Top 5 Most Spoken & Useful Languages!

I'm glad that this video has led to an interesting discussion about languages! Remember to keep in mind that these are only my opinions and yours may differ! That being said, it's been about a year since I released this video and my opinions have changed slightly since then. This is what I believe now:

Top 5 Useful & Global Languages:
1. English
2. Spanish
3. Arabic
4. Portuguese
5. French

Honorable mentions
(Due to being in a concentrated area with not enough global influence):
1. Mandarin
2. German
3. Russian
4. Japanese
5. Hindi

コメント (21)
  • English is definitely the most useful language. It's the international language of business. It's also the official language of aviation: air traffic controllers, worldwide, must know English.
  • I’m from Russia and I never heard Chinese spoken here, wtf?
  • * when I already know Spanish and English and I'm studying German.*
  • Seriously? Some people in the comments section need a slap on the face. Lets face the facts. The languages mentioned in this video are actually the most used languages for whatever reasons. Like it or not. We all know that. You don't have to be mean just because you THINK (which is not a fact) that this language shouldn't be in the list or you think your language is more important than other languages or you just don't like a certain language.. seriously? You don't have to be so close minded omg!! Some people need to learn how to state their opinion in a respectful way. No need for being so hateful and call names and shit 😑😑😑
  • chinese is just used by chinese people, its not a global language like english. I'm spanish btw
  • I don't agree. I think English is, by far, the most important language in the world nowadays and this is not going to change any time soon. And i dare say that the second one is Spanish. Maybe in the future this could change but Chinese is not very important out of China right now.
  • Te most useful languages are: javascript and python
  • French may not have a large number of native speakers, but, traveling a lot I met so many people that speak French. It's a language with a very rich culture, and that had a lot of influence in the world. So, it deserves to be there in the top 5.
  • @him3zz
    I speak English Spanish and French.: )
  • @pablo203
    in Spain i never hear the people speaking chinese😂
  • Mandarin spoken in India? Are you kidding me.. you will hardly find Mandarin speaker.
  • The most useful languages ​​are: 1. English  The reasons are quite obvious 2. Spanish It is the second most spoken language in the world (by native speakers) and at the same time is distributed in several nations with a growing middle class. The World Bank forecasts show that Latin America will enter the First World in the middle of this century. If we add that Hispanics will be most in USA (2050), it is easy to understand the importance of this language. At the moment, Spanish is very useful at the regional level, particularly in the areas of trade and marketing, however, falters in the areas of pharmaceutical and technology. 3. French The birth rate of African member countries of the Francophonie is the great advantage of the French. The problem of this language is its essential dependence of France. It's not like the English or Spanish that can live while the earth swallow to England and Spain. In other words, as the French language is not part of African culture, it is not difficult for the Anglo-Saxon World seduce to the francophone African if  they can make profits with it. 4. Mandarin. It is the most spoken language in the world, however, is only useful in certain regions of China (not all). The weakness of this language is in the little attractiveness of the lack of democracy in China, adding that  Mandarin is difficult in learning for the Western World. 5. German It is the direct adversary of the French in Europe besides being a great advantage in the areas of pharmaceutical and technology. Its weakness is the low birthrate of their natives , so it is easy that German to lose its current relevance in few decades.
  • As a Chinese, the languages I would like to learn are English, Japanese, German, French and Spanish.
  • @Zedd1500
    I'm so glad that Spanish is in the top 3, as it's such an important language with a strong global dominance. I'm also glad you mentioned Portuguese, German and Russian in the end, all very important business languages, like Spanish and the other languages listed previously.
  • I currently speak french and english fluently and I'm learning arabic and spanish :) Since I'm from Mali (west Africa) , I also speak bambara. Learning a new language's like discovering a new world , I love it.
  • I live in southeast asia and not so much people understand mandarin, but they do understand english very well so I think english is most widely spoken it cover around the world
  • I hope that Spanish must be implemented again as one of the official languages of the Philippines