John Dingler's Art: UFO Girl. Ali al Shari Reviews the exhibit

John Dingler's Art: UFO Girl. Ali al Shari Reviews its exhibit. While the UFO Girl exhibit in Cause Art Gallery, I asked an 8/yr old visitor to review the paintings. This review is the result. Hope you like the art and appreciate the boy's effort.

コメント (2)
  • This review of my UFO Girl by a young boy may help satisfy some of UC Riverside's "STATEMENT OF CONTRIBUTIONS TO DIVERSITY" requirements for "ethnicity, gender, age, religion, language, abilities/disabilities, sexual orientation, socioeconomic status, geographic region, and race." Its location in Chinatown for culture and ethnicity; Age, ethnicity, and religion from the 8 year old Moslem boy's review of my work; gender by not depicting UFO Girl at all, conveying her personality and leadership via text only; geographic region by alluding to outer space, and race in that UFO Girl is not from Earth. It does not address language, abilities/disabilities, and sexual orientation.