TWW - Progressive Tierlist (Weekly Updated) - ALL SPECS & CLASSES

Published 2024-07-14
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#thewarwithin #WoW #Warcraft
00:00 - Intro
2:00 - Destro Warlock
3:15 - Havoc DemonHunter
4:22 - Outlaw Rogue
5:35 - Beast Mastery Hunter
6:22 - Feral Druid
7:09 - Disc Priest
7:53 - Prot Paladin
8:30 - Vengance DemonHunter
9:25 - Arms Warrior
10:33 - Dev Evoker
11:38 - Marksman Hunter
13:10 - Prev Evoker
14:25 - BrewMaster Monk
15:20 - Ret Paladin
16:16 - Shadow Priest
17:21 - Ench Shaman
18:31 - Frost Mage
19:26 - Holy Priest
20:00 - Prot Warrior
21:00 - Balance Druid
22:00 - WindWalker Monk
23:00 - Sub/Assassin Rogue
24:33 - Resto Shaman
25:43 - Guardian Druid
26:10 - Mistweaver Monk
27:31 - Fury Warrior
28:36 - Demonology Warlock
29:20 - Survival Hunter
29:50 - Unholy Deathknight
31:15 - Holy Paladin
32:20 - Resto Druid
33:03 - Blood DeathKnight
33:29 - Affliction Warlock
34:13 - Elemental Shaman
35:15 - Frost DeathKnight
36:03 - Fire Mage
37:00 - Arcane Mage / Augmentation Evok

All Comments (21)
  • @peettko
    Few notes that are minor mistake on the video: #1 Restoration Shaman placement is incorrect and is put in "Verey Strong" Bracket #2 Balance Druid was in Decent (1 tier below) #3 WW monk is the best spec on the good choice bracket. First iteration of it on Youtube, next Sunday (21st of Julu), we will update it live on stream at // 14:00 CEST time.
  • Is Mistweaver still only good with the fistweaving or is the caster style viable in the expac?
  • Looking at mage and either druid or DK. I may just try to focus mage for a change and break away from my alt army.
  • @Gimpo925
    if dk is good for low-mid keys, whos the best for all keys, druid? for tanks.
  • @ignan1923
    Nice video brother! I'm main elemental for years and I follow you. Should say i'm a pumper and nowadays I know pretty clear that i can be in front of dmg meters of the strongest (considered by the comunity) specs of the game, but man, I'm already LOVING survival hunter even before rework live, just imagine it in TWW1
  • @Daki140
    Dks have kick too on 12sec just for info ;)
  • @Ithorian
    DK its the class i never played in wow because my forever wow partner (since bc) is a DK main since wotlk and i never touched the class for that reason, no sense 2 DKs in a party, but i think its time
  • I cant agree that Arms is less tanky , Fury just has more heal , but arms can mitigate all the dmg which at high lvls means it wont get one shoted but Fury will and all his healing is pointless.
  • @grackization
    I agree with others that this is a bit pointless but it is entertaining and I love it so keep it up bossman 🏆
  • @dolofonos140
    @Petko they remove avoidance and healing aura from windwalker monk
  • @teza6353
    What’s elemental shamans like in tww
  • U become my best streamer of the world when u put fur War up there 😆
  • @lektik9493
    thoughts about the upcoming Dataminted Ele Nerfs ?
  • @kevinklein120
    bro this tierlist looks not real :D retri are rly more than decent xD and unholy /sv are op
  • lol I mean... anybody who isn't an idiot knows this tier list is meaningless right now because beta isn't even remotely balanced right now.