The Five Best Languages to Learn for Business and Travel

Published 2014-04-06…

The 5 best languages to learn for business and travel is a list that notably changed in the last decade. Can you guess which languages Andrew is talking about?

More than ever, languages can give you the ability to harness the power of emerging markets all over the world, and this is what Andrew likes to speak of.

If you speak one or more of the top five languages, you'll be at a significant advantage with your entrepreneurial endeavors.

There are many ways to go around planting flags, and the foolproof one is to learn languages that are spoken in the hubs of business and finance, like Qatar, Dubai, or China.

Whether you're looking to expand your business, your horizons, get a second passport or invest in your own future, learning one (or several) of the business world's most popular languages will make you stand out.

Besides, if you want to inspire trust and respect in foreign partners, speaking their language (well!) will make a world of difference.

This is no small advantage, especially if you plan on working in Asia and the Middle East, where a very small percentage of the population actually speaks English.

Knowing one of these languages will also make it much easier for you to apply for residence and second citizenship, which is another plus that mustn't be neglected.

So, what are the 5 best languages to learn?

#5 : 1:49 Portuguese
#4 : 3:12 Russian
#3 : 4:52 Spanish
#2 : 6:40 Arabic
#1 : 8:56 Mandarin Chinese

Maybe the way the list is organized will surprise you, but you can be sure that each of these languages is in its rightful place.

Andrew explains why the languages are ranked in this order and what are the pros of learning each of them.

As a Nomad Capitalist, speaking fluently at least one foreign language is practically a must, otherwise, you will face far more difficulties when looking for entrepreneurial opportunities overseas and building your international business.

Andrew also mentions interesting options that languages like Arabic and Chinese open, even when you're looking to expand your business in countries where these aren't native tongues.

In truth, investing your time and effort in learning another language speaks volumes about your desire for self-improvement.

When you add the business opportunities that come with that knowledge, no one can deny the value of speaking several languages.

Do you agree with Andrew? Or do you think there's a language that isn't getting enough attention? Tell us all about it in the comments.


Andrew Henderson is the world's most sought-after consultant on legal offshore tax reduction, investment immigration, and global citizenship. He works exclusively with six- and seven-figure entrepreneurs and investors who want to "go where they're treated best".

Work with Andrew:

Andrew has spent the last 11 years studying and personally implementing the Nomad Capitalist lifestyle, and has started offshore companies, opened offshore bank accounts, obtained multiple second passports, and purchased real estate in a total of 20 countries.

He has also spent years creating a behavior-based system that helps people get the results they want faster and with less resistance. Andrew believes that everyone can use offshore strategies to keep more of their own money, live a life of freedom, and grow their wealth faster.

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DISCLAIMER: The information in this video should not be considered tax, financial, investment, or any kind of professional advice. Only a professional diagnosis of your specific situation can determine which strategies are appropriate for your needs. Nomad Capitalist can and does not provide advice unless/until engaged by you.

All Comments (21)
  • @slfanta
    C/C++! they're never obsolete languages!!
  • @TBlev215
    One of my friends knows English, Arabic, French, and Russian, and he is an absolute beast!
  • @tailiu223
    French: many French speaking African countries will grow exponentially economically and demographically in the next 30 years. In North Africa (mentioned in the video), French gives you more mileage than Arabic. The general population speaks local Arabic dialects, not MSA.
  • I am studying Spanish at school and am nearly fluent, but I'm learning Italian and Russian myself and I actually find learning without a teacher (using only books and online courses) is better because you can learn at your own pace so it's not very stressful.
  • @mike42night91
    Most Educated Arabs whom would speak MSA (Modern Standard Arabic) also speak English or French. Less educated Arabs speak their dialect making it less useful then people realize...
  • @gacs2006
    The best languages to learn to take advantage of the world's new opportunitties are: 1 English: the most spoken and most influential language. 2 Spanish: Latin America is fast growing region. Even in the USA, Spanish is growing a fast pace. 3 Russian: Russian is a power with great influence in Central Europa and Central Asia. 4 Madarin Chinese: China is a superpower, with an increasing influence in economic areas. German is a great language, but the population speaking this language is not growing at an important rate. Portuguese relies on Brazil, which is not enough.
    1. Mandarin 2. Spanish 3. Arabic 4. German 5. Russian 6. French 7. Japanese
  • @reubenz1480
    Spanish is not just spoken in central and south america. It is also spoken in North America (Mexico & the US) in the 3 most populated Caribbean countries (Cuba, Dom Rep & Puerto Rico), Africa (Equatorial Guinea & and parts of Western Sahara) and Europe of course (Spain and Andorra). Not to mention the numerous Territories throughout the world.
  • @YummYakitori
    Singaporean Chinese here ;) English is our working language dating back to our British colonial days and Mandarin Chinese is my mother tongue.
  • @bondbert
    Essentially, study the language of the region where you would like to do business. That was easier to say that a 12-minute video.
  • @nacholopez4161
    I speak: Spanish, Spain (native) Catalan, Spain: (native) English : (Fluently) German and italian (basic)
  • @dannytetreault
    Wow…2014…it’s 2021 now. Your channel has grown so much! Your delivery has improved so much. If you want to start something like a YouTube channel…just get started!
  • @7226080
    Russian is not such a complicated language. This is a common myth. There are a lot of French words in it. This is an Indo-European group of languages. Which includes English French and others
  • @Ooooiops
    For non Arabic speakers Those some of your countries names in Arabic, it will be nice to learning the difference America = Amrreeka Russia = Roosya France = fransa Britain = Berettaniya Italy = Etalya Spain = Esbaniya Austria = Al Namsa Hungary = Al Majar Switzerland = Sweesra Netherlands = Holanda China = Al SSeen Japan = Yaban India = Al Hend South Africa = Janoub Afreeqiya Portugal = Al Bortoqal (PS. Portugal it's an Arabic name means state of Orange) ^_^ Thanks to reading
  • @irinarina9767
    Russian - native, studied German, English, French, Spanish at the University, studied Italian after by myself, studying and always improving Arabic by myself, starting to learn Farsi, thinking about Chinese in the Future.
  • @NekroLovesCel
    I'm glad you brought up Portuguese! I was looking for another language to study👍
  • @iselarios6381
    You don't have to learn an entire language just phrases or even a word here or there. This is key to businesses especially smaller ones.
  • For me the three most important languages are English, Spanish and French in the world.
  • @InfiniteLineage
    Excellent video Andrew 👍 I'm not sure if anyone noticed but these 5 languages are also the official languages of the United Nations and will still be important for the foreseeable future.
  • @andydataguy
    Great video!! Currently learning Russian, I speak a little Spanish, and I have Mandarin Chinese on the list next. I was considering Arabic to be the 4th language to learn based on business opportunities Btw, I love your content Andrew! Thank you for taking the time to put this together. I'm rebuilding my digital business right now. Greatly looking forward to hiring you this next scaling!