Real Images From Our Solar System

Published 2021-02-28
NASA's Plan To Stop An Asteroid
   • Will Nasa Stop This Asteroid?  

Real Images From Our Solar System
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Before modern telescopes, humans could only imagine what the surface of the sun and the planets looked like. Now advanced technology has made it possible to get in close, and take images of the Sun and the planets deep in our solar system.

Now get ready to see the solar system as you’ve never seen it before, and see images that were so good they shocked astronomers.

All Comments (21)
  • @terramater
    Let us be thankful for living in a century where we can explore the solar system as nobody has ever done before!
  • @Mochi-he7ik
    everything about space is all so mysterious and terrifying
  • @7arb-f-15
    There’s just something scary yet beautiful about space
  • I'd prefer to live in a century where we can know more about space and planets. We can explore more than this. It's sad to think that I'm gonna die before this happens.
  • @czz002
    Part of me is so jealous of the future. Imagine knowing more about these planets or, even better, being able to visit them. This might sound like an impossible dream but everything around us is so fascinating. The only reason I'm scared to die is because I don't wanna fade before we get do something like that. I'm so excited to see more discoveries on these planets, I really am. This might sound like a childish dream but still...
  • @cun7us
    900 miles per second 😱 that's the distance of the Earth's equator in just under 9 seconds. Incredible force.
  • When I was young, I want to be an astronaut and now that I'm seing these images of the planets, it's overwhelming and amazing.
  • Imagine 300 years from now If youtube is still around. Hello future people
  • I'm grateful that I was born in a time to witness and admire these transcendent photographs that our ancestors never got to appreciate. It's up to the future generations to actually explore these celestial bodies physically.
  • @Ignat792
    It’s just unbelievable seeing all this and realising that other worlds do exist. Especially imagining what would Earth look like when you see it from space…mesmerising
  • That's just beautiful. I feel insignificant in this universe but not in a bad way... just amazed.
  • @iliketea4649
    4:06 I like how he said that the moon is also making a guest appearance So adorable
  • @Sandemose
    Narrator: Venus, the hottest planet in the solar system. Venus: "oh, you..."
  • One year later and this episode is still freaking awesome. Thank you.
  • @sarasparks1992
    Neptune is my favorite, that beautiful peaceful purple color, looks so serene and timeless. This is absolutely amazing.
  • @s_mai8970
    these videos are humbling. whenever you feel so big headed and stubborn, watching videos about the universe just puts you back to your place and how small we are in the world.
  • @georgfranko
    I am a grown man but I still giggle when I hear “took amazing images of Uranus”
  • @danielbrown1724
    That’s the best pic of Uranus I’ve ever seen 🤣🤣🤣
  • That was a fascinating and entertaining overview of our solar system, Thanks for including Pluto/ I've happily suscribed.