My Handbag Keeps Me Alive | TRULY

Publicado 2018-09-12
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For 24 hours a day, Lauren Spencer has life-saving medication being pumped directly into her heart. The 18-year-old from Lodi, California has a condition known as Pulmonary Hypertension – a form of high blood pressure that affects the arteries of the lungs and heart. The 24-hour treatment is designed to reduce her pulmonary pressure and prolong her life, meaning the teen has to keep a mobile pump on her at all times, which she tucks into a handbag, to ensure the experimental drug Remodulin is continually delivered to her heart.

Video Credits:
Videographer / director: Elie Khadra
Producer: Joe Roberts, James Thorne
Editor: James Thorne

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Todos los comentarios (21)
  • @tayasmr95
    "Now's not the time to be scared because I feel like there's going to be a time where I'll need to be scared." Very wise.
  • @skv1976
    She’s very intelligent and mature about her condition. It’s a crying shame how much her medicine costs.
  • @kyrazimmerman22
    "I can't control what happens to me, only how I respond to it"
  • @mackenzie4220
    This girl is literally paying to live- this is so sick. No one should have to pay almost 1 mil every year JUST TO BE ALIVE
  • @foxylady9110
    So sad to see someone so young having to go through something like this, I wish I could just have a fraction of her strong calm attitude, I wish her many years to come.
  • @Axolotl_princess
    I can't stand the thought of someone trying to snatch away her handbag.
  • @kilmameri
    I love how she speaks. It's quick, it's exact, it's pleasant to listen to.
  • @TwitchDrawz
    Poor mother lost her husband and has to deal with the fact that her daughter might die too.. she could end up all alone
  • @mandateman424
    75,000 a month for drugs. That is so mind blowingly ridiculous, it almost leaves me speechless. 75k a year is bad enough but a month...that's insane.
  • @albertwesker31
    This poor family, she lost her father, has a fatal condition, and the mom would be all alone if she dies
  • I don't want to be all, "Oh, she's so inspiring," because that can be reductive and belittling to people with disabilities and chronic illness. However, her energy coming through the video was just so amazing. She had so much calm and such a healthy attitude towards dealing with such a scary disease. Even her grief about her dad, she seemed to carry that pain with so much grace. I really admire that.
  • @Voltanaut
    The notion that this girl will have to pay $75K a month when she turns 21 is the most disgusting thing I've heard all week.
  • I used to complain about 3 days worth of my epilepsy medicine being $50 when my insurance couldn’t get it covered. I couldn’t imagine $75k a month......
  • @fiendi2n38r82
    She's a lovely girl, I hope she finds comfort and a peaceful life
  • Lets start a go fund me for her so she can save up money for when she turns 21
  • @andrewjames4346
    I am an organ donor. I don't want to die but it will happen and when it dose I know that every little bit of me from my hair and skin to my bladder and bones will be used to make other people's life more liveable.
  • @hannahpineda7038
    When she named all the prices of the drugs, i just though “wow... all these people spending their money on gucci, and designer things when some people cant even afford to stay alive” bless her family
  • @cherbrown1920
    I can't believe that she is only 18, like i know grown adults twice her age that don't speak as eloquently, as intelligently, as humanely as she does, it's crazy and wonderful and lovely and if there is a cure coming no one deserves this more than her, i think she could benefit the world.
  • @deepadido
    My heart breaks for the mother. She lost her husband and knowing that she might loose your child suddenly one day. She is definitely a strong woman.