If Thine ‘I’ Be Single…

“One of man's most important mistakes, one which must be remembered, is his illusion in regard to his I.”
~ G. I. GurdjieffThis evening’s topic — “If Thine ‘I’ Be Single…”

This is, of course, a small play on the wisdom saying of Jesus (AS) from the Gospel of Matthew. And yet, we suspect it contains the same meaning of integration that we will speak about this evening.

Sufis talk about the Nafs al-Amara, the Commanding Self – that mechanical part of each of us that brings forth various behaviors in a “stimulus-response” manner. These behaviors can be observed as though they were the activities of separate and distinct “I”s within us, each coming to the surface due to a particular thought, feeling, or event.

In fact, an important part of The Work is the reintegration of these small, separate “I”s into a unitary whole.

How do we actually do this, though? Mr. G talked extensively on the subject but was a bit short on actionable skills. Tonight, we intend to be a bit more concrete in methodology and suggest to ways to begin to take these “shattered fragments of self” and rebuild the “permanent I”.

We hope you will join us for what will be a very interesting conversation.

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コメント (17)
  • @Belialith
    That's a good idea. Thanks. "As if" and for the recognition of pattern. And the "as if" would allow one to be more able to observe themselves from a distance.
  • @uuitness
    Wondering about Teal's poetry... 1,000 Pieces
  • @LuminalMind
    Great Session: thank you all for your reflections!
  • @thomasiii5784
    Connect, thine eye 👁️ within thine breath, only through thine Sacred Heart. Blessed be the Holy Trinity. As Three Above, So Three Below. The Sacred Heart Teachings connecting ALL ALL THAT IS ONE ONE CHRIST CONSCIOUSNESS
  • 1:19:22 Jesus The Son Of Man, by Khalil Gibran. Chapter 4, MARY MAGDALENE, On Meeting Jesus for the First Time.
  • @orinyoutubes
    There were so many profound and incredible moments in this talk. I started screen-recording snippets -- starting from the translation of the first four Yoga sutras, then the meditation, then Noor's reading of Khalil Gibran's writing, and finally, Mushtaq's reflection on how this is a metaphor for our relationship to God/Allah, swt. Those all hit me deeply. Basically, the whole thing. 😂 I'll be coming back to this one time and again.  Need to stay with that meditation too. During the session, something small came up immediately, and it helped me to resolve it then and there. Amazing, masha Allah. As Mushtaq was saying, if you do it properly, you only need to do it once. Not quite there yet... Staying with it, I feel it can bring bounds of release and reflection, if I give it the time it deserves. And the realisation that I don't need those parts to protect me anymore, 'I' can protect myself. The one that has always been there. Thank you, Mushtaq and Noor, and all of the contributors. You affect me immensely, each and every time I tune in. 🙏💕
  • Just recently stumbled across your channel am curious do you have any thoughts on the "kundalini" ? I see you quote Gurdjieff and if I recall correctly he and Oushpensky saw it as a negative phenomenon that prevents one from awakening. Would be very interested to hear your thoughts on it as I have had a kundalini experience myself. I do not know what to make of it it has been transformative in a way but I remain skeptical of fully trusting or embracing it.
  • Looks a lot like muscle testing around 14 min. Also, it could be considered similar to using a pendulum. Thanks for sharing the conversation.
  • I wouldn't say we're all multiples, but I definitely have a part of me that I've fractured off from the rest so that it doesn't take me down. I'm working to identify that part, so i can reintegrate that hurt little child.
  • I ness seems to have infinite potential. Thus, the process is never ending. Seems like a lot of effort working with something that does not have inherent existence. Apologies if I am missing something.
  • I would say that we are multi dimensional. We are always changing frequency many many many times a day. We are creating our reality and the frequency shifts happen so fast you can’t see the small changes in the reality that are there, but you don’t notice. If thine I be single refers to your 3rd eye. Open your 3rd eye and do deep trance meditation and you will have all the secrets to the universe. You will have direct communication with Creator. It’s the “I” and God are ONE. It’s unity consciousness.