Alone on the Cancer Boat: A Vlogbrothers Reunion

Published 2023-06-27
I promised links in the dooblydoo! Join the Awesome Socks Club! or the Awesome Coffee Club: 100% of profit to charity!

In which Hank and John hang out in the loading dock of the warehouse and discuss cancer, boats, micromorts, expanding our understanding of what healthcare can be and do, and how despite the jokie jokies, this whole thing does kinda suck.

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All Comments (21)
  • @vlogbrothers
    Sorry the audio isn't great, but only the camera mic ended up working. Join the Awesome Socks Club: and/or if you're a coffee enthusiast, join the awesome coffee club: All the profit goes to charity, and the products are truly amazing. -John
  • @keneticchannel
    Just hear me out: Two birds, one stone—let's put the coffee in the socks.
  • @JulieHerrick
    On free solo rock climbing: If you're sufficiently bad at it, you'll never get high enough off the ground to be in any real danger. The big danger is in being medium-good at it.
  • @invisibleninja86
    So I listen through old Dear Hank and John episodes to fall asleep most nights, and there’s a moment in episode 50 where Hank says, “Our dad had cancer, and if I had cancer, I might be like, Hey, I wouldn’t mind having my dad there.” That episode was from June 2016, and it makes me so happy to know that Hank’s dad really is there for him.
  • @TheMangakid1995
    It always blows my mind whenever John and Hank remind us that not only do they share a YouTube account but that it is this YouTube account.
  • @audreybray1149
    I love the insane amount of big brother energy from John that we don’t get to see all that often.
  • @katiehartzler11
    The brother energy with them sitting the same, both wearing hats, collared shirts, and jeans, the same glasses… it’s too much 😂
  • @TravisGilbert
    I pray someday when my health fails (as everyone’s does) I take it 20% as well as Hank
  • @punksoab
    The boat analogy is fucking gold. When my doctor asked me if he could get me anything through chemo my response was "I'd like to not have cancer?" He clapped back with "I'll get right on that but give me a bit of time cause that's a tall order."
  • @Dunybrook
    Can't do anything about his son's cancer but by God he can save that tree. What a mood.
  • @marcellastname6862
    We've been asking for reunion videos to be exempt from the 4 minute rule for forever and the gestures broadly isn't quite the way we wanted this to happen but I still appreciate it
  • @EmilyHoot
    I feel like I'm playing in the grass at my cousin's house while my uncles are sitting off to the side in their lawn chairs chatting
  • @tzipky
    When I was in my first trimester of pregnancy and really struggling to interact with other humans while experiencing terrible daily nausea/vomiting, my mother told me “You’re on a boat. It’s a rough ride. If anyone asks and you dont want to talk about it, just say ‘Sorry I’m on a boat right now, I don’t feel well.’” So I really connected with that analogy 😂
  • @coolstertothecore
    The boat metaphor made me tear up a bit. I had a double mastectomy this week with lots more treatment to come. I'm in loads of pain and discomfort and there's nothing anyone can do to help other than shout from shore to keep going.

    Also, surgery should never happen the same week as PMS.
  • @MinurielLai
    I'm standing on the shore shouting "IF I COULD GET YOU OFF THE BOAT I WOULD! HANG IN THERE YOU'RE AWESOME!" and hoping that the wind carries it, while fully knowing I have no idea what it's like to be on a boat. ❤️
  • @Caro9515
    I am a PhD student (in Argentina) who works on cancer treatment development and every time I start a seminar I say "It is important to remember that when we talk about cancer, we are talking about a set of more than 200 diseases".
  • I love how you show your enthusiasm John by putting the links right over Hank's face 😂😊
  • @Yrenne
    I can already tell that John edited this because all the text and images are covering Hank's face
  • Y’all look like two versions of different dads: Hank coaches T-ball and treats everyone to pizza, John tiredly chaperones field trips and takes every kid to the bathroom 😂