Stroke Survivor Todd Pulatie Shares His Amazing Journey

Published 2024-06-27
As you know my stoke happened 1.5 years ago on November 11 2022. I went into take a nap and came out and told my wife I didn’t feel good. She’s a nurse as a matter of fact the chief nurse at the local hospital.

She recognized something was wrong right away.She got me to the Emergency Room right away.There they diagnosed me pretty quickly. I was transferred to a bigger hospital and I would be there a month. There the first doctor told my wife I had locked in syndrome to, put me on comfort care and let me die. Before the stroke I was active doing jiu-jitsu at least 4 times a week,coaching and playing with the soccer team, trap running and mountain biking. I was also working on my masters in counseling.

Any I spent almost a month in the hospital and 5 months in rehabilitation. My wife has been my biggest advocate.It has been a long slow journey.


All Comments (5)
  • Watching back on 6/28/24 at 11:24 pm! What a Blessing, Todd🙏🙏🙏
  • @hmbrewndaddy
    Just one thing to make clear. I had to shave my beard off 1 year ago because I had a tracheostomy. I have only been growing it a year this time 😂