7 Millennials Decide Who Gets $1000


コメント (21)
  • Girl literally says, "A thousand dollars isn't really gonna get you far :/" then they vote out the guy who wants to help a kid with cancer...
  • @odin4306
    This group's moral compass is FRIED. They voted off the two people who needed it the most FIRST. They were all emotionally immature besides Aaron.
  • The fact you can see Aaron's skills as a camp counselor in handling children to organize grown adults makes me pissed that he was voted out at all. He carried the video, Cut should pay him.
  • Destiny had arguably the worst pitch yet they pitied her the most? The guy who was voted off first had the most logical and thoughtful inputs.
  • Generally, can’t believe they voted out someone trying to help kids of parents who have cancer over someone who wants to sublet an apartment and someone who had ALREADY paid for her dog's surgery. I'm screaming 😂💀
  • I’m a little grossed out that the camp was referred to “just a summer camp” like this is to help child’s going through something traumatic. Maybe that guy misunderstood but wtf!
  • they really voted off a volunteer that helps kid whos parents have cancer, but the girl that was complaining about her nice apartment being expensive was still there💆🏽💆🏽💆🏽💆🏽
  • Bro this show is literally just a game of “who’s the best at manipulating groups or is too socially awkward to talk”
  • It’s so painfully obvious that no one actually cares about anyone else and they’re all just selfish ... except Aaron obviously
  • @mahm690
    No hate to destiny but like they're all so blinded by her "wholesomeness" that they're forgetting there are other people who could have genuinely benefitted from the money. Their judgements are wack asf
  • @grunkdani
    “I feel like that was a really loaded statement, I feel like any amount of money can help anyone’s situation”, coming from the same girl who was like ‘ok but you can learn asl online’ like bruhhhhh
  • The millennials are worst than the high school kids. Aaron deserves more.
  • @ryudeen
    The only reason I could think of why no one voted Destiny out is that none of them knows what "sublet my apartment" means
  • I think the only reason blue lipstick didn’t get voted out immediately was because none of them knew what sublet means
  • I adored Aaron. His skills with handling children really came in clutch in this video
  • bro this is so painful like why are these actually the worst people ever
  • Voted off a guy who's mom was going deaf voted off the guy who was gonna give the money to a cancer camp but kept the girl beacuse she was wholesome this generation stinks
  • The only reason Destiny didn’t win is because she voted herself off at the end because she was probably so annoyed by random strangers patronizing her the entire time
  • If Aaron had just doubled down and immediately replied along the lines of "It's important to these kids, this program legitimately helps people every day." they would have backed off but he just let it go so it was an easy vote for everyone. I have a feeling he was initially targeted because his story was too good, it makes everyone else feel inadequate so after the first guy calls him out and he doesn't defend himself at all, the decision is automatically made.