Total War: WARHAMMER III - What's Next?

Join us for a detailed look at What's Next in Total War: WARHAMMER III, and hear directly from our development team as we start to reveal what's coming in our next DLC, focused on Khorne, Ogre Kingdoms, and Orcs & Goblins.

Watch the full conversation with Senior Community Manager Steve Coleman, Senior Game Director Rich Aldridge, alongside DLC Lead designer Sean Macdonald, and Associate Game Director Victor Dosev, and then let us know what you think about this all-new content that's coming to the game.

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コメント (21)
  • @a.e.w.384
    I prefer hearing from the devs directly then having to be forced to watch influencers to get any bit of info. Please keep this up CA. Your loyal customers appreciate this.
  • I truly HAVE NEVER understood why every developer does not do these types of "Dev Talk" videos. YES, of course we love this, please keep doing it. Bi-weekly, monthly, quarterly, whatever, we don't care, just do them. Thank you for your hard work on this franchise throughout all these years. More communication and interaction with the community is almost never a bad thing, if done correctly, so please keep moving in that direction. I wish this team and this game the best!!
  • @Tarriff
    I absolutely hate the fact that Youtube censors the name of the New Ogre Legendary Lord
  • This was SO MUCH FUN TO WATCH! I would love to see another one of these in the late summer to maybe show off some more in-progress animations and perhaps even reveal another few units or characters! Very exciting video, so much more informative and enjoyable than just a PNG roadmap. Thank you guys for making such a fantastic sit down video for us and I am losing my mind with excitement over the amount of content lurking on the horizon! Can't wait to get my hands on this newest DLC. ALSO PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD GIVE US A CHAMPIONS-OF-CHAOS STLYE VAMPIRIC BLOODLINES DLC FEATURING ALL 4 NON-VON CARSTEIN BLOODLINES! I BEG OF THEE!
  • A duel system for Skulltaker where you actually go out and duel other enemy Lords and LLs in a real battle, dismounted, is all I need to be the happiest servant of the Blood God.
  • CA, this is what we want. Just talk with the community, let us know, don't play ostrich and stick your head in the sand. We love this game, we're passionate about the universe, and we WANT to support you, but we need to see you guys are trying and the content you make is worth it. This is a great start!
  • This new focus on transparency post-Shadows of Change is the best direction you could’ve gone, CA. THIS is what we as gamers and consumers want. Transparency is so important, no matter what game you’re making, and sitting down with lead developers and confirming that you hear us and that reworks and content for factions are on the docket is amazing. Keep it up, guys.
  • Throgg is the troll king and he only has two kinds of trolls, kind of criminal
  • This video format is brilliant, it feels so much more transparent and informal than your usual style of content.
  • @Tarriff
    As this is a Khorne DLC, the Release Date of this will be 8th of August
  • @jrx-rg9pg
    The meeting before this: “Say, we listen to your feedback between every breath.”
  • Golgfâg Maneater is such a legendary character that he's the reason why Maneaters name themselves, well, Maneaters.
  • Confirmed inclusions: Legendary Lords: Skulltaker Golgfag Maneater Gorebad Ironclaw FLC Lord: Unnamed Khorne Lord Units: Thundertusk (Ogre Kingdoms) "Blood Vultures" (Ogre Kingdoms) Slaughterbrute (Khorne) Other salient details: Slaanesh "soon", implied to be next, more DLCs in the Thrones of Decay model (3 factions, individual purchase allowed), Vampire Counts, Lizardmen and Norsca have also been called out as on the docket, though the lizardmen specifically sound more like an update than a DLC in context, at least to me. Also more aggressive efforts into those sorts of updates, including updates that don't come alongside a DLC, which sounds *lovely.*
  • CA, your awareness of the issues presented by the community is a nice change of pace compared to, well, before. The clarity of communication here is heartwarming to see, and I hope it will go a long way, for everyone involved. Thrones of Decay has been fantastic fun (despite its quirks and issues) and a significant boost in quality compared to Shadows of Change. Please use this momentum to swing hard, because if the next DLC is a good'un, we could be in a very good place. Please continue the god-specific DLCs first as that would be very nice to see, from there we can get wild with things like Nagash/Thanquol
  • I think The Great Book of Grudges also has a really sound idea with that of mini race packs. I know I'd love to see a formula that adds in a lord and/or legendary hero along with a few units so we can get units that wouldn't make much of an army on their own. Like halflings and gnomes being added to the Empire, like with hobgoblins being in the Chaos Dwarf roster. And I'm sure you've already heard it a million times, but Ind and Khuresh would probably me massive hits.
  • As a Bretonian fan, I would like to see Green Knight, vows rework, and foot knights. A crusade mechanic would also be cool.