What Do I Know About Putting Your Hoof Down

Published 2020-09-21
Putting Your Hoof Down is one of the most hated episodes of Friendship is Magic. It is certainly one of the most mean-spirited episodes, but does that really mean it's bad?

Theme song: Weird Al Yankovic's "Trigger Happy"

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All Comments (14)
  • @WolfX1120
    Putting Your Hoof Down is one of my all time favorite episodes of MLP,,, /)
  • @adolfodef
    22:00 You have to think it from the point of view of Rarity & Pinkie Pie: . New!Fluttershy behaves in a way similar to her "discorded persona". They know it is posible to change the personality of a pony by force through the use of magic without them even realizing it happened (Discord did in not long ago in the S2 premiere with themselves, so they have "personal experience" in the matter). . They seem to be rather ignorant about Iron Will´s species [calling him a "character" and "monster" because they can not remember the word "minotaur"]. Given that he is the only one shown in the entie series, it is likely the same case than with Zecora (initially treating her as a mysterious magical creature). Even if "technically speaking" Iron Will does not have "magic" in a traditional sense; there are still other "abilities" that could alter another creature´s mind. . Fluttershy´s "Stare" literally BENDS THE WILL of other creatures to her desires [it is not "magical" since when she swapped bodies with Angel, "he" could magically fly using the pegasus wings, yet Fluttershy could still FORCE Angel to "behave" using The Stare (from inside a normal bunny body)]. . Fluttershy did try to use The Stare against Discord once [S3E10], while it did not worked then, the real reason may be that he is a deity/spirit. It is rather unclear if the Red Dragon [S1E07] was subdued by "The Stare", or was simply affraid by an implied "hidden power" from Fluttershy complete lack of fear (mistaking determination/asertiveness with certainty/superiority). My headcanon is that Rarity & Pinkie Pie believes that Iron Will´s success with his program is not just through a combination of discipline & his natural carisma (that part is rather obvious), but also some unknown "supernatural power" or "curse" that is preventing Fluttershy from controling herself. -> They may suspect that he holding the "cure" until getting the money (this way ponies either accepted their "new persona" & pay him gratefully; or get blackmailed by him when they refuse). This is why all got surprised when Fluttershy found "a third way": . Iron Will because he expected either inmediate payment or some "excuse" to do it later, not a literal & legal refusal to ever do it. . The girls because they realized that: a) Iron Will was not guilty of their acusations. b) Fluttershy was actually being sincere with her critisims (but they already forgive her for that). c) There was no need to "escalate" the conflict anymore because the perceived "enemy" simply conceded.
  • @MrLeftTurn
    Excellent analysis, Trigger. I’ve kept quiet about this episode since I started watching the show because, like you, I actually enjoy it. And just like you, I’ve always had a problem with the episode trying to shift blame from Fluttershy to Iron Will, but that’s really my only issue with it. One thing that came out of Putting Your Hoof Down that’s always confused me, however, was people trying to classify Iron Will as an actual villain alongside the likes of Chrysalis and Tirek. He’s loud and obnoxious, sure, but I always loved how over-the-top he was and it wasn’t his fault that Fluttershy took his advice to the extreme. The personal bit of your video got to me too, so good on you for that. You can use my backgrounds anytime.
  • @kaylagaymon4873
    Putting Your Hoof Down is my favorite episode. I also suffered from being a pushover like Fluttershy. Her assertive from Iron Will went too far. I love how Pinkie Pie did the Bugs Bunny trick on the salespony and Iron Will. In the end, Fluttershy learned to say no to Iron Will, which surprised Rarity and Pinkie Pie. The lesson is to stand up for yourself and have confidence 💪💪💪🐰🐰🐰😲😲😲🤣🤣🤣
  • @jacobbelow4136
    Cool! It's been a long time since we've seen a video upload from you, and boy it was this a great one to return to! Regarding the episode itself, the more that I thought about it, the more that it reminded me of Spiderman 3 (the Sam Raimi movie). It's one that's gotten a notorious reputation among Spiderman fans, in no small part because it puts Peter Parker through the wringer in a similar fashion that this episode does to Fluttershy. I remember watching Spiderman 3 on the big screen when I was 13 years old, and walking out in such a shock for how uncomfortable it was, that it left me feeling almost distraught! And as the years went on, I began convincing myself that I hated it and considered it a bad movie, like the rest of the crowd did. But then I watched Channel Pup's videos on the matter: https://youtu.be/ZdBEQ9Xysu0, and he made me reconsider my outlook on it. What he said was that while there are plenty of things to criticize the movie for, the one thing that could not be denied about it was that it didn't comprimise its portrayal of Peter Parker. It's like it was designed to shake the audience up and give them this stark revelation as to the sort of person even a great superhero could become. Even before he bonded with the symbiote, Peter went from being a humble everyman struggling to get by with everything working against him, to gradually having everything go right for him, and gradually getting such overconfidence that he starts to become careless and douchy. And when the symbiote gets a hold of his body, it only amplifies the darker facets of his personality, and it becomes an representation for addiction. It could be argued that they took it a bit far at points (especially with Peter's stupid emo haircut, and infamous, embarrassing catwalk scene), but the series did make a point since movie one about the story not being for the faint of heart. Both this episode and that movie are uncomfortable to watch, but it doesn't necessarily make them bad. While a lot of bad things happen to both characters in question, neither one of the are void of fault, and each story makes a point of emphasizing that; Fluttershy taking Iron Will's faulty advice to dangerous extremes, and Peter letting his ego get the better of him to the point where he conciously decides to fully bond with the symbiote.
  • Hello hello officer trigger Happy really enjoying your videos a lot excellent videos as always looking forward for new videos go get em tiger.🐯🐯🐯🐯🐯🐯🐯🐯
  • @izzyj.1079
    1:04. I REGRET NOTHING! Real talk, excellent work as usual. I'm inclined to agree, although you've worded it far better than I could hope for. I will say the introduction bit felt a little meandering, but it's at least attatched to a great analysis
  • I do consider this a good episode. Though highly flawed.
  • Hello hello officer trigger Happy I am really enjoying your videos a lot excellent videos as always can't wait for new videos go officer trigger Happy go.😸😸😸😸😸😸😻😻😻😻😻😻😻😻😻😻😻😻😻😻😻😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😻😻😻😻😻😻😻😻😻😻😻😻😻😻😻😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸🐯🐯🐯🐯🐯🐯🐯🐯🐯🐯🐯🐯🐯🐯🐯🐯🐯🐯🐯🐯🐯🐯🐯🐯🐯🐯🐯🐯🐯🐯😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😻😻😸😻😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😻😸😸😸
  • @NelsonDemifur
    I did like that episode. But as for the punishment? That's not a war crime. Making him watch PPG 2016? Now THAT'S torture.
  • @krwizard5991
    Fluttershy episodes always get hated for the wrong reason, this episode is consider not the highest hate compare to Daring Doubt. I can relate Fluttershy situation in this episode, I also have problem to control my assertiveness. Also, screw those people think quiet type people never outburst like that. I did lost my cool that one time due to most people already criticize Starlight in A Horsehoe In for saying she has not qualification to be the headmare of school of friendship and later on people rant Fluttershy being an idiot for solving problem using kindness, that when I lost cool and start to attack people by saying they just jealous of my best pony (Fluttershy) got more awesome than their best pony; they just being an asshole like Donald Trump, or being sad want it kindness Minusaur. Last year September when I watched Ultraman Z episode 11 make me realize another lesson that Daring Doubt trying to teach that most people fail to realize it, is teaching people if use violence to solve your problem it will come with a bad result such as felt regret and guilty of your action for accidentally hurt your loved one or someone who has nothing to do with your personal problem; that also include killing an innocent life for using violence. I actually fail to realize that point too after re-watching Daring Doubt for multiple times and I didn’t realize past season episodes also teaching that lesson over and over again. I go find those episodes and explain it to Lefty why I love that episode; he seems agree with my reasoning for loving the episode but he still think Fluttershy was being an idiot in that episode.
  • @MetaRunnerXLR
    I think You could have explained why certain things in that episode didn't work despite the intention. I could probably understand why, but I and maybe more might not be absolutely sure. You mentioned the music empathizing the situation, but is it that it wasn't done in the rest? Just saying, Your reason wouldn't come of as hypocritical if you explain why not there. FTN, I can identify with Fluttershy's outburst here, though I'm not sure if I'm as worried as you were when you identified with her. I may recommend The God, The Devil, and Bob episode with a similar issue you struggle with. I will say that at least You'll deal with your kids much more softly if you try unlike your father.