Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder vs Autism – How To Tell The Difference

Publicado 2023-01-11
There's some confusion about ADHD and Autism and I've gotten a lot of requests to explain the differences. In this video, I talk about the key differences between the two disorders, and how to tell them apart.

Here are some ADHD or Autism screening tools
Autism screens
Autism Spectrum Quotient

Aspie Tests Website

Alexithymia questionnaire…

ADHD Screens
The Adult ADHD Self-Report Scale (ASRS)…

Wender Utah ADHD Rating Scale…

For Children
Vanderbilt ADHD Diagnostic Rating Scale (VADRS)…


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Want to know more about mental health and self-improvement? On this channel I discuss topics such as bipolar disorder, major depression, anxiety disorders, attention deficit disorder (ADHD), relationships and personal development/self-improvement. I upload weekly. If you don’t want to miss a video, click here to subscribe.

Disclaimer: All of the information on this channel is for educational purposes and not intended to be specific/personal medical advice from me to you. Watching the videos or getting answers to comments/question, does not establish a doctor-patient relationship. If you have your own doctor, perhaps these videos can help prepare you for your discussion with your doctor.

Todos los comentarios (21)
  • As someone with both ASD and ADHD, I have to say that this is one of the most accurate representations of both conditions I've ever seen. I hope this goes viral!
  • @carriemiles937
    Because my daughter is a female, & professionals are trained to notice ASD symptoms in males, the ASD level 1 diagnosis wasn’t given until she was 13. But she given the ADHD diagnosis much earlier. I hope more research is given to ASD in females.
  • @SLCtica
    This literally happened to me as someone with ADHD I was routinely told I was smart, even gifted, but all through elementary school most of my grades were B’s and C’s (except for my favorite classes like English, PE, and Art). As an adult in college I sought help and was diagnosed with ADHD. I began taking medication and it changed my life. I went from studying all through the weekend only to get a C on an exam, because I couldn’t retain what I studied, to getting straight A and making the Dean’s list 4 semesters in a row before I finally graduated
  • @PigeonLord
    I think one of the worst about having both is that I almost require a daily routine to feel good and productive but I also hate the lack of spontaneity a strict routine offers, and can lead me to ditching any schedule or routine shortly after starting one because it’s just too boring… but then my overall well being suffers as a result. 😓
  • @rivergreen1727
    I have ADHD and many autistic friends who have expressed to me that they think I'm autistic too. This is super helpful to explain why I act similarly but for different reasons!
  • @markmuller7962
    I think ADHD symptoms will be underrated for a long time, like losing friends because you don't keep your words, because you're unreliable, your home is a mess, your communication problems and turning avoidant due to low self esteem*. There are places in this world where if you have no friends and family it's basically a death sentence so I hope that our society will learn to rationalize the problem asap, put some effort, resources, attention and training in it like it should be for gaming/internet addiction that has been recognised as a disorder criminally late by a scientific community that is probably demographically too old to catch new or subtle problematics in society. *Not to mention all the other problems with work, adulting, pursuing life objectives and so on. Edit: And you lose your job, and you don't seek a new one in time so it's never a decent one...
  • @renoftheshadows
    I think one problem with the clinician saying you don't have it based on their impression (which imo is not always reliable) is that autistic adults have often learned to maske symptoms so that they are undetectable. It would be interesting to see you do a video on this phenomenon.
  • I’m a middle school art teacher and I find this conversation fascinating, it really makes me look at classroom behavior differently.
  • @noonghazi
    Can you PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE talk about people with both ASD and ADHD and how they present differently as opposed to only having one of them?! There isn’t much info on the topic online and I would REALLY appreciate it if you could shine a light on the topic.. Thanks a million ❤
  • @ms.piranhaplant
    Love how there’s a certified panel, let’s you see she’s an actual brilliant doctor and not some random tiktok person posing as a certified doctor and with no experience. I can’t tell you how much I appreciate your videos and thoughts. This is our lives we’re talking about here and she genuinely cares enough to make a quiz for us and it’s never done before especially not on the internet. She’s brilliant and saving peoples lives people don’t think about how being misdiagnosed can effect your life. Thank you Dr.Tracy
  • Psilocybin saved my life. I was addicted to heroin for 15 years and after Psilocybin treatment I will be 3 years clean in September. I have zero cravings. This is something that truly needs to be more broadly used in addiction treatment.
  • @sagaedling195
    As a young teen I wished from the bottom of my heart that I was autistic. I felt a kind of connection that I clung to when trying to understand why I was so other. I read up so much about it, learned so much and it broke my heart because I understood that it wasn’t that. And in my fourteen year old mind that just meant I was stupid and wrong and most importantly it was my fault. Flash forward to 19 year old me with a psychiatrist asking me “what do you know about adhd?” And I answered honestly that I didn’t know much. Then I researched and it was suddenly so obvious (though of course I had and am still having impostor syndrome regularly). Then I could finally start working to manage life, and it’s really made a difference, though it’s been a long journey and I’m sure there’s a long road ahead of me still.
  • @LottsOLuvv
    when i was a kid, i had the exact opposite issues with the inattentive adhd, where i would literally zoom through all my work in classes, got straight A's and then spend all day every day bothering my whole class because of how bored i was, but i was never "as hyper" as other people because it was pretty much beaten out of me (not literally), so my mom didnt really think i had it
  • Hi Dr. Tracey! The Autistic community does not recognize puzzle piece imagery, the color blue, or Autism Speaks. We instead recognize the infinity symbol, the Autistic Self Advocacy Network, and the color red. If possible, could you change the thumbnail to reflect what the community itself identifies with? This video was very well presented and very respectful. Thank you! *Edit: Thank you for the updated thumbnail! We appreciate it!
  • @Lillith.
    I actually got diagnosed with ASD because I came to a therapist with depression. The 2 reasons she named were 1) being friends with quite a few autistic people and 2) I was continually rubbing the palm of my hand. When I got tested I found out that looking someone in the eyes shouldn't be something I think about. I smell and hear things more intense. The way I played with dolls as a child was more likely to play out scenarios because I didn't like playing with them. I also get very into subjects and will be able to tell you everything about it, notice odd details, and solve puzzles backwards. Nobody ever noticed because I was actually ahead of my peers when it came to language. The way I used language was oddly autistic. It wasn't social, but functional. I wouldn't talk to people because I was interested in them, but would ask for things or to help me understand. I never realized that was an autistic trait, but it was interesting to hear. Very common behaviour can be traits of ASD when you stack enough of them. It doesn't bother me all that much. People are usually surprised when I tell them I have ASD. I work a regular full-time job, live on my own without assistance, and have friends I hang out with. I prefer my life structured, love lists, and can keep agendas for people around me (something people both love and hate). It comes with its difficulties, but for me they are easily worked around. I miss obvious social cues and don't have an interest in other people (other than what makes them tick), but will listen to your problems whenever you need a friend and surprise you with something small you mentioned months ago.
  • @Bard420
    I was a straight A student in school when I was interested in what they were teaching, but as I got older I lost interests and ended up dropping out of highschool. Got my GED ASAP, worked to save up and buy a used car, and now I’m in college succeeding with flying colors after being medicated! It was much harder to get anything done when I wasn’t on medication. What’s crazy is I figured out I had ADHD in highschool because my friend peer pressured me into taking some adderall, just 1, and the reaction I had to it was odd because it made me feel normal and calm, even my friends at the time were like “Do you have ADHD or something?” Bc I wasn’t hyper at all. I told my doctor and she didn’t believe me, she made me get an EEG at 16 and told me that no, I didn’t have ADHD after. But then flash forward to 2022 October, I go see a psychiatrist who diagnoses me with binge eating disorder and prescribed vyvanse. I had a similar reaction to adderaal that I did to vyvanse, which basically confirmed that I had ADHD because of the reaction I had since it’s a neurological disorder. Crazy to me lookin’ back
  • Just so you know, your insights have helped me personally, to come to terms and embrace, my late in life adult ADHD with disorganization diagnosis. I’m in counseling (again), and have a professional managing my medications. I’ve been treated for “clinical” depression for over 40 years, was on what feels like every anti-depression med ever made, causing me often to wonder why I, for the most part, had the same dark thoughts about suicide. Now, after adapting ADHD coping technique’s suggested in your videos, I feel better than I have for most of my life. I’m following through more on tasks I start; except for those darn dishes! I’ll get there. Thank you, Doctor.
  • @Johnrich395
    Well either you need to stop making a lot of sense, or I need to see a therapist. Which probably means the second.
  • @alicekerby4569
    I wouldn't say stimming is always a sign that something's wrong. For me stimming is linked with my emotions and the energy I feel inside, so I stim more when I am very happy, excited, embarrassed, frustrated, anxious, nervous or when something's really funny or really "stimmy" like a really good bit of music. I stim less when I am calm, sad, tired... It's more complicated than that but yeah often when I'm really stimmy is when I'm really happy.
  • @lydiaortiz7493
    I’m Behavior Analyst and this video is very well done. Excellent thank you