounds so petty to me. If you believe God created you the way you are, why should God bother AT ALL how you cover yourself up? It doesn't really make sense to me. It makes more sense to me, that culturally people decided what is "modest" when living together in groups of people, you know? Anyway, thank you for the video, because it's really interesting, I always wondered what are the reasons behind veiling and things like that.