Why Echo is an Underdeveloped Mess

Published 2024-01-11

All Comments (21)
  • @feathermanr7577
    I got so annoyed that Fisk was already wearing the white suit in the flashbacks. The whole point of Fisk wearing a black suit in DD season 1 is because he didn’t want to stand out while building his criminal empire behind the scenes. This version of Fisk really feels like a half-assed attempt to recreate the Netflix version while completely missing the nuances that made him such a great character in the Netflix version.
  • @YodaOnABender
    Ngl I haven’t watched a single mcu show since Falcon and Winter Soldier. That shit was so bad it permanently turned me of the mcu
  • @AdamOfEverywhere
    The show could've definitely benefitted from more run time to flesh out everything it was trying to, but it didn't even make use of the run time that is already had.
  • @armoredghost918
    I think a huge missed opportunity for a great scene would be Kingpin explaining to maya why he had her father killed. As it stands we just don't have a reason for it. Also it would have been interesting to know Clint's connection with KP and why KP used him. Or you could have a scene with Maya's father and KP. Also Maya's powers just suck. They are way too vague and I hate how she "resolves" things. It just felt like things suddenly ended without proper resolutions.
  • @user-jv7vr3kk8t
    They wasted the potential of the R rating, they had no limits. They could've explored dark and gritty style themes since Maya was supposed to be "involved" in Fisk Criminal Enterprise which was an opportunity to explore THAT world from the POV of a henchman instead of a Detective chasing the bad guys.
  • @iliekgaems2626
    netflix daredevil: heightened senses can sense the amount of bulletts in a gun rooms away and can hear emotions disney + daredevil: cant sense that echo has a metal leg
  • I was so ready for henry to call Maya out on endangering literally her entire family and town and then he sort of just... forgets and forgives her after literally almost being killed for her actions?? Proving him right? Maya didn't even have to reflect on how horribly she handled the situation and there was no real growth there, just artificial "no one was seriously hurt so who cares".
  • @armoredghost918
    Corporate needs you to find the difference between these 2. So I’ve noticed that Ms Marvel and Echo tv shows have an incredible amount of similarities especially when it comes to the development of the main characters and their powers/outfits 1)Generational/hereditary magic passed down to the females of the family 2)powers originate from another world 3)their ancestors were humanoid aliens forced out of their world 4)increasingly seeing visions of past generations 5)glowy powers 6)protagonist needs to have it explained by the elder matriarch who she hasn’t seen in years 7)minority characters 8)gifted their outfit by their family members
  • @0rb1sXL1mb0
    The fight between Maya and DD was SO cringe. Everything about it. The poor camera cuts and choreography, where its obvious they are missing each other constantly. Maya giving body blows with her bare fists to a guy wearing a body armor. DD smacking her left and right with his sticks and she just tanks them. Ridiculous.
  • Admit the only reason people even watched some parts of the show was because of Kingpin and Daredevil 😊
  • @AngryHomunculus
    IIRC there was a comic book arc in which Echo did shoot Kingpin in the head, but I think that resulted in more debilitating effects (I think he was temporarily blind?) other than him wearing an eye patch
  • @tagus100
    This is a prime example of oversaturation from Marvel. This is a TV show spin-off to a TV show, which sets up other TV shows. To watch the new season of Daredevil, you're going to have to watch Hawkeye, Black Widow, She-Hulk, Echo, and probably another 6-9 episode TV show. It's all too much.
  • This show had so much potential and it was just... mid? Powers were left ambiguous, action scenes were jarring and poorly edited even though some of the choreography was great. The family drama was the best bit of the show. The conflict between Chula and Maya was nicely done and the genuine support of Skully was very good and realistic.
  • @nikitakrylov7669
    I was hoping the show would be at least 8 episodes. Where the first half would be a prequel to Hawkeye, and deal with her working for fisk and having run ins with daredevil, whereas the 2nd half would be the consequences of shooting fisk. On top of that the poorly developed powers were so jarring. Itd be cool if only maya was affected by the powers in terms of having more focus and reflexes rather than sudden super strength. And man was it off putting when the grandma and bonnie also gained powers...
  • @MoonWeasel23
    Don't know if you'll see this, but I just wanted to say how happy I am that you've returned to making videos after the hack. I was unsubbed because of the deluge of scam videos, but noticed today that you got the channel back, and I instantly resumed my subscription. Looking forward to all of your future videos.
  • @brago900
    In short: In the comics Fisk is Maya's father, they have eliminated this and without this there is no reason for Echo's existence.
  • @deathpunch2169
    Long time fan of the channel here (I was there for the 12h of Cats). I'm really glad to see your channel up and running again. It was heartbreaking to see you getting hacked.
  • @2pro4uelo2
    when the grandma got powers i just laughted
  • @Andre_APM
    I think a good metric to judge these Disney plus shows is whether or not they justify their existence as a television show. Or if they end up being movies that are unnaturally stretched out over several episodes. Unfortunately, echo is the latter even though, I did want to enjoy it and I do feel like. It had its moments. I think it's amazing that the Choctaw tribe got to have this kind of high level production representing them. And that Alacqua Cox got the chance to portray this character alongside Vincent Dinofrio as Kingpin, and the true to form Daredevil cameo; those are things to be grateful about at least.