How This Supplement Changed My Life Forever - Goodbye High Blood Pressure Medication!

Published 2024-06-10
How This Supplement Changed My Life Forever - Goodbye High Blood Pressure Medication!

All Comments (21)
  • @user-gc6sb7ie6n
    I am 72 yr young women I got off all medications 20 years ago I take good vitamins liver pills , omega, dk2 , B Complex a good C (not citric acid) Choline. Feel like 35 Oh I changed to Carnivore. With a few vegetables eat organic. Never hungry. Nothing packaged or can. Time to take your life back!! Thank you for your journey. Good for you!!!
  • @mctourer5549
    As someone who has suffered with highblood pressure for decades, when I started the ketogenic way of eating and intermittent fasting I was able to lose 75lbs and was able to stop taking high blood pressure medication, I went from having high blood pressure to having low blood pressure pressure, one reason this works is getting off of all of the highly processed foods and sugar,junk carbs etc. I also take fish oil, and cod liver oil, another factor in controlling blood pressure is potassium levels and magnesium levels,just about everybody is deficient in both of these minerals. Also get off of the seed oils, vegetable oil, canola oil, soy oils, use coconut oil, avocado oil, whole fat butter, grass fed beef talo, lard. Seed oils, vegetable oil is highly inflammatory.
  • @ayo9057
    I lowered my blood pressure by fixing my diet.
  • Hello everyone, please watch this video carefully, as i stated i am not a Dr but this video can save your life , not intended to hurt anyone only to help as many as i can !!!
  • I was taught to breathe through my nose, which puts nitric oxide in your body. and it really lowered my blood pressure.
  • @MrTrecutter1
    I was 195/126bp, on a couple meds and still felt like crap. I started with a carnivore diet and fish oil, no carbs, no sugars, strictly meat and high Fat. Over meds within a month. Moved to a keto diet still keeping carbs down to 30mg or less and now im learning fresh herbs or so called weeds and its amazing how much free medicine is out there in your yard. Natural Headache medicine, skin care, antiseptics i could go one and one. What im saying is im moving away from as much store bought items i can possibly live without with great success!
  • @jimmypace8142
    I had the same side effects from medication. I eliminated seed oils from my diet. I cooked the fattest beef steaks, chuck roasts I could find over oak wood coals. I don’t like fat but cooking this way made it eatable. My blood pressure dropped.. I’m starting fish oil today. My blood pressure still spikes in the morning. Thanks.
  • @BOF7431
    While I am NOT knocking the end item, I stopped buying this brand at WalMart when I looked on the label and discovered some of them were made in China. Just an FYI but buyer beware - look at the labels to see where these are made. Just an FYI.
  • @marshab9759
    My blood pressure was creeping up. I started a high protein low carb diet and have lost 16 lbs. I use the Nitric oxide lozenges N101 from Amazon. My BP is now 116/65. We lose nitric oxide as we get in our 30s. It dilates blood vessels. Just sharing what worked for me. I take Vit D and eat fish sometimes
  • I am only halfway through this video so you may mention it before the end. Black Seed Oil solved my high blood pressure problem.
  • @InBrz
    Let me also add ; D3 K2 At least 2000-5000 per day B100 - 100mg of all B's Brainmag- 1080mg 60caps Sunfood Magnesium Threonate + Glycinate PQQ- vitamin B6, sodium, carnosine, L-taurine, benfotiamine, R-lipoic acid, PQQ, luteolin. 1 more thing - Creatine 6g per day
  • @mikeespo7728
    Good info Add some Nanokanase and Serrapeptase on an empty stomach prior to going to sleep and say goodby to those blood presure meds forever
  • @burakokumus6040
    Nathan you are truly a good person. In many ways you always try to help others. I wish you and your loved ones a great and healthy summer time!
  • @summer8347
    Good Video Nathan. I have a similar story. Although I did not go on the Doctors meds from the beginning. My blood pressure in his office was 170/100. I had taken my pressure prior to my appointment, and it was 132/68. This has happened a few times to me. So I supplement with magnesium orotate 1000mg daily. My pressure has been stable ever since. This was 6 years running. Good luck to you.
  • IMPORTANT - if you study this more, you’ll realize it’s the DHA component of fish oil is most important. Most products contain lower amounts. So taking large amount of oil really doesn’t give you potential benefit. The best that has high DHA naturally is calamari fish oil - fished in northern waters off Norway. The product I ended up buying is from Swanson. Hope this helps. I was originally taking Krill fish oil which is good until I learned more about importance of DHA. Fish oils also does great things to combat brain fog
  • There are no short cuts I retired because of High blood Pressure the job was killing me, I started with the medication but as you age 1 pill leads to 3, 5, 7, before you know it half of your day, you're swallowing pills not I. First a total rework of my diet I intermit fast one meal a day from 1pm to 5 pm I eat, 2 times a month I go 48 hrs. without eating. I don't eat anything and I mean anything that has a label of ingrediency there's no label on a carrot nothing that comes in a can, or box, no bread or pasta and the only oil I use is olive oil, I do my own cooking if I eat out grilled meats and a salad, I work out three times a week and walk 10,000 steps every day in South East Asia. No more meds I take my blood pressure 3 times a day the highest reading in the last year was 128 over 77 but I started this journey in 2013 at 190 over 100 I can live with that! oh yeah there was one side effect I ended up with 37-inch waist line at 63 last time that happen I was 19.
  • @janp7660
    Glad you figured this out and sharing with others. A physician friend told me years ago to take high EPA fish oil for arthritis. She said the higher the EPA the better. I started that and found it very helpful.
  • #1 eliminate all added sugar from your diet including barbecue sauce, catsup, sodas, cereal... and don't use artificial sweeteners, learn to eat and drink unsweetened foods. #2 go as low carb as possible by reducing breads, rice, potatoes, corn... eliminate all vegetable oils except for olive oil (the real stuff which is more expensive), coconut oil, and avocado oil. Also you can use lard, beef tallow, and ghee. Stop drinking milk. Eat meat, salt, beef, chicken, fish, bacon, butter, eggs, liver. If you want eat some vegetables, some fruits may be okay in moderation. It goes without saying, but don't drink alcohol and stop smoking. You will lose weight guaranteed, your blood pressure will go down. Do consider taking high quality vitamins and minerals and fish oil. At 63 years old I am down to what I weighed in high school one year after doing these things. I was 209, now I am 143 at 5'8".