Valve Fangames - The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly

Published 2022-07-07

All Comments (21)
  • Honestly, calling B4B a "L4D fangame" seems right on the money. It's certainly about the most positive thing I could say about it.
  • @Everik-ct6pg
    Would really like a sequel to this video touching on other mods like Portal Stories: Mel. These fan games certainly deserve more attention.
  • @Mirthful_Midori
    Civvie11 covered Hunt Down the Freeman and there were two points where he had to use console commands just to finish it. The fact that console commands were necessary to finish it, is a pretty good indicator of just how bad it is. It also dethroned Postal 3 for the title of "Worst game on the Source engine".
  • @antoninmp
    I feel like the ugly should be like the funny type games that are either so bad it’s good or bad on purpose(also in tgtbtu the ugly is not necessarily the villain, just and ugly character)
  • @trickstab7903
    Entropy zero is definitely a fantastic fangame, super enjoyable for people like me who really enjoy fangames where you get to flip the script and play as the villain
  • @AVGNROCKS1996
    Personally think that the entire fun of modding is getting the good and bad of what the community can create, cause even the bad stuff has merit. It’s worth a thousand crack life’s for a Counter Strike or Black Mesa
  • @Spunney
    This isn't very important, but usually when you use the "The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly" phrase, "The Ugly" doesn't denote the worst of the worst, it's supposed to represent stuff that's in the middle of the road, with ambiguous qualities that makes it confusing to parse, hence "ugly". The phrase comes from a movie with the same name, it's really great, you should watch it!
  • @hmmm.74
    In Pyro's defense, how was he supposed to know this game he voiced for was gonna be shit.
  • @DaRealBruner
    Really surprised you didn't bring up Portal Stories: MEL and Aperture Tag. Regardless, another excellent video!
  • @megatokyo2113
    As someone who patiently waited 3 years and spent over $100 preordering B4B, I can definitely tell you how disappointing it was. Barely anyone from the original Turtle Rock team worked on B4B, and it simply has none of the charm or polish L4D has. Valve always puts so many little details into their games that you barely notice until they're taken away. Back 4 Blood is the best example of this.
  • @arcticst6327
    I really don't think its fair to call out everyone who "Did video essays on how bad HDTF is" for being supposedly "greedy for a quick buck" and "making essay after essay". Besides the fact some of them were literally reviewing the game on launch, its still totally fair to make a video with your own opinion on something, considering not everyone has the same opinion, experience, or information on a game. Some of those videos werent even essay type videos, they often talked about something behind the scene beyond "Game bad." And claiming that people making vids on HDTF were bringing down the HL community by associating it with HDTF is really, Really shortsighted tbh. The general reception I see from non-HL fans is never tarnishing or making fun of the HL community in relation to HDTF. Just because you didn't like talking about HDTF doesnt mean people who did talk about it are contributing to tarnishing HL as a community, that just feels malicious to me.
  • @nnikitov57
    Dissapointed you didn't include Portal Stories: Mel. It's easily the best Portal mod, with insane amount of detail/polish and extremely interesting test chambers.
  • @topkek6665
    1:07 Video starts THE GOOD 2:09 Black Mesa (Half-Life 1) 3:29 Codename Gordon (Half-Life 2) 4:19 Entropy : Zero (Half-Life 2) 4:54 Portal Reloaded (Portal) 5:21 Portal : The Flash Version (Portal) 6:00 Mari oh (i dunno how you spell it) (Portal) 6:14 Gang Garrison (Team Fortress 2) 6:38 Team Fortress 2 Classic (Team Fortress 2) 8:12 Open Fortress (Team Fortress 2) THE BAD 9:20 Prospekt (Half-Life 2) 11:12 Half-Life Before (Half-Life 2) 11:59 Back 4 Blood (Left 4 Dead) THE UGLY 13:01 Hunt Down The Freeman (Half-Life 2)
  • @furret2611
    I cannot wait until Operation: Black Mesa comes out. A game studio called Tripmine Studios is making a remake of Blue Shift and Opposing Force and it looks exciting! It doesn't have a release date at the moment but it definitely looks like a try.
  • @bukachell
    I was definitely kind of wanting to see genry's great escape from city 13, and hearing a mention of it at the end surprised me. Small note, but the game has a ton of unused content
  • @NexusNick
    If there’s ever a sequel to this video, I’d recommend checking out the Valve fangames by Eric Ruth. There’s Team Fortress Arcade, a beat-em-up based on TF2, and Pixel Force: Left 4 Dead, an NES-styled demake of the first Left 4 Dead. They’re neat little distractions a la Codename: Freeman.
  • I have a story about Prospekt. I was actually on the Discord, seeing all the previews for the Upgraded versions, and it actually seemed decent. But, I had a few nitpicks, and so my peers took it upon themselves to harass me, blowing what I said way out of proportion. When they opted to use Autism as an insult, I peace’d the fuck out. Learning that the updates wound up in some Development Hell actually gives me a sick satisfaction, finding out they got fucked over years later. Heh heh heh. I commend the people making the M3SA build of HDTF. A lot of good people got screwed making it, and I’m glad they could find some fun taking the piss out of Berkan.
  • @kallo_1
    Richter I recommend making more content like this I really enjoy having a voice talk about my favorite games and how bad the mods for said game impacted the view of the community. I also just really enjoy this creative content like making a list of the best and the worst of the half-life moding community is a really good idea and I'd love to see more!