Published 2024-06-22

All Comments (21)
  • @SuperBald-et1ho
    This isn’t just CA or the gaming industry. This is the corporate world now. Terrible executives making terrible decision, and holding everyone else, even paying customers responsible instead of themselves.
  • @joncarter3761
    It's shocking how management and leadership are failing upwards accross the entertainment industry!
  • This part of the article really hit emotionally. Many would've quit on the spot. ''By that time, the rumour had become established that I had been fired, and now that the game was improving, this was taken by many as proof that I was gone and my replacement was doing a better job. So I was having to come into work every day along with those on the patching team and chip away at the problems knowing that those improvements would be taken by many as further evidence of my incompetence. I cannot tell you how demoralizing that was, and the thought of resigning certainly crossed my mind, but I wanted to at least get the game working first.''
  • @Oh-Deer-God
    >And the company, of course, doesn't take care of them Never forget that corporations are never your friend.
  • @Colty95
    The community forgives them because there is literally no competition. As much as I would like to say "F*k CA, I'm gonna go play *total war game from another company there is none.
  • This quote from McKinlay's statement is my favorite: "My view is that the continued success of the franchise is better explained by the patience and goodwill of its players than it is by the stewardship of Total War’s management."
  • @imperialdoctor
    Whenever I see a lot of hype surrounding a new Total War, I always think to myself "Remember Carthage". The disparity between the hype and expectation vs what was delivered was vast, and as such a huge let down. So I always take any new hype with a huge pinch of salt. It's worked well for me so far.
  • @Clem35530
    Let's prepare for an unlawful NDA clause in every CA contracts soon ^^
  • @kmanalpha453
    Pretty sure Games Workshop is just as toxic, so these two companies working together is a match made in heaven
  • @thenoblepoptart
    Fun bit of trivia about that bloated marketing budget for Rome 2: Without it, we wouldn’t have the famous channel “Extra History”. Back when it was Extra Credits they were approached by CA to make a series on the Punic Wars as a part of their marketing campaign, and that was the first series of Extra History…
  • @stevadr
    Why the F are people responsible for CA's current state still there.. (Management)
  • @redtsun67
    That thing about the community forgiving them really gets me. It's crazy how quickly people will flip from being rightfully pissed, to being like "CA DID A THING IT'S TIME FOR US TO FORGIVE THEM!" I think this is a problem that affects all gaming communities. All a developer needs to do to quell outrage is to throw some old dried up bone into the mix, then everyone stops barking and returns to sitting down and wagging their tails while the developers run their wallets with shitty DLC and microtransactions. I guess that old saying is true; a fool and his money are easily parted.
  • @Nadz203
    Lying to the player in order for encourage them to do something to their determent or ultimately worsen gameplay is Creative Assembly design philosophy 101.. Its absolutely everywhere in all of their game. Why actually put the work into designing a game when you can just lie to the player.!?
  • @joel6513
    I work in a corporate setting, for all the pressure and stress executives are under and for all the statements of how company performance is their job and “on them”, they NEVER accept responsibility for anything negative but always make sure to cover themselves in praise when good things happen. Gaming needs to go back to small studios full of passion, corporate companies making games suck, see almost every AAA game in the last 10 years
  • @polus134
    The fact their solution to an unused camera feature was to slap an unrelated stat bonus on it speaks volumes of how little these people understand players and how good games work.
  • @happycompy
    This is incredibly damning. The "camera mode increases unit combat performance" lie is hilarious 😂. What an unmitigated dumpster fire. I swear to God nobody hates Total War more than CA management.
  • @Wallym0h
    "I play these games to show you how corporate people lie to you." Straight up G.
  • @sbranch82au
    So many companies are like this tbh, I've worked at several big employers that are just playgrounds for manager/exec egos.