Stroke Survivor Recover Processes

I want to talk and interact on my Let's Talk Stroke podcast about recovering from a stroke which can be a powerful way to share our journey's, inspire others, and provide valuable information.

I will share some topics we can cover today.


コメント (3)
  • Hi Jerry, thanks for this platform to listen, learn and share. With .e I fell around the lounge, was unconscious for a few minutes. After regaining consciousness I walked upstairs to the bedroom and slept. Late at night, due to my irregular breathing my girlfriend called the ambulance for me. Apparently I was in coma for two weeks. When I woke up I couldn't talk, walk nor feel my left side It was a terrible experience. I was fed carried was just helpless. After I was discharged from hospital I was in the wheelchair for months. I couldn't.move my left side.I was just sleeping in the bed 24/7. It goes on. I was in denial for a while thinking one day I would be fine Story for another day 🙏💪