Cae en el Sueño Profundo ★ Curación de Estrés, Ansiedad y Estados Depresivos ★ Curativa Profunda

Published 2022-08-24
FALL INTO DEEP SLEEP ★ Healing of Stress, Anxiety and Depressive States ★ Deep Healing Music

This music is meant to help you relax and sleep more easily. It can also be used for study, spa, chakra meditation, healing, stress relief, sleep and relaxation. Thank you for listening and I hope my work helps you 🙏

You can now Stream or download my music:
Spotify ➤
Apple Music ➤
Deezer ➤
Pandora ➤

Try listening with your headphones in a quiet environment for the best results.
#SoulHealingMusica #SleepMusic #DeepSleep
© Copyright:
Any reproduction or reissue of all or part of this video / audio is prohibited.
Music by Soul Healing Musica
Animation by Soul Healing Musica
Copyright ⓒ2022 Soul Healing Musica®. All rights reserve

All Comments (21)
  • Quem ouve hoje aqui... cuidado com a Depressão.  Curtam músicas dessa qualidade. Realmente a depressão causa um efeito devastador nas pessoas. Mas por outro lado, se mudarmos a perspectiva, ela serve para reconstruir as pessoas. Onde tudo vai ser ressignificado e valorado na essência de cada um. Na verdade faz com os seres humanos encontrem o real significado da vida e que estão aqui para viver uma vida de evolução espiritual e pessoal. Trazendo uma grande reflexão sobre os reais valores que devem ser praticados. Viemos do Pai, com todas as ferramentas necessárias para viver esta vida e assim que tomarmos consciência disto, estaremos no caminho certo para cumprir a nossa missão aqui na terra. E depois disto, voltaremos a Casa do Pai. Então as emoções são também bençãos de Deus, que nos norteiam para encontrar o nosso rumo certo, “a porta estreita.”Simples assim…
  • Don’t worry, this pain you’re feeling is temporary. Close your eyes and remember that tomorrow is a new day, a fresh start. Take deep breaths, you’re gonna be alright, I promise ❤
  • One day I woke up at 3am to this hauntingly beautiful music piano playing. It was so surreal. It seemed like time stopped and I was just on my bed staring at the ceiling with faint light cast outside my bedroom. My heart was at peace. I was happy. My only regret was that I fell asleep and regretting never saving it. And now after one year, by chance, I clicked on this and I'm writing here in this comment to say, I'm crying. Here I am. Listening. I finally found it. I finally found my peace.
  • @EarthSpectacle4K
    I’m going through the hardest times of my life right now and all I have is myself & sleep thank you so much for the comments and this video some days I just put this on repeat and don’t even get out the bed Even when I’m not tired it helps me rest & relax I pray everyday it gets better for me and I’m wishing the best to anybody reading this 🙏🏾
  • Большое СПАСИБО ,, ВАША ПРОГРАММА, это просто ВОЛШЕБСТВО , включаю ее перед сном , очень помогают ,полный покой ,и не заметно засыпаешь.БЛАГОДАРЮ ...
  • Море ,Луна и лунная дорожка, что может быть приятней ночной прохлады ...ты представляешь ,как ты сидишь на берегу моря ,слушаешь прилив волн и....тихая, расслабляющая мелодия звучит где - то рядом ...и ты наслаждаешься этим спокойствием и морским воздухом ...все тревоги дня позади ...только море и ты ...💕💕💕💕💕🌹🌹🌹
  • @user-yr8sm3hl6j
    誰かと繋がっていたい。 一人じゃないって思いたい そんな事思いながら聞いてます。 ゆっくり寝れます様に🌈
  • I don't want much for my birthday. I just want the person reading this to be healthy, happy and loved. Wishing you a good day
  • @user-xu1ym9xc2i
    Просто до глубины души мурашки по телу,я как будто в какой то вселенной нахожусь 😇
  • Thank you so much I am at peace when I am at the water and can hear the waves come in and out, plus the peaceful music in the background. As close as I can get to the ocean and sound is here so tonight I sleep much better Thank you
  • @user-bu6dz6ip3e
    Всем спокойствие и добра всем спокойной ночи😴🌙 благадарю автора наверное сложно такие видео выкладывать 😅 и ещë раз всем добрых снов! 😊
  • Gracias .gravias y mucha luz 🌾🌵🌻🐳🐬🐋🦆🦁🦁🦁🐩🐩🌳🌱y mucha miel y pan .♥️🏆🏆
  • @jonpsyd
    I love this meditation music helps me fall asleep and be confident for my work and school in my career and help me stay active and calm thank you ❤😄😊✌🏽😇✝️
  • 🌎🛰 шлю сигнал в виде жидко кристолических букв,всем огромный привет,и обнимаю каждого из вас кто это прочитает. Я просто хотел сказать,я люблю вас,храни нас всех Бог.
  • Fazer da musica seu unico alento é uma barra. Considero uma das maiores vitorias. Chega um tempo em que nao somos mais util e muitas vezes querido. Mergulhamos na saudade. O que seria de nós sem essas joias? Quanto desamor. Deus morreu para muitos. Pois Deus é amor!
  • There has to be a God, how else could you explain the existence of such beauty. 😇 Thank you 🙏