SpaceX & NASA Launch U.S. Astronauts To Space | TIME

Published 2020-05-30
Astronauts Bob Behnken and Doug Hurley are slated to be the first humans to leave earth from the United States since the space shuttle was retired in 2011. Earlier in the week, a first launch attempt was scrubbed due to poor weather conditions. TIME's coverage includes interviews with SpaceX CEO Elon Musk, NASA Administrator Jim Bridenstine, current and former astronauts, with commentary from TIME's Editor at Large, Jeff Kluger.

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SpaceX & NASA Launch U.S. Astronauts To Space

All Comments (21)
  • @AirwarsBook
    This is so amazing, I remember the moon landing hard to believe, and now we are back at it, I am the author of Airwars The Rich and Famous, my next novel will be about adventures above the clouds, so proud of you Behnken amd Hurley, go USA, we will own the outer limits for the next 200 years
  • @glowstickblood
    The live chat was a nightmare but that was really cool to watch. idk who was doing a lot of the talking in this but they have a very soothing voice so
  • Who else just fast forwarded it to the time where the rocket took off
  • I’m very glad that they kept the radio silence without the hysterical crowd in the back ground. It’s important to remember how difficult it is to make it. Go go go!
  • @JustsmudgeX
    My favorite part is how, once in space, the earth spins in one direction from one camera and then, magically, changes spin direction from the next camera. Crazy world we live on.
  • @MrWotan109
    We have the best 360 gopro's but yet they limit view!
  • @RTS907
    Thanks SpaceX, I was so depressed when we shut down the shuttle program. It seemed like we may never get back to launching, then we had to rely on Russia to get us there. Oh NASA, from a kid from the 60’s, thank you! Also great job on the new space suits! Hi tech looking!
  • Good Luck to the Dragon SpaceX crew.....and GODSPEED!!!!! America is back in space and here to stay...Beautiful launch!!!!🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
  • @liutomzhi
    feel so proud now to be America! this is what this beautiful country should be focus and achieve on!
  • Magical space I cannot get enough. Some moments I watch and rock out to space and music. Rock bands like deltaparole tool foofighters nirvana and other.
  • @JayOne44
    Why cant we see out the front window like the astronauts? I want see what their seeing as they leave the grips of earth's gravity. Are they seeing stars planets or just darkness 🤔
  • @natecote1971
    Wow they thank everyone but the guy who MADE this happen ELON MUSK THANK YOU
  • I watched this with my grandkids. There are 8 and 9 years old and we're really excited. I remember watching my first space shuttle go up. It was exciting for me to have this experience with them.
  • @residual_soap
    Take a drink every time Jeff Kluger says “uhh” and “uhmm”
  • @tatoforever
    Where was the live streaming of the trip and landing?