Once You Listen You will Never Be Unhappy

Listeners, rather than making friends with good times, make friendships with good friends. A good friend can bring good times back into your life, but good times that have passed cannot bring back a good friend.

In a village, there lived a man named Neeraj. He lived alone in a small hut. Neeraj was a very lazy person. He never did any work. He was always wandering around looking for something to eat. One day, while he was wandering, he came across a mango orchard. He hadn't had anything to eat for two days, so Neeraj was starving. Seeing the orchard, he entered it to eat some fruit. Once inside, he saw many different types of trees. He climbed one tree and was about to pick a fruit when the owner of the orchard arrived. The owner saw Neeraj up in the tree and immediately became angry. He angrily ordered Neeraj to come down from the tree. But seeing the owner's anger, Neeraj refused to come down, fearing that he might be tied up if he did. The owner couldn't control his anger any longer. He went inside the house to fetch a stick. In the meantime, Neeraj quickly climbed down and ran towards the nearby forest, where he hid.

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