Professor John Gong on decisions made at China's Communist Party's third plenum

Publicado 2024-07-18
The Chinese government has adopted a new resolution to deepen reform and advance the country's modernisation. John Gong, Professor of Economics at the University of International Business and Economics, provides an analysis of the decisions at the Communist Party's third plenum.

Todos los comentarios (16)
  • @SSYlist
    Lol pretending to be socialist when it's more communist
  • @hikkomorisg
    His name is so apt for CCP (中共 Jong Gong)
  • Mostly actions are to difficult and the necessary reforms are too risky for the systems survival.
  • Jai Hind. You can summarise the Third Plenum through Xi's new jargon Start a new journey in a New era.
  • @pearlyung
    He does not know what is going
  • please don’t interrupt the the professor . Don’t assume the professor knows little and not well informed as the interviewer.
  • China can become strong and powerful is all due to d credits of her Communist Party. Lee Kuan Yew told Teng Xiaoping China must concentrate on rebuilding itself and must not try to export Communism. Teng followed Lee’s prudent advice and since then, China has had stopped exporting Communism.
  • @woone
    Stop interrupting your guest! Interviewe speaking more than the guest
  • The reforms can be modified if they don't go according to plan. It's premature to predict.
  • CNA/CIA asset/sleeper cell extracting information Having problem with the word 'socialist 'itself ... very funny
  • The Chinese communist party was able to survive longer than the communist party of the Soviet Union which disbanded in 1991