Kathy & Dave Clemens shares their journey of raising their son Drew who has Autism

Welcome to the Guilbault Girls Show where you will have the opportunity to hear from mothers, fathers, siblings, and individuals themselves about their journey of living with a disability.

Todays Guest are Today’s guests are Kathy and David (Dave) Clemens.

Kathy and Dave have two boys. Drew is 19 and has Autism Spectrum Disorder and Dawson who is 18. Since the boys were only 11 months apart, it was very clear to them that there was something different about Drew from a very young age. He lacked eye contact and language, played with his toys differently, and had epic meltdowns anytime they took him somewhere new or unfamiliar.

Kathy states it’s been a journey of many ups and downs, but one thing remains - unconditional love. Unconditional love by Kathy and Dave, as his parents, his younger brother, their family, and their community. In that unconditional love they have seen so much progress in his journey and are forever grateful.

So, today we are going to dive deeper into that journey of raising a child with autism and how it has affected various aspects of their personal, social, and family life.

I met Kathy years ago through The Arc NCR’s Parent Advocacy Classes and our county’s Special Education Citizen’s Advisory Committee back when I lived in Cecil County. Kathy has been a true advocate not only for her son but for so many others.

If you would like to be on our show, be sure to contact us today and don’t forget to subscribe to our Guilbault Girls Podcast and YouTube show, and make sure to follow us on Facebook and Instagram at Guilbault Girls!

Facebook: @Guilbault Girls, Instagram: @GuilbaultGirls, YouTube: @Guilbault Girls, Email: [email protected], and Website: www.GuilbaultGirls.com.

Our daughter, Faith Guilbault directed a documentary called Faith’s World about her journey of living with a disability which aired on PBS in April of 2020. You can watch the documentary in full at the following link the link:


“It takes a village to raise a child” is an African proverb that means an entire community of people must interact with children for those children to grow in a safe and healthy environment.

“We live in a world in which we need to share responsibility. It’s easy to say it’s not my child, not my community, not my world, not my problem. Then there are those who see the need and respond.” -Fred Rogers

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