A tale of two Kensingtons: London and Liverpool... and the 2015 election's inequality gap

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Kensington, one of the poorest parts of Liverpool, fears three more years of Tory austerity and the closure of its Sure Start centre. Its namesake in London could be hit by Labour's mansion tax and its abolition of non-dom tax status. John Harris starts his 2015 general election campaign road-trip by taking the temperature in two wildly different parts of Britain.
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コメント (21)
  • I feel for the retired chap in his large house that he bought 50 years ago, but I feel more for the people scraping along in Liverpool.  He has infinitely more options than they do; remortgage to release equity, sell up and move to a nice house in the country or no doubt even if the mansion tax does come in there will quickly be a nice little fiddle to avoid most of it.
  • @flake452
    Average salary in kensington liverpool is no where near £25k if they earn't they wouldn't live there.
  • I lived in Kensington Liverpool a couple of years ago.. moved out when I finished university.. Miss it so much, it was such a community...people looked out for each other
  • Please fact check. The average wage in Kensington Liverpool in 2015 was likely £12.000 not £25.000. Min wage roughly £1k per month.
  • The poor old sod sitting in his £3 Million house thinks Postmen And van drivers still live in his street.
  • Liverpool City Council pay their Community Services Director  £450,117 pa, an unelected official.  The current Lord Mayor was voted a very nice pay rise upon entering office.  The austerity policy has forced the Council to take some drastic measures, but, seemingly not in their salaries.  The official engineering the cuts is earning nearly half a million a year, the irony is unbelievable.  The Council could have showm a little solidarity with the ppl who voted them into power, & cut salalries.  How much does the Prime Minister receive for being in charge of the country?  How can LCC justify paying such high salaries, especially in these times.
  • I grew up in Kensington in the 1960's. It is so sad to see the decline of this once great suburb
  • Kensington Liverpool still nicer than Kensington Philadelphia 💯
  • @ddkd3103
    She said "London has turned into Monaco". How hard she must have it. Kensington Liverpool has turned into Baghdad.
  • God, this is shocking.....A tale of 2 countries.....this will blow up one day.
  • Should parliament move to a different city every 30 or 40 years? Would this give each part of the country the same chance as London?
  • I like you programs very much, and think that they show reality. Thank you very much
  • As an American, I can honestly say that the underserved cities and neighborhoods in England look gorgeous in comparison to American cities. See Baltimore, MD.
  • @MBO84
    Only a couple of minutes drive from Kensington, Liverpool are Childwall and Woolton, two of the north west’s most affluent areas. Liverpool always gets painted as rough, it is in some areas, but some are affluent and desirable.
  • It's 4 years since this documentary was made and Tories still making drastic cuts with Austerity not going anywhere. Get the Tories gone - for ever.
  • It’s the international investments from Oil Rich Countries such as Saudi Arabia, Qatar, UAE and Wealthy Chinese investors, who have purchased many very expensive properties in central London, some properties are around over £100 million.
  • So that rich couple of fellows had spoken up and backed those who were fighting against the abhorrent bedroom tax, maybe they would have gained some respect when they speak of ''having to leave their homes, in which they planned to retire and had lived in for years''. They, I'm sure didn't though. They probably supported it. Can't have it both ways? Unfortunately in today's Britain you certainly can, as exemplified in this short film.
  • Im from Liverpool 6.. Elm Vale. it was an affluent area up in-till 80s... I don't recognise it now, run down and in need of investment. imagine living in Juges Drive... great vid.