God is warning you to let go of that sin.


コメント (21)
  • I'm 25 years old and since I was a child I've been addicted to pornography and masturbation, but Jesus Christ freed me when I sincerely prayed and recognized my impurity, I began to feel a greater desire to seek God and love God. Today I am much happier. Thanks God. You have to want to be free from it. Otherwise sin will not leave you alone. Never. Demons know when you love sin.
  • I was chained to this sin, watching p*rn*graphy, for 4 years. I watched millions of videos to stop, but i couldn't. Only Jesus saved me and ot was through fasting and daily praying for 50 days straight. And now it's been almost 6 month now without it and truly, this feels like freedom. Amen 🕊
  • Exact same situation, day by day goes by, no lust. Pride comes, "What is lust to me?"; I get tempted and I fall. Crawl to God, begging "never again" but after a week or two I get tempted again. The truth is I desire my lust, but I desire God more and if I am wrong then I wish to desire God more. It shall not come again, for I cast it away with the power of my Lord.
  • Psalms 143:1 (KJV) Hear my prayer, O LORD, give ear to my supplications: in thy faithfulness answer me, and in thy righteousness.
  • I've been free of pornography for a year now and at 16 years of age I feel closer to God more than ever, and I'm content on continuing to build my relationship with God. Every now and then the devil tries to tempt me with lust and I come very close to falling into it and at this point it just is annoying and irritating how the devil won't leave me alone. But then I get reminded by the Lord how much He loves me and will be with me through all the good and bad and I know I'm not alone in this battle against the devil, none of us are and God is always with us and he is our shield. God bless!❤🙏✝️
  • Remember bros: you do not love sin, but the false satisfaction it gives from the wrong object, to which your soul's desire, for perfection, is being mislead. Only Jesus can truly nourish you. Trust Him.
  • " Blessed is the man that endureth temptation: for when he is tried, he shall receive the crown of life, which the Lord hath promised to them that love him." James 1: 12
  • @Dbacks723
    Lord please help me, I suffer of a very slothful nature. I’m so lazy and do nothing every day. Amen 🙏 Edit: I’m stating to be more productive guys!
  • Hebrews 9:28 "so Christ was sacrificed once to take away the sins of many; and he will appear a second time, not to bear sin, but to bring salvation to those who are waiting for him."
  • We are all sinners and all of us must repent. Christ came to pay for our sins. Put your faith in Christ, follow Him and repent! Good luck strugglers!
  • @angelv099
    I was also trapped in the same cycle of sin, I would feel guilty and stop for a few days and would return to the same sin, lust, and sexual immorality. I then thought to myself, "God loves me and to what reason do I have to do this certain sin? It doesn't bring me closer to him and only breaks his heart after all he has done for me." And later questioned myself, "Do I love the Lord?" That thought lingered on me ever since and now everytime I felt urges to go back, I resist it. Not on my own strength, but the Lord's. To anyone who is still struggling and wants to overcome any type of certain sin that has been attached to you no matter how long it has been, there is hope and I will pray for you continuesly every day. The Lord is here for you all and he loves you.
  • Thank you God for everything I have. I love, believe, respect and have faith in God. I trust God. God protect us all. God bless you all. Glory to God. Praise God. God forgive me for my sins. Amen. 🙏
  • Thank you for this video I needed this. Wrath is my deadly sin. Sometimes I get upset and lose my temper and it’s hard to control my temper. I keep falling back into that same sin over and over again, and it feels like I can’t break free. I need god to set me free from my wrath
  • @Pulse0593
    Glory to your name Lord JESUS 🙏 ❤️ Just what I needed to hear cause I'm facing this addictions and trying my best to overcome and depart from this sin my prayers are answered I'm blessed 🙏❤️
  • Lord God Jesus Christ, please help me be aware of what sins I haven't recognized. Please help me repent Lord, and teach me of Your ways in Heaven🙏🙏.
  • God help me. Jesus is Lord. I have to adjust myself so badly.