Oscar Winner ~ Short film about love and passage of time | Father and Daughter - by M. Dudok de Wit

Published 2018-01-19
A father bids farewell to his young daughter; she grows up longing for his return.

This short film won 24 awards, including:

- Oscar / Best Short Film, Animated / Academy Awards, USA, 2001
- BAFTA Film Award / Best Short Animation / BAFTA Awards, 2001
- Jury Award / Best Film / Anima Mundi Animation Festival, 2001
- Cartoon d'Or / Cartoon Forum, Europe, 2001
- Best Animation / International Competition / Clermont-Ferrand
International Short Film Festival, 2001


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Original title - Father and Daughter
Director - Michael Dudok de Wit
Year - 2000

© Licensed by SND Films


All Comments (21)
  • 10 лет назад проводила в последний путь мужа, которого продолжаю любить и будто ждать. Спросила "встретишь меня, когда придёт моё время" - встречу. До сих пор слышу "как же ты будешь без меня, моя хорошая"... не верится что так вот, рак, 33 года вместе счастливы, были. Сказал "не знаю как, но постараюсь быть рядом". Простите, нашло. Спасибо за жизненный фильм.
  • My daughter. She doesn’t know it but Every time she calls me “daddy” fills my heart with so much emotion. Only God knows how much I love her.
  • @VDancer90
    I can't stop crying. To me it's more than father and daughter, it symbolizes all great losses.
  • This made me cry, I lost my father when I was very young and for my whole life I have wished he could come back to me ❤️
  • Not only the daughter waited for years, but her father soul also waited for her, to see her. And they finally meet. That's true love. I also love my father so much and never want to loose him.
  • @almad8454
    Beautiful. The circle of life. The bicycle (the wheels rolling) is a symbol of life. At the beginning the little girl when she rides back to the tree, she passes by an old lady who is too weak to ride the bicycle as if she is at the end of her journey, but she pushes it anyway meaning that she is still alive. The older the little girl gets, the younger are the other riders that she greets. It’s like the two sides of the wheel: they never meet, but where one side ‘once’ was, there comes the other. At the end the little girl herself was an old lady and pushes the bike where a small girl rides beside her and greets her with a ‘ring’. Life goes on.... The old lady now goes to the same place where her father left the bike and took the boat. She didn’t understand it as a little girl why he was not coming back or maybe why did he leave (loose his life) so suddenly and the fact that she always went there to wait for him to come back can be interpreted as an denial that he had perished. Even she saw him leave his life, she couldn’t believe this has happened so unexpected because he was riding the bike beside her, he was living, he was not old and pushing the bike like an old man at the end of his life. He went unexpectedly. He got of the bike and went directly to the boat. This animation leaves a lot to discuss. Just brilliant.
  • Здоровья и долголетия любящим отцам.....
  • Ваши комментарии вызвали больше эмоций чем фильм. Счастья всем.
  • My tears flooded!!! Geez... I recalled when I left my son to work overseas... My son was only 1 year and a half... He didn't know that it would be a long time before he could see me again... I left our house while he was watching me from the window... When I was overseas my wife told me that my son was waiting for me at the window calling "Dayee, dayee..." repeatedly... It was my first time to know that I am called "Dayee" by my son... My heart was like being crushed hearing this from my wife... my tears also flooded that day... I felt like returning home... but I have to endure so that I could give him a good future... I wish life could be more smooth but the reality is not... I am still fortunate than the story... it doesn't matter whether it is a daughter or a son... a child left behind is a very painful thing...
  • @SunithaOlive
    I can so relate with this film. I lost my dad when I was 11 years and I still miss him at 52 years.
  • Моей бабушке было 7 лет, когда её отец ушел на фронт. Пропал без вести. Она жила много лет в ожидании и надежде, что её родной и любимый папочка вернется. Ждала и верила. Даже десятилетия спустя...
  • Нет ничего хуже, когда оставляют близкие тебе люди: эта боль не проходит Никогда...
  • @Sood123456
    I have been crying every day for 2 years now. Nobody can replace my parents
  • @kikokiko305
    I was 20 when my father was killed in a concentration camp (I watch him die) now I am 50 and still miss him a lot. Every time I think about him I feel like a child, lost and hoping he will show up and give me some advice. Be nice to your parents because you will know how much they mean to you once they are gone. Remember, even a smile is a great gift to your parents.
  • До слёз,до глубины души! Я рано лишилась родителей и да…., до сих пор их жду. Время лечит и жизнь играет яркими красками,но в сердце глубоко спрятана тоска по маме и папе.
  • @user-dk4fo3kx7r
    Всем девчонкам, потерявшим рано отцов, посвящается... И совсем неважно, по какой причине потерявшим... Ком в горле... Спасибо за фильм.
  • @pledgestone
    I watched this with my daughter and we were both in tears before it ended. She told me to never leave her.
  • @zuten88
    Guys, please be good parents.. I have a daughter, she's 15 months now, and no words can describe how much I love her..
  • Без единого слова... А сколько эмоций от увиденного! Браво👏🌹
  • @SikosNakos
    Судя по комментариям, многие не поняли сюжет. Отец не бросил девочку! Он хотел вернуться, но лодка утонула и он погиб. 😢 А она всю жизнь вспоминала его и ждала. И когда была уже старенькая, а озеро обмелело, то она нашла эту лодку, на которой уплыл её отец. А фоном звучат несколько разных музыкальных композиций, одна из них романс "В лунном сиянии".