Voyager 1: How We Lost Contact... And How we Might Get It Back

Published 2024-04-02
Join us on an interstellar journey with Voyager 1, humanity's aging space envoy facing a critical communication crisis. Can NASA revive it before it's lost to the cosmos forever?

All Comments (21)
  • @Decrepit_biker
    Crazy to think that Voyager will be 1 light day away from Earth sometime in October 2026, just a couple of months or so before I turn 50. It left earth when I was just 10 months old....... it's been travelling more or less my entire life at around 17km (11 miles) every second (61,500km/h) and has travelled a little less than 1/365th of a light year..... space is really big folks.
  • @blueblue4083
    Voyager 1 is a testament to humanities perseverance and our desire for knowledge.
  • Also, Simon and/or Whistlerverse crew... I don't know where these rumors of killing the Astrographics channel came from, but please, please don't. I know you've said in Brainblaze and other channels how much you actually enjoy these topics. Maybe some of us Space nerds are not as... comment-frenzied as viewers are on stuff like Brain Blaze of the Casual Criminalist... but you do have one of the best Space Infotainment channels on Youtube. Don't axe it. If you have to reduce the number of videos you do, that's fine. We understand. You don't have enough Simon clones to do this many channels. But please make it work out somehow. I have the same message for you as I do for the Voyagers... keep on Truckin'.
  • @dahleno2014
    She’ll be back in a few centuries with quite the upgrade and a slightly new name, V’ger (Star Trek reference for those who don’t know)
  • @jokerace8227
    It is actually quite a testament to the skills of the engineers who put the Voyagers together that either are still functional so far beyond their intended missions, especially with dwindling power supplies, and that Inverse Square Law thing about their transmission power to distance from us.
  • I know it's silly, but I love the Voyagers. I've a lot of hope for humanity and these lovely little machines have done a lot for us back on our little blue dot. Keep on trucking little probes.
  • @cynthiana8328
    If nothing else, Voyager 1&2 are a testament to Humanity’s existence.
  • @nickhagen6175
    Best science channel around. One of the few not polluted with bs and filter
  • @julianaylor4351
    That either probe has lasted so long, it's amazing that Voyager 1 still going, at all. In a way these machines are similar to fridges and freezers that are still going, long after they shouldn't or even a vintage car or plane or train that still works. So given that the two probes are in a dangerous environment, deep space, it's a miracle that only one Voyager has gone wrong.
  • You, Anton Petrov, and Astrum are my favorite science channels, keep it up!!🙌🙌🌟🌟
  • @55Reever
    Voyager 1 and 2 have more than accomplished their expectations. Bravo JPL.
  • @mattiemathis9549
    As a person a few years older than voyager 1, I am continually amazed at how long they’ve lasted and the data collected from them. I remember the Saturn pictures as a kid and I remember them saying how long it would be before the next pictures, if it survived. I remember thinking, there’s no way I’ll still be alive to see that. 😂 Seeing Pluto, after it had been downgraded, was exhilarating! I understand the technology that they used in Voyager. I understand that when I became a legal adult, that technology was obsolete. I think I’m going to sit down with my granddaughter and show her some pictures. And maybe pull out that old Casio calculator watch. 😂 It will be a sad day when the voyagers are no longer able to communicate or vice verse. But I am convinced that back in the day, they made things that lasted.
  • Really hope this channel finds a way to gain traction. Warographics did it by providing a clear-eyed look at current world conflict and covering lesser known news about wars ongoing or brewing without bias. Harder to do that here, but it's a clear passion for Simon and the team and I hope they find a way.
  • Simon should fly out there and make a podcast for 82 years catching up with voyager 1
  • @deaks25
    The Voyager probes, along with the Space Shuttle, are what inspired me to pursue a career in engineering and I will be genuinely saddened when the probes have to be powered down. For me they have to rank as one of, if not the, greatest feats of the 20th Century. It won't happen within my life time but I hope one day we'll have the ability to go out and recover both Voyager's and bring them home.
  • @Ed_Stuckey
    I remember how excited I was when the Voyager, Pioneer, and all the manned programs were launched. I suppose it was due in addition to the chance to gain knowledge, it was also some relief that we weren't as far behind Russia as we had been the October day a few years earlier when I was watching Sputnik in awe mixed with fear as it passed over our home.
  • @mikeygallos5000
    Sad will be the day when Voyager 1 stops communicating with us. Sadder will be the day when the Whistlerverse stops communicating with us.