The Mysterious World of 11 Dimensions - 11 Dimensions Explained- Higher Dimensions Explained

Published 2023-05-06
All 11 Dimensions Explained. This video explains All 11 Dimensions in detail. It covers all the dimensions, starting from the 0th dimension to the 11th dimension. Here, you will also get answers to some important questions like, what we mean by dimensions, why do physicists and mathematicians study extra dimensions, how many dimensions are there in the universe and if there are so many dimensions in existence then why we are not able to perceive them.

What we actually mean by dimensions?
A dimension is the number of coordinates required to specify the position of an object in space.

Why do physicists and mathematicians study extra dimensions?
One reason is that it can help to explain phenomena that cannot be explained with just three dimensions. Another reason to study extra dimensions is that the idea of extra dimensions can help to unify different theories of physics.

How many dimensions are there in the universe?
According to classical physics there are 3 dimensions of space; length, breadth and depth and one dimension is of time.
The general theory of relativity combines these four dimensions into a single dimension known space-time dimension
But the string theory - 10 dimensions and
M theory - 11 dimensions
Bosonic string theory - Space-time is 26 dimensional

Why we cannot feel the presence of higher dimensions?
According to some researches extra dimensions may be "curled up" at extremely small scales. There is a process known as compactification, where higher dimensions are curled in on themselves.

Zero Dimensional World (0D)
It represents a point or a location in space that has no length, width, or depth.

One Dimensional World (1D)
In a one-dimensional world, everything exists on a single line therefore there is no width or depth.

Two Dimensional World (2D)
In the two dimensional world, objects only have length and width. As there is no depth, everything is flat and exists on a plane surface.

Three Dimensional World (3D)
On adding one more dimension to 2 dimensional objects we enter into the world of three dimensions. This third dimension is of depth. On adding the 3rd dimension of depth the flat objects turn into the solid three dimensional objects having non-zero volumes.

Five Dimensional World (5D)
Actually Parallel universes exist in this dimension, therefore in the fifth dimension you can have careers in different fields. In this case, you will have another versions of yourself in parallel universes that would be living their lives independently.
But one limitation of fifth dimension is that you cannot meet your self-version directly using shortcuts to another timeline of parallel universe.

Six Dimensional World (6D)
6th dimensional space is comprised of all possible three-dimensional realities that could exist. Essentially, it is a space that contains all possible variations of our world. In the 6th dimension, time is not linear but rather a collection of all possible moments that exist simultaneously. This means that every event that has ever occurred, or will ever occur, exists in the same space in the 6th dimension.

Seven Dimensional World (7D)
According to some theories, the seventh dimension is a space-time continuum that connects all possible universes and timelines. It is a realm of pure possibility, where everything that can exist does exist. In other words, the seventh dimension is a place where all possible universes and timelines converge.
The 7th dimensional universes may have originated from different start conditions

Eight Dimensional World (8D)
An 8th dimensional object can be thought of as a series of seven-dimensional "surfaces" or shapes. The eighth dimension has a plane of all the possible presents, pasts and futures for all the infinite number of parallel universes and all these infinite universes extend up to infinity.

Nine Dimensional World (9D)
In the 9th dimension, every possible timeline, every possible reality, and every possible universe exists simultaneously. Infinite number of universes exist in the ninth dimension. It is possible for the universes in the ninth dimension to have their own laws of Physics and separate conditions and probabilities of their origin.

Ten Dimensional World (10D)
The 10th dimension is also believed to be a place where all possible versions of the universe exist simultaneously. This is known as the "multiverse" theory, and it suggests that our universe is just one of an infinite number of universes that exist in different dimensions. Each of these universes may have different physical laws, constants, and dimensions.

Eleven Dimensional World (11D)
In the 1970s, string theory emerged as a possible solution to the problem of unifying the forces of nature. 11th dimension is a fundamental component of string theory. String theory requires the existence of 11 dimensions: ten of space and one of time.
In the 1990s, a new theory called M-theory emerged, which proposed the existence of the 11th dimension.

All Comments (21)
  • @eraymonds
    So one of the postulates of string theory is that the "extra" dimensions are so small that we can't detect their existence.... How is it that a dimension can be small, or large, or described using any reference to physical size? It would be like saying "width is extremely large...." Love your videos, by the way.
  • @miiworld2
    You cannot jump in a 2D World Mario: hold my 8bit beer
  • @reannan1462
    I am so glad I found this channel... It helps to make sense of so many things!!! You are a great teacher and excellent at explaining complex concepts. One question... in a 2D and 3D world, you can move in ever direction of that plane... what happens when time enters the quatation and we can only move forward, not backwards? What changes between the 3D and 4D dimensions?
  • @jarrettmcbride77
    I love all your videos relating to this topic. The way you provides diagrams and examples definitely made comprehension.ore obtainable. Thank you for your hard work!
  • Let me start by saying i love your channel the videos are done exceptionally well. Im not 100% sure of the appearance but…At the 20:00 minute mark of the video an example of an apple is used. It describes how the apple will appear. I think as the apple passes through the 2D surface the apple would appear as a line not a circle or a segment of a line. But i may be wrong. I love the video. I hope you do more videos like this.
  • @gavinwigg8057
    Love your channel. I just love dimensional postulates.
  • I think we need to go back to r² and the three dimensional physics of the Inverse Square Law! Spherical 4πr² geometry is fundamental to this process and this is based on Huygens’ Principle of 1670 that says, “Every point on a light wave front has the potential for a new spherical 4πr² light wave". We can think of each point as a potential photon ∆E=hf electron interaction or vibration. The spherical surface forms a boundary condition or manifold for the uncertainty of this everyday life.
  • First, lpve ypur explanations! Second, if you're correct, I would imagine that the search for ET here in this dimension is difficult to detect because we don't have the tools or retinas to detect them as we, theoretically, exist in the third dimension and they probably exist in the dimensions above ours. Third, if we exists in multiple universes, what happens when we die in one universe, do we continue to exist to/or cease to exist in the other multiverses? This question is one which I've been pondering.
  • @EntZeroEsc
    everything can be explain in universal language mathematics/numbers.
  • @JuliaClark
    One cannot move in 2 or 3 d without another dimension. One can exist, but not move. It would require time or quantum entanglement to move. Therefore quantum entanglement is a dimension.
  • @muntee33
    The definition of dimension given is for that of spatial dimension, the inferred definition of dimension in the sense of existence is better conceived if thought of as 'planes' of existence. Or better said, of planes of reality. It's similar to the broadcasting frequencies on a band of Radio spectrum. This 3D plane of existence is like a plan of existence which is a radio stations broadcasting channel on a radio. The spatial dimensions can be considered as the nature of the transmission, ie; the frequency, the amplitude and the transmission signal power. Other aspects of reality are on other planes and have varying degrees of interaction and/or influence on our own plane. This video contains a description of dimensions which serves no constructive purpose to help clarify the dimensions of the absolute all that there is.
  • There are actually two kinds of "time." The time that we normally think of doesn't really exist. Nothing in the universe depends on time. The future is an effect of our anticipation and the past is an effect of our memory and both of those don't exist just like numbers, colors and other things that our brain invents. The time that is used in math is a result of something i will call "the rate at which things happen." This rate can change and is effected by gravity. This is why you can go into the future and not the past by changing the rate. This rate may be intrinsic or emergent and it is unclear if its at the atomic or quark or some other level.
  • @zynpa
    Can you make a seperate video about 6th dimension please?
  • @tpwb5882
    We are obsessed about dimensions because we ourselves want to create a simulated universe with concious beings in it. But then again we should fully understand everything about 3D first, and the minute we understand everything about 3D then we will transcend to 4D and at 4D we can create a 3D universe with a lesser concious beings than us in it. And since cheos and evolution upgrades Conciousness, we will call the universe evoch.
  • @kittenlang8641
    In the movie Superman II with Christopher Reeves (approx 1983), at the beginning, the 3 criminals/traitors were sentenced to a flat, 2D object. The roof was rolled back in the court, and the flat plane soared over their confined circle and sucked them up. They're shown spending eternity wandering the universe like that, begging for help. They ended up crashing and freed with fractures of the flat plane. I highly recommend engineer types check this movie out, for the beginning as I've described.