The Hidden Tricks to Improving at SMITE!

Ready to elevate your SMITE game to godlike status? Look no further! In this comprehensive guide, we've compiled the latest and most effective tips to help you improve your skills and dominate the battlegrounds in SMITE, the ultimate MOBA experience.

Whether you're a seasoned player or just starting your SMITE journey, our expert advice will cover everything from essential mechanics to advanced strategies. Get ready to unleash the power of the gods and outplay your opponents with precision and finesse.

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#smite #smitetips #conquest #howtoimprove #smiteguides #smite2024

コメント (21)
  • My number one problem is consistency. One game I swear I’m playing at a plat- Diamond level. Sometimes maybe even high diamond. But then other games I swear a bronze-gold player could beat my ass.
  • @Tusselrock
    Another 3k hour smite enjoyer here. Great video for new players. My tip would be dont worry about learning every ability on every god. That info will come with time. Focus on the gods you are playing and how their kit works. Keep up the grind Souls!
  • @rpdigital17
    Man, your video is so well planned. I can hit numbers on numpad and get right at the sart of the tip. Thank you!
  • @CallMeSeraph
    Earned a sub brother. You made solid points and im using this video to help some friends. Thanks !
  • @peyton6631
    When I understood how animation canceling worked in this game it helped so much
  • As a long time player, this a good video for beginners. 👍
  • @notaltaisygo
    ok so i played smite since 2015 and the most important tip i can give for conquest if you are not sure if you should rotate or farm in the lane , farm just farm. i am not saying dont rotate, ffs learn when to rotate but if you are in doubt concentrate on outfarming your opponent. good video souls even with 2500 hours im smite i did not know there were different movement penalties for ranged and melee autos thought both were 50%.
  • @drakendae9612
    hey jst started playing with my friends. we really like it. whats the general feelings towards smite 2? is being excepted well/will everyone move over? thanks in advance if you can get back to this, cheers.
  • @ZacharyJClark
    So I am nowhere near ready for conquest. I am trying to get used to Joust, returning player. Specific things I am grabbing. Minion waves are WAY more important. Wave rotate buffs, wave, rotate buffs. Wave, rotate buffs. I keep losing the farm, but tbe most important aspect ia waves are the most gold and XP.
  • @SparrowStory
    I feel that with objectives i had a game i was 32 and 3 and we still lost cause duo was so behind in objectives and solo had 15 deaths
  • @ProGamerLee21
    Use to play smite back when there was only like 10-20 gods roster change but is it still worth getting into since smite 2 coming ?
  • My only problem I Had when I Play with Friends in a actual Joust match I remember Today that I played as a Hunter role hachiman an the others had xing Tim an Cerberus every time We’d manage to Push up an almost won that match The problem was when I attended to try an takedown the phenix tower because someone called that out I ended up dying losing the game an Get blamed for things due to every Match majority of the time due to Building the wrong items or My teammates weren’t really doing anything I’ve always took Criticism whenever I play Certain characters Even though they themselves were telling me they don’t bring hachiman in the mix in joust which I Can understand but it really depends what I was doing in the Moment of the match versus caring about what they were saying Problem is it me focusing on the objective or is It my Teammates Telling me what to Do Every Match I Go into.
  • @skydyleyw0037
    Its crazy when u tell the team we need wards and they straight up say no like not even kidding they just refuse to use them knowing we need them